Atop The Shipping Container

On one particular case, Holmes was determined to examine the top of a large shipping container. The container was far too high for either of us to reach the top on our own, so Holmes suggested that he stand on my shoulders and try to grab the edge of the container and lift himself up.

Not fancying the idea of having Holmes on my shoulders, I objected. “Surely I should stand on your shoulders, Holmes? Lifting oneself up like that is no mean feat, and I think that sort of thing is more my area of expertise, if you don’t mind my saying so.”

“The physical challenge, of which I assure you I am quite capable, is not the issue, Watson. Even with one of us on the other’s shoulders I’m not sure we’ll reach the top, but as I am the taller of the two of us we have a better chance if I am on your shoulders.”

Why was Holmes correct?