It was the first snow

of the year.

It was also the day

before Christmas!

There was magic

in the air.

A magician named

Professor Hinkle

came to school.

He had a funny bunny.

Professor Hinkle’s tricks

did not work!

He threw away

his magic hat.

The school bell rang.

The kids ran outside.

They made a snowman

and named him Frosty!

He had a corncob pipe,

a button nose,

and two eyes

made out of coal.

A gust of winter wind

blew the magician’s hat

through the air.

It landed on Frosty.

Frosty came to life!

Happy birthday!”

he said with a smile.

The kids cheered.

Professor Hinkle took

his magic hat back!

The bunny

returned the hat

to Frosty.

He came back to life!

Frosty was so much fun.

He danced and sang.

He led a parade

through town!

Suddenly, Frosty began

to melt!

He had to go

someplace cold.

We’ve got to get you

to the North Pole!”

said a girl named Karen.

She and Frosty found

a train going north.

The train car was

too cold for Karen.

Frosty had to help her.

They got off the train

at the next stop.

Professor Hinkle had

followed them.

Frosty and Karen had

to escape.

Frosty was a great


He raced down a hill

with Karen on his back.

They went inside

a little greenhouse.

It was perfect for Karen!

But it was too hot

for Frosty.

The magician found them.

He locked them inside!

Oh, no!” Karen cried.

Frosty melted

into a puddle of water.

The bunny went

to get help.

Santa Claus came

to the rescue!

Santa unlocked the door.

A winter wind blew in

and froze the water.

Frosty came back

to life!

Happy birthday!”

he said again.

Karen was so happy!

Santa was not happy

with Professor Hinkle.

He told the magician

to let Frosty keep

the hat.

Santa took Karen home.

Frosty would go

to the North Pole

with Santa!

Frosty promised

to come back and visit.

Every year,

Frosty returns with

the magical snow!

Happy holidays!