Photo displaying a heap of bee pollen.

Everyone’s looking for a quick fix or a magic pill that does it all. A pill that keeps you slim, helps you to stay young forever, gives you more brain power, better stamina, more energy, and more focus. While I cannot offer you one magic pill, I can introduce you to powder superfoods that could potentially rock your world. When I first started using superfoods many years ago, I couldn’t believe how different they made me feel. We don’t have all the nutrients in the plants and the soil that we used to have, so this is the answer to topping up the tank. Every day we need to bombard our bodies with life‐enhancing substances, and in my experience, not only as a nutritionist, but personally, with myself and my family using superfoods, this has to be the best thing I have ever experienced with regard to nutrition. I could live on smoothies lavished with superfoods every day, and nothing else.

Nutritionally, an array of superfoods has all that you need to keep you alive and kicking, without the stress of digesting heavy meals that you really don’t need. When you eat clean, energy‐enhancing whole foods and superfoods, it gives you such a feeling of lightness and sustained vigour. When I don’t have them in my diet I miss them. I don’t take them all at the same time, but gauge how I feel from week to week, sometimes day to day, and use what I feel is best at the time. You can, however, choose to use as many as you like in one smoothie. They do not contraindicate each other and will only enhance your energy. That’s the beauty of them: once you learn and understand the purpose of each, you can play with them to suit your needs. As they are a food substance, your body is able to digest and utilize the nutrients in the best possible way. In other words, we can absorb all the goodness and nutrients, giving our body maximum power.

I prefer them to manufactured vitamins and minerals, for the simple reason that they are as nature intended them to be, and in my experience most people respond well to them. They are much more readily available now than they were even 10 years ago, and you can find many of my favourites in good health stores and even some supermarkets. So, what exactly does ‘superfood’ mean? It is the term that refers to a food that contains health‐promoting properties, therefore reducing the risk of disease by improving any aspect of physical or emotional health. They may be unusually high in antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients. I always prefer to take superfoods in their original state, so I tend to prefer powders over pills. Also, when you buy anything in powder form you are buying by weight and can control exactly how much you spend and how much you take daily.

The superfoods I describe here are in no particular order. I love them all, and each and every one has a positive part to play in enhancing our daily health.


This single‐celled green algae cultivated in freshwater ponds has been around for billions of years and is amazing! The water it is grown in is oxygenated, then filtered for purity, and has been a key health ingredient in places like Japan and other Far Eastern countries forever. It’s one of the healthiest, most potent foods in existence, not only for humans, but for livestock all over the world too. It’s a rich source of chlorophyll, which helps the body to cleanse the blood, cells, and organs from a build‐up of toxins such as heavy metals, poisons, and medications. So essentially when you consume chlorella, it works like a little Pacman, clearing out all the baddies from your fabulous body. Adding this incredibly powerful superfood to your diet increases your red blood cell count, which creates more oxygen to promote healing.

Chlorella causes the friendly bacteria in the gut to multiply at four times the normal rate, which is vital for good health. This is a superfood that provides us with excellent nutrition so we can heal ourselves and restore wellness within the body. Being 60% protein in the form of amino acids makes it far superior to meat, fish, and eggs because of the way our bodies can absorb goodness. It also contains crucial life‐enhancing enzymes and an array of vitamins. When taking this superfood, in my opinion, you do not need to take any other multivitamins as this will provide you with everything you require.

It’s a superior digestive aid that enhances the intake of nutrients, clears up bad breath, keeps the delicate pH of the blood in balance, and improves muscular strength so much that if athletes use it they risk less injury. Chlorella energizes each and every cell by assisting in growth and repair, and it also strengthens internal organs and dramatically boosts the immune system. Adults and children can take it as a preventative strengthening superfood. This superfood has been used in health clinics to treat many types of cancer. It’s also beneficial for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and contains several compounds that are considered to be antioxidants, such as vitamin C, beta‐carotene, lycopene, and lutein.

How much should you take? You can read all sorts of different suggested dosages on the internet, but in my experience as a maintenance health dose, I would say 1–2 teaspoons per day is ample.

Bee Pollen

This is a brain‐enhancing, sexy, exuberant, powerhouse, natural multivitamin! This is as nature intended. Being an enzyme‐enhancing mineral and energy‐blasting superfood you can give it to your bambinos, your granny, your mother, your father, the Queen … oh, and, of course, yourself. It’s amazing, it’s brilliant! It doesn’t come from the bees, it comes from flowers. The bees collect it, bind it with enzymes and bring it back to the hives. It’s not strictly vegan, but can be sourced ethically where they just collect the pollen that is brushed off the bee’s legs as they enter the hive, leaving some food for them. We all live on the same planet and it’s possible to share in a peaceful way without destruction.

Bee pollen has a range of benefits that will blow your mind. It possesses anti‐ageing properties, as well as stimulating cell renewal and rejuvenating the skin. It is renowned for increasing longevity and has a good reputation for its anti‐cancer properties and reducing tumours. It helps protect against radiation and can help combat the side effects of chemotherapy. It is fantastic for improving fertility, by stimulating the ovaries and improving the libido, mainly because it’s packed to the rafters with 96 nutrient elements. It contains all 22 amino acids, and is approximately 40% protein, making it a very sustainable food. It’s massively high in B vitamins (including the best dietary source of B6 and a reputed source of B12) and vitamin C, the best dietary source of rutin, a glucoside, which strengthens the capillary system, and one of the richest sources of carotenoids and bioflavonoids.

It is high in zinc, which is great for prostate problems, and has significant amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, manganese, sulphur, selenium, and iron. It is rich in lecithin so has a great synergy when taken with flax oil, as it allows oils to be easily integrated into the cell membrane. It is also an excellent source of phenylalanine which regulates natural appetite. This gem of a superfood has been used to treat Crohn’s, colitis, and peptic ulcers, and is a powerful natural antibiotic. Many people use this in conjunction with weight loss programmes as it stabilizes blood sugar levels, and it is superb for treating anaemia and cardiovascular issues, as it can normalize cholesterol and balance the metabolism.

How much should you take? For general health benefits start with half a teaspoon, per day building up to a tablespoon or more if necessary. For allergies and hay fever, source local pollen and begin with just a few grains under the tongue and then build up to a teaspoon. Take at least six weeks before hay fever season starts to build up a resistance (it works like a homeopathic remedy).

Photo displaying four bowls containing various powder such as spirulina, baobab, and pine pollen.


Spirulina is right up there with the world’s most popular and nourishing superfoods, spirulina is an organism that grows in both fresh and salt water. It is grown in environmentally controlled ponds especially constructed for this purpose. It is a blue/green algae just like chlorella, but I would use them for different purposes. It was eaten by the ancient Aztecs as they knew what was good for them, especially their beauty and their health, and this amazing product was bought back to life when NASA proposed that it was so nutrient rich it would be suitable to be grown in space for use by astronauts. I use this product with my clients for its high protein content as it supplies 20 times more complete protein than soybean and meat, and it’s rich in enzymes, chlorophyll, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorous.

It is well known for its incredible B vitamin content. That makes it a great product for people with fast‐paced lives, excessive stress, and lots of activity as it supports energy levels and helps massively with muscle repair and general stamina. It contains essential fatty acids that help to regulate hormones and keep your brain highly powered and is rich in beta carotene which helps to overcome eye problems caused by vitamin A deficiency. Spirulina works fantastically well as a great sidekick for chlorella, as the two combined are incredibly powerful, offering different nutritional elements. Spirulina contains a high level of antioxidants, contributing to removing toxins, which improves energy, fertility, digestion, elimination, memory, mental clarity, depression, weight control, blood pressure, arthritis, PMS, eczema, skin health, bone strength and also helps to reduce inflammation.

How much should you take? Keep it simple and use in the same way as chlorella. Just 1–2 teaspoons a day of this gorgeous green stuff is going to help you so much. If you know you have heavy fitness training programmes, or lots of corporate events, or something taxing coming your way, add a little more into the mix. You will get to know the balance that works for you, but this is a fantastic product to take every day to support your body optimally.


I love this white powder so much! Honestly, if you try it every day for one week you will start to notice a significant difference. It’s rich in vitamin C (said to be 10 times more than an orange) high in calcium (twice the calcium of a glass of milk) high in potassium, (four times that of one banana), and high in magnesium (five times more than an avocado). It is being used in beauty products now for promoting skin elasticity and is said to maintain your healthy youthful glow. It’s an edible fruit that has been known forever for its health properties and is grown in Africa, Australia, and the Middle East. To get the powder as we know it, it is taken from its natural environment and dried, removing the seeds and being ground into powder that can be added to food products.

Classed as a citrus fruit, and containing antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, and anti‐inflammatory properties, this product is not one to be missed. It is said to be the superfood that can treat ‘any disease’. That’s a bold statement, but as it has had success in treating malaria, tuberculosis, fever, microbial infections, anaemia, toothache, and dysentery, I think we can safely say this precious fruit can benefit your health and boost your immune system in a pretty powerful way. It can improve your digestive system, helps with general hydration of the skin, and seriously supports your endocrine health. With its high mineral content and high fibre and protein, this can be a real asset to your daily intake. It’s great for body builders as it supports the muscles and is a powerful anti‐inflammatory superfood, which helps to alleviate muscle and joint pain – it can match the power of many medicinal painkillers.

How much should you take? 2–3 teaspoons per day. You can safely take more of it you have a hardcore lifestyle.

Pine Pollen

Be careful with this one. It’s not necessarily the superfood that I would suggest for everyone, but it is a potent healing, nutrient‐dense superfood that is slightly off the radar as far as superfoods are concerned. With over 200 bioactive nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in high concentration, pine pollen is extremely effective. Is it one of the few substances on earth that has the ability to stimulate measurable testosterone and hormone production. Pine pollen is literally the pollen from pine trees and is a type of seed. It contains the fundamental nutrients and essence necessary to grow a towering 100‐foot‐tall pine tree that can live for hundreds of years.

Not surprisingly, it contains rare nutrients that can do much the same as the human body does. It promotes rapid growth, healing, and rejuvenation. In Asia, pine pollen is known as a Jing‐enhancing herb, which translates to ‘life force’. I would use it with my clients mainly for weakness, burnout, stress, exhaustion, and sexual imbalances such as erectile disfunction, low libido, and infertility. It contains hundreds of nutrients, such as B vitamins, amino acids, vitamin D3, and DNA‐repairing fragments such as nucleic acids as well as numerous antioxidants. For me, the best quality is its ability to harmonize and rejuvenate the endocrine system and the remarkably clever adaption that occurs naturally in your body to whatever conditions are present, and whichever hormone you need more of, be it testosterone, oestrogen, or progesterone, it can balance you perfectly.

How much should you take? there are many different formats, but I still love the powder best. Stick to a low dose of one teaspoon per day and see what results you get. This is a little more potent, so take with caution.

Beetroot Powder

If you have bad circulation or high blood pressure then look no further. Or if you suffer from anaemia, indigestion, constipation, or dandruff this powder, made from ground up raw beetroot, is magnificent. Brilliant for cardiovascular health and reducing cholesterol by increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the body. Fibre also strips excess LDL (low density lipoprotein – the so‐called bad cholesterol) from veins and arteries to help rapidly reduce unwanted cholesterol. It also cuts down your risk of stroke due to being especially rich in potassium. This red powerhouse is fabulous for pregnant women, because of the high level of B vitamin folate, which helps with the development of the baby’s spinal column and can also help with general fertility.

Beetroot contains betacyanin, something that helps counteract the growth of cancerous cells and they can inhibit cell mutations. Beetroot also assists in slowing down tumour development in the lungs, colon, and skin. Maintaining a healthy liver can also be helped by this wonder powder as it is good at preventing and reducing the fat in this organ. Because of its high vitamin C content it’s a great support to the lungs and has been reported to reduce symptoms of asthma. But maybe the best benefit of all is the boost to your libido due to the significant levels of boron, a mineral that has been shown to increase the production of sex hormones. They not only help to increase your sexual appetite, but also contribute to improving sperm mobility and increase fertility.

Beetroot powder is the most impressive brain food, helping improve both Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, but can also support general memory enhancing by protecting the hippocampus from damage. This is the part of the brain devoted to memory and learning. How about achieving a spot‐free, glowing looking skin too? Well, this is the product for you as it’s an excellent source of iron and anti‐inflammatory properties. It not only tightens your skin, but reduces dark spots, including bags under your eyes, and blemishes due to its being a natural blood purifier.

How much should you take? Put 2–3 teaspoons per day in your smoothie, coconut water, or water.


Taking wheatgrass in powdered form might be simpler than juicing your own, as it’s easier to just pop in your smoothies, but of course the real deal would be better. But we are after quickness here, and it’s still around 79 per cent as effective as the juice you could squeeze yourself. Wheatgrass is an energizer for the mind and the body, and the vitality you gain from this is unbelievable. Two ounces of fresh juice equals three pounds of vegetables in vitamins and minerals! Wheatgrass is super nutritious, containing 90 out of the 102 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need in a day. High in vitamins A, B, C, E, and K as well as calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulphur, zinc, and 22 amino acids, it is safe to say it’s a good healthy choice! It’s a whole meal and complete protein, high in enzymes and chlorophyll, which helps to build healthy blood, improves circulation, reduces toxicity, and stimulates healthy tissue cell growth.

Ann Wigmore was a very famous lady from Lithuania, who believed she healed her own body from cancer using wheatgrass juice and other raw vitamin and enzyme‐enhancing foods in the 1950s. She went on to live another 35 years of health and well‐being and spent the rest of her life teaching and educating people on natural health and optimum healing. Her use of wheatgrass was a key dietary component in her own healing, and many people have claimed the same experiences since. She maintained that it drained the lymphatic system, which carries many of the toxins out of the body cells, and when disease occurs, in the form of inflammation (arthritis, eczema, etc.) there is a natural build‐up of mucus in the lymphatic system in that area. Wheatgrass will break down the mucus and allow it to clear. It also supplies iron, which helps to cleanse the blood and prevent anaemia.

How much should you take? 1–2 teaspoons daily is good. Or 1–4 ounces if juicing.


This is a powerful superfood traditionally used to enhance fertility and sex drive, but honestly it’s so much more. It’s a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale and has a long history of medicinal use in Peru. It is the root that is the edible part and the fact that it is able to grow at high altitude gives it its strength and power when ingested by humans! I use it for people who are under intense stress, or those enduring hardcore activites such as marathons or ironman competitions because it gives robust and lasting energy. It helps you to feel strong, grounded, and calm, and much more in control of life. The plant itself has a very high frost tolerance, so it helps to maintain body temperature.

This beautiful natural herb helps reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, trauma, and fatigue and dissolves the patterns that are creating disease. It contains a high level of antioxidants, relieving chronic fatigue syndrome by balancing the adrenal glands, which results in better energy levels. It is a fabulous hormone supporter too, and is known for improving fertility, in both men and women, as it contains so many minerals, including magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorous, selenium, and manganese. It also alleviates symptoms of the menopause due to the natural decline in oestrogen such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, sleep issues, and irritability. It contains omega 3 and plant extracts that can boost physical performance and helps the body to fight issues such as eczema and other skin complaints. It contains glucosinates which have anti‐cancer properties and inhibit tumour growth and can be very helpful in the reduction of an enlarged prostate.

How much should you take? Take with caution as maca can sometimes wipe people out if they are already exhausted. I would suggest half a teaspoon to begin with for one week, then increase to a maintenance dose of 1–2 teaspoons in smoothies. It is best not to take directly off the spoon as it can stick to the roof of your mouth and this isn’t too pleasant!

Pea Protein

Take pea protein for a great physique! Most people think the only way to get a lean body is with a protein‐rich diet. And we get our protein through meat! Right? Wrong! When you think of muscle builders and people who work out all the time with lean, mean fighting‐machine bodies, the last food that springs to mind is a lovely little green round garden pea! But pea protein is not just for body builders. People in all walks of life can benefit, for extra protein strength and stamina. The main reason that pea protein powder, sold in most health shops and even supermarkets, is gaining in popularity is because it is rich in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). These are protein compounds that have been shown to delay fatigue during and after exercise.

It is fantastic, because the amount of BCAAs in pea protein comes close to those found in milk and eggs, but as more and more people become allergic, or have reactions or intolerances to these food types, this offers a safe and amazing alternative that will do you the power of good. It is promoted for people taking part in physical activity and healthy body building, but actually it’s suitable for many other things. For example, pea protein also contains arginine, an amino acid shown to enhance immunity. It also fights erectile dysfunction and can help improve fertility. The lysine content in peas supports the body in absorbing calcium, helping to maintain strong bones, and, since peas are a plant, it’s a protein source that’s lower on the food chain and in line with the general shift towards a plant‐based alkaline enhancing diet.

So, if you are feeling like you need a little muscle power, whether you are 18 or 80, maybe a little pea protein is the answer.

How much should you take? Simply pop 1–2 teaspoons of powder into your drink, smoothie, or juice!


This is a wonder of all superfoods. This powerful liquid algae, which you can knock back like a shot of tequila, is bursting at the seams with wellness. It has to be kept frozen and the best way to defrost it in order to drink, is to remove some from your freezer every morning as soon as you wake up, let it defrost for a few hours and then enjoy two shots during your day, putting the rest back in the freezer to repeat again, like groundhog day, the next day.

So what is it? E3Live is 100% Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae (AFA) blue‐green algae, which is a certified organic wild harvested nutrient‐dense aqua botanical considered by renowned health authorities to be one of nature’s most beneficial superfoods. It supports your immune system, your endocrine system, and your nervous system, protects your heart, and improves your gut health. This magnificent, almost tropical‐looking product provides a staggering 65 vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids and is a rich source of chlorophyll. Studies are fast proving that eating a small amount of this blue‐green algae every day supports the body in protecting against cancer and viral infections, as it helps to produce natural killer cells. It also contributes to the reduction of inflammation, is filled to the brim with antioxidants, and contains high levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals. It boosts energy levels and can be an amazing kickstart for weight loss. It also supports the mind/body balance due to its incredible nutrient‐rich content.

Chia Seeds

If you haven’t tried them yet I would highly recommend you get a packet of chia seeds for that special ingredient to give you lasting energy and brainpower. They don’t look pretty, or taste of much, but when this little black bundle of power is soaked, these chias are going to give you a boost to your well‐being that you will never want to live without. Chia seeds are incredible and give us lasting energy, helping to maintain our blood sugar levels so we feel like we have the drive and vitality to take us happily through the day.

These black seeds originate from the central valleys of Mexico and come from a plant source that is reputed to have been eaten as a staple food by the Aztecs. Chia seeds are regarded as one of the most important crops to the Aztecs, next to maize and beans. For the best results you will need to soak them overnight in water (one tablespoon in a cup of water will do). If you forget to do this, do not despair! As soon as you get up in the morning, nip into the kitchen and pop them in to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. You know when they are ready to eat because they get gloopy and become surrounded in a gel‐like liquid. These health‐enhancing seeds are beneficial for everyone, including children, the elderly, athletes, dieters, teenagers, or high‐powered business executives. These little gems are one of the most powerful, functional, and nutritious superfoods in the world and because they are relatively tasteless, you can add them to all your favourite dips, salads, and sauces and without ever destroying or disturbing the flavours you love.

What will chia seeds do for your health? Chia seeds regulate and balance your blood sugar levels, which is vital for properly functioning hormones and essential for protecting just about every organ in your body. They also lower your risk of diabetes and give you a constant flow of energy. Chia seeds are a dieter’s dream as the gel surrounding the seed once soaked is very low in calories and it helps to retain electrolytes in the body fluids, which in turn keeps your heart happy. They are a brainpower food and being a complete protein, enhance stamina, endurance, and strength. Containing a wonderful balance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they can help prevent free radical damage in the body. By weight, chia seeds have more calcium than whole milk and contain an impressive amount of magnesium and boron. Your digestive system will thank you for adding these to your diet as they help to keep everything flowing and hydrated, including the colon and the intestines, making sure all foods passes through with ease. They are also the richest plant source of the essential omega 3.

Evening Primrose Oil

Many people associate evening primrose oil with females who have hormone imbalances, but don’t neglect the many other things this beauty‐enhancing oil is so good at treating. In fact, it is so versatile that I think everyone should take it every day, male and female. If you think about how each and every cell in our body works, we need a good protective but permeable membrane around each cell to allow the good stuff in and the toxins out. Evening primrose oil is fantastic at maintaining a healthy cell, as well as many other things. The oil is from the seed of the evening primrose plant, giving great results for skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, and is extremely effective at treating many other conditions.

When the weather gets colder a lot of people get inflammatory joint pain such as rheumatoid arthritis. The results for this type of pain are fantastic, as are the results for weak bones (osteoporosis), Raynaud’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia. Evening primrose oil is known to help patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), asthma, and nerve damage related to diabetes. Research shows huge improvements in children’s disorders such as hyperactivity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Photo displaying a bowl with heaps of sesame seeds, chia seeds, and others.

Evening primrose can play a big part in the treatment of obesity and weight loss, whooping cough, and gastrointestinal disorders including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and peptic ulcer disease. Put the antacids away and reach for some essential fatty acids instead. No nasty side effects and while you are at it, you may see your whole body functioning better, plus your skin will look amazing. Honestly, why wouldn’t you? Women have been using evening primrose oil forever, in pregnancy for preventing high blood pressure (pre‐eclampsia), or even for starting or shortening labour, and/or preventing late deliveries, but its most classic use is for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast pain, endometriosis, and symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes. But men: don’t be put off. You can use this too! Don’t forget it is an essential fatty acid. Which means it’s essential for everyone!

Colloidal Silver

I have a special love for this antibacterial and antiviral spray that you simply cannot live without. Every household should have it! My niece went off travelling in Africa after doing her A‐levels and I gave her a bottle of colloidal silver. It turns out that she used it on everyone for every cut, bruise, sore throat, infection, etc. that she came across. She is a science kind of girl and needs evidence for anything I suggest. Many things we have discussed over the years she thinks are nuts! Colloidal silver, on the other hand, is backed by scientific evidence that it works. It is a health supplement that is created by immersing tiny particles of silver in a colloidal base solution … and it works.

The latest unbelievable finding of this ‘wonder’ product is that it is helping people with HIV/AIDS and showing positive findings for many patients. It is also fantastic at helping to ward off other serious health ailments such as herpes and cancer. I, for one, have suffered with cold sores/mouth herpes all my life. In the past, every time I had a big event coming up I used to worry that a big blister would just appear through fear! I tried many over‐the‐counter medications and creams and none of them really seemed to work. Of course, you need to boost your immune system in the best possible way, but sometimes if I am travelling tons, have worked long hours, and had very little sleep I can feel that little tingling begin. Since I discovered colloidal silver it is extremely rare that the cold sore/herpes virus would ever manifest into a full‐blown blister. I remember going to a wedding in Italy once and my lip was huge. It was massive, and I felt dreadful. That has never happened again. As soon as I feel that tingling sensation, I start to spray like a crazy woman.

You can spray direct into your mouth and on the area of discomfort up to 30 times per day and the reason it works is this: silver is thought to make the immune system more active and effective at fending off disease. It kills bacteria, even killing off super bacteria that hang around after conventional disinfecting agents haven’t been successful. Colloidal silver creates an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive or multiply. There are no known disease‐causing organisms that can live in the presence of even minute traces of colloidal silver. Bacteria, moulds, yeasts, viruses, and fungi are all killed off within minutes of contact. Parasites are often killed whilst still in their egg stage. So, if you have an infection, cold, influenza, fermentation, or parasitic infestation this could be your saviour!

It has other uses too. People who have burns can use colloidal silver to promote healthy cell growth in order to heal, plus it’s also great at reducing the appearance of acne. And it also helps to maintain a healthy digestion because it maximizes the amount of nutrients that the body is able to extract from food. If you ever suffer from gas and bloating, chances are that this is because fermentation has occurred where foods sit in your system for too long. To avoid indigestion and reflux you can spray colloidal silver directly into your mouth.