Safe at Last

I’m so afraid.
Afraid that people might see
Who I really am.
I try to hide it:
Outside I’m calm, cool, collected.
But inside I’m crumbling
Into a million pieces.
I can’t hide it forever;
Sometimes the mask slips off
And I’m exposed and vulnerable.
I feel so naked
And everyone is looking at me.
They can see right through me.
But I put my mask back on
And I’m safe behind it.
Nothing can happen to me there.
But the fear comes back again
Just like it always does.
Then I’m crying out again,
Crying for help inside.
The mask comes off again.
That’s when I feel him
Holding my hand.
The voice says,
“Do not fear, my child,
For I love you exactly as you are
And I will always be with you.”
Suddenly a peace comes over me
And I’m not afraid anymore
Because I know he loves me
Just the way I am.

Bethany Schwartz