Chapter 18

Escape to Troy


It was a stormy night. The dark cloudy sky was filled with heavy rain and the flashing fire of lightning. Sappho and Eva were dragged from the confusion of Ajax's blinding by several soldiers. They pulled them out into the storm and hauled them off into the darkness. As Eva had promised, the soldiers took them to the edge of the Greek encampment, where more soldiers waited eagerly to use them for their private pleasure. Sappho did not know what to expect, and hung back nervously. Eva knew what to expect. She had been subjected to their humiliating treatment too many times before. Her fear was etched into the mysterious pools of her wide green eyes.

The soldiers had a huge spar - the mast from a boat - set up against a tripod made from smaller spars. It reared up at a steep angle from the ground into which it had been buried so that it did not twist or turn. On the top of the tripod soldiers sat with buckets and containers. They cheered when Sappho and Eva arrived; pleased that their entertainment was about to begin, pleased that they had two victims instead of their usual one.

Alongside the heavy spar a long ditch had been dug in the soil that prevailed in the area away from the beach. Sappho and Eva were brought to one end of the ditch and made to stand still. They had the leather strapping removed from their arms. Both went to rub where the leather had been so tightly bound. When they did a burly soldier caught them both a sharp cut with a long single-tailed whip. They both shrieked. Sappho winced as the biting smart on her skin, held back for a few moments by the surprise finally penetrated her buttocks. She squeezed them together. She turned back and stood still, hoping she had done nothing else to bring about a second stroke.

One of the soldiers grabbed her arms and pulled her back. At the same time Eva was pushed forward and made to go down on all fours. She did as she was told; she knew that disobedience would only bring more suffering. Sappho stared at the delightful curve of Eva's upturned buttocks; their smoothness, the tightness of the valley between them, the sight of the delectable oval of pink that was her fleshy slit.

Two soldiers stood behind her, one on each side. Each held a cane. One tested its flexibility by whipping it through the air, the other smacked it repeatedly against the side of his leather boots. They lifted their canes and held them high - waiting, expecting, holding on to the moment of anticipation.

One of them brought his cane down across Eva's buttocks. She tightened and arched her back, as the smarting thwack laid a thin red stripe across her skin. She edged forward. As she moved her legs her sex was exposed more, its shape altering as it was squeezed by the pressure on either side. The other cane came down, from the other side. It struck at a different angle, laying down a different strip of red, stinging in a new way, sensitising a new area of Eva's skin. She tightened again and moved forward. Sappho watched in fear, sharing her pain and humiliation, knowing that whatever happened to Eva would also happen to her.

They drove Eva down into the end of the muddy ditch, repeatedly bringing the cane down on her buttocks to guide her and force her on. When they stopped Eva stopped as well. Sappho felt hands on her shoulders and she was forced down onto her knees behind Eva. She stared at her buttocks, covered in angry red stripes from the vicious strokes of the canes. She saw the swelling oval of Eva's flesh, split delectably down the centre, a glistening of moisture following the line that parted the succulent pink mounds.

Sappho shrieked as a cane struck her own upturned buttocks. The cutting pain penetrated her whole body. It burned deeply beneath her skin. It passed directly to all her senses. It jolted her with its harshness. Another sharp cut on the other side sent her head reeling. She crawled forward until her face was touching Eva's buttocks. She stopped, not knowing what else to do. The cane did not strike again and she waited, shivering with fear, frightened to call out, too intimidated to look up.

She did not have to wait long. She felt the cane again, this time short rapid strikes, not hard, nor forceful. She edged forward a little more and the cane was removed. Her nose and mouth were now pressed between Eva's taut buttocks. She licked her lips and felt her tongue touch the pliable lips of Eva's cunt. She breathed in deeply and inhaled Eva's scent, the delectable fragrance of the moisture that glistened on her flesh. Eva rose up, opening herself to Sappho. She allowed her slit to open - revealing its inner pinkness, its glossy wetness, its soft folds, its invitation to enter. Sappho licked more and again tasted the sweetness of Eva's dew. She lapped at it, sucking it onto her tongue. She held it there, not swallowing, feeling the fullness of its taste at the back of her tongue before, finally, she took it down. She breathed deeply and raised her own buttocks in response to the heat she felt growing within her.

The cane bit sharply and Sappho gasped. She leant forward, pressing her mouth harder against Eva's crack. The other cane struck, and again the first, and then the other. She was unable to hold back against the urgent and painful instruction from the angry canes. As she pushed into Eva, so Eva moved forward. But not far; only enough to satisfy the pressure from Sappho, only enough to respond to the need in Sappho to move on the orders of the cruel canes. As they crawled forward together Sappho's face stayed fully between Eva's buttocks, her mouth closely against Eva's cunt.

They were both herded forward with the canes; harsh blows raining down if the soldiers thought Sappho should push harder behind Eva, slightly lighter blows if she was being told to move only enough to keep herself close. They crept along the ditch. The soldiers held the canes above them all the time, ensuring they stayed together, insisting they did not part. It was muddy and their legs were covered in gluey soil and grime. Sappho felt the oozy slime squelching between her fingers. She kept her mouth against Eva's labia, only slacking back when she felt the need for the cane, the pain it brought, and the encouragement it gave to her urgently mounting excitement.

By the time they were at the end of the ditch her buttocks were covered in a crisscross of raised stripes. Her face was wet with Eva's moisture. Her hands were deep in the mud, up to her wrists, and mud covered her arms and thighs. Her own sex ached. She had held back sometimes, raising her buttocks. She knew she would receive a hard slice with a cane to make her draw up closer. She had exposed herself to the beating, but that had not reduced her longing. It had only increased it. Each time she felt the bite across the wet lips of her sex she had not wanted to dip away but instead to rise and open herself wider, to receive its anger more fully.

Eva bent her elbows and dropped her face down to the muddy bottom of the ditch. Sappho licked Eva's cunt more deeply. A soldier pressed his booted foot into the black sludge. Eva was forced to lick it. Sappho was aware only of Eva's cunt, licking deeper, pressing her lips around the soft flesh, nibbling the nub of Eva's throbbing clitoris. She lapped ravenously at the moist flesh, feeling her own heat growing.

As Eva's buttocks rose higher Sappho moved to her anus, licking the tiny star too, tasting the tart bitterness, before poking inside and lapping its smooth inner surface.

Suddenly she felt herself being pulled away. She threw herself from one side to the other, looking for Eva, needing her. But she was restrained. She tried again, but again she was held back. Frustration gnawed within her. They dragged Eva out of the ditch and flung her down over its edge. They returned for Sappho, and she was pulled out and dropped down beside Eva.

'Wash them down!' shouted one of the soldiers. 'They are both filthy!'

The soldiers threw a tent down into the ditch. They bucketed water into it and formed a shallow, cold and dirty bath. Sappho and Eva were forced to kneel in the middle of it. It was soggy beneath their knees and it was difficult to keep their balance. They clung to each other, bedraggled, soiled and pitiful. They shivered as water was thrown over them. Sappho opened her mouth and drank some as it flowed over her face. It tasted acrid, and she spit it out as she gagged and heaved.

The soldiers knocked them both over. Sappho fell on her back in the water, choking and gasping for breath. More buckets of water were thrown at them. It splashed between her legs, making her shudder. Two soldiers stepped into the shallow pool. They held Sappho down, one pinning her shoulders with his feet, the other holding her ankles off the ground and spreading her legs. Others had more buckets and hurled the cold contents over her. She shrieked and gasped as each deluge hit her hard. She gasped with the shock of it. She squirmed against the pressure of being pinned down and spread open.

When satisfied the soldiers dragged the two bedraggled females out of the dirty pool. They pulled them over to the spar that stood at an angle, fixed to the mighty tripod of timber.

Sappho looked up, her face dripping with water, her naked body soaked and glistening in the red flickering light from flaming braziers. The spar towered above her. She shivered, filled with dread, not knowing her fate, only supposing the horror of it.

First Eva was lifted up onto the spar. They dragged her almost to the top, where it was tied into the tripod. They pulled her legs around, forcing her to straddle it. They crossed her ankles and bound them together with strips of wet leather. They pulled her arms around it and bound her wrists in the same way. She gaped, staring up at the tripod, gripping with her thighs in case she slid round and was left hanging upside down from her wrists and ankles.

Sappho was hauled up next. They placed her just below Eva and bound her in the same way. The wet leather straps held her ankles and wrists completely fast - she could not move them at all. She could not see behind her as they fixed a spear with a leather cover over its blunt end to the spar. It was inclined in such a way that it lay just behind her buttocks, directed at her anus. She looked up at Eva. If she could have reached up she could have touched her. Eva's buttocks were widespread, her sex and anus fully exposed. Sappho wished she could get closer; she wanted to feel Eva's heat, she wanted to inhale her fragrance, to taste her moisture.

