A Blessing for the Traveler

image fully believe that if you stay open, build your courage, and listen carefully to your dreams, you too will find the truth that your soul, your psyche, your true self, has for you. Use what you have read in this book as a guide to build your own practice. When you hear the call to adventure, accept it. Let your Hero’s Journey take you where it will; trust the process. And if something I have said doesn’t make sense to you, dig deeper or simply let it go. Ask your dreams for help, because they are your own ultimate resource and guide.

We have gone over many topics and techniques in this book: understanding your own psychology, using lucid dream techniques to become aware while you’re dreaming, