
15. Strange Stranger


The moment the Gorgons left, Gelda and guests emerged from the corner where they’d been trapped. They took a moment, each in their own way, to gather their wits.

Gelda wandered around the room surveying the carnage. She absently picked up Finkle’s favourite stool – the only thing not broken – and put it back in its place. As she searched for her car keys and valuables, Odgio laughed. Wondering what could possibly be funny under the circumstances, Gelda looked up. As if he’d never left, Finkle sat on his stool, cleaning himself.

‘Feel better after your little outburst?’ she asked the cat.

Bryll shook his head. ‘Those Gorgons have no idea what bothersome times await them.’

‘Seven centuries of bad luck might actually be considered a good thing to Gorgons,’ Hazzy said.

‘Not that it makes a difference to us. They’ve got my Universe.’

With haste, Gelda navigated her way through broken figurines and furniture and retrieved a set of keys from a drawer in the kitchen. She stepped over the front door that was knocked off its hinges. The others followed her outside. In the street, the Gorgons piled into a long black car. They watched it screech away towards town.

Bryll pointed. ‘Uh, there’s someone passed out in your yard.’

A wiry man with wild hair roused himself, stumbled to his feet, and proceeded to brush himself down. He wore mismatched clothes and shiny new shoes.

Gelda saw a large disc strapped to his waist, and perhaps her eyes played tricks on her in the low light, but it appeared there were translucent rings pulsating from it. ‘Who are you?’ Gelda enquired of him. She was pretty certain he hadn’t been at the party. Other than Shellany who wasn’t an invited guest, everyone else was dressed up, not down.

The man pressed a square button in the middle of the disc. Shut flashed in red, and it changed to a steady green Open.

As though still dazed, he looked up at Gelda. ‘Did they take the Universe?’ His eyes scanned everyone for an answer then settled on Shellany. With both mouth and eyes agape, he whispered her name.

Shellany scowled at him then walked right past.

‘Where are you going?!’ Gelda called out after her.

‘I’m sorry!’ she called back then ran off down the street.

The man stumbled after her. ‘Shellany, come back!’ he pleaded, but she was gone.

Parking her curiosity over their connection for the moment, Gelda headed for her pristine vintage sedan.

‘What are you doing?’ Hazzy asked

‘No one is severing my Universe.’

‘You’re going after it? Yes. No. Absolutely. We have to get it back.’

Bryll caught up with them at the car and blocked the driver’s door. ‘Are you crazy? They’re Gorgons!’

The strange man hurried over next. ‘I’m coming too.’

‘I don’t even know you,’ said Gelda.

‘I’m Tolbert,’ he said absently while holding out the device. It beeped softly and flashed slowly. ‘You won’t find them without this.’

‘Is that a tracking device?’ asked Bryll.

‘Yes. Set to find the Universe.’

As questions piled on questions in her mind, Gelda took a moment to conduct a lengthy assessment of his demeanour and decided he wasn’t dangerous. ‘Okay, let’s go.’

‘And count me in.’ Hazzy turned in circles, as though wondering what she needed to take for such a trip.

Gelda, Bryll, Hazzy, and Tolbert got in the car. Gelda started the engine and pulled out into the road just as Odgio appeared at the door, wearing one shoe and fumbling about trying to get his jacket on. ‘Wait for me!’ he yelled, but he was too late.