Several men climbed the tripod and positioned themselves in its crook. Others passed buckets of water up to them, some climbing halfway up, forming a chain, so that they could pass more of the sloshing containers when the need arose. Sappho looked back. Something had startled her. Something was happening behind her. She felt something touching her exposed anus, making her fully aware of her precarious predicament, her degrading position. She felt a deep aching in her tummy; an anxiety building then melting into yearning. She wanted to push a hand down between her thighs.

She could not properly see what was going on. She felt confused, giddy. She started panting, not knowing what to do, not knowing if she could do anything, feeling as if everything was spinning out of control.

She did not see the first bucket of water emptied from the top of the tripod. The first she knew of it was the splash it made when it hit Eva. Eva tightened against the spar, desperate not to swing upside down. Sappho saw her buttocks clench, her anus contract, her sex lips tighten. The water came again. This time it barely glanced Eva before it hit Sappho. It was cold and hard. She closed her eyes and tightened her body. She felt it washing around her and she felt her grip on the spar weaken. She clenched her arms and legs to prevent herself from slipping. Another slosh and another bucket was emptied over them. Eva slid back, her exposed sex closer to Sappho's face. Sappho choked as the water hit her, filling her eyes and nostrils, running into her mouth, soaking her. She felt herself slipping back and gripped harder. But she could not stop herself sliding. She felt something against her anus. She pulled back but the spar was too wet and her grip too weak. She could not move away from the object that pressed against her - the blunt end of the spear.

More water rained down. Eva slipped and so did Sappho. Sappho tried to hold back, to stay in place. She wanted to feel Eva's flesh against her lips again. She wanted to delve her tongue into her anus. But each time more water cascaded down she slid back. Each time she slid back the spear pressed harder against her anus. Then suddenly, with only another slight movement towards it, her anus dilated and let it in. Each time she slid down it entered a little further, a little deeper. Her anus opened more to receive it; she could not prevent it. And she opened herself to it as well; she could not resist it. She was dizzy with confusion. She strained up towards the delectable sight of Eva's cunt and anus. She dropped back, sliding on the wet spar as her own anus was gradually filled by the spear.

Though exhausted she managed to tighten her thighs against the wet spar and pull herself up slightly. The contraction of her muscles tightened her anus around the spear. She strained to reach Eva's beckoning anus. She squeezed her legs tighter, pressing her thighs against the unforgiving timber. Another deluge of water soaked them. Eva struggled to keep her balance. Sappho stayed as she was, gripping the beam between her legs, her tongue licking out, her objective clearly in her sight. Another heavy waterfall and this time Eva slipped back. Sappho's tongue touched the object of its desire - Eva's anus. She tasted its fragrance. She closed her eyes in delight, letting the contact soak into her, mix with all her senses, flow through her completely. More water poured down on them. Eva slipped back further and Sappho's tongue pressed against the tight circle of delight that promised so much.

Another smack of water hit her face. She slid back more onto the insistent spear. She gulped with the penetration. It could go no further - she was full of it. It stuffed her rectum. It filled her completely. Still she kept her tongue in place, just at the entrance of Eva's anus. One more drenching knocked them both back, but Sappho could not slip any further; she was impaled on the spear, and Eva slid back onto her.

Sappho's face squashed between Eva's open buttocks and her tongue drove into Eva's anus. The pressure of Eva above her forced her onto the spear. She sucked harder, lapped more frantically with her tongue, and she was overcome by a surge of unstoppable joy. She overflowed with pleasure. Her ecstasy spun out of control. She was completely taken over by rapture.

Sappho and Eva were cut down from the spar. The soldiers took turn with them, then as the braziers burned down, one by one they left. Sappho and Eva were left alone. The soldiers did not think them capable of escape. But they did. Eva led Sappho by the hand, weaving between standing piles of armour, spears set in the sand, sleeping soldiers and ravaged women. Eventually they found themselves at the gates of Troy.

They stood hand in hand before the entrance to the city. High walls led off at each side into the distance. The buildings within reached towards the night sky. Sappho felt dizzy with a sight she thought she would never see again. Eva fidgeted nervously. She had never seen anything like it before.

'Do not be afraid, Eva,' Sappho said, squeezing her hand. 'You will be safe with me now. You will be rewarded as I promised. We will live together like sisters. You will never have to suffer again. I give you my pledge. You have suffered too much. Now, it is all over.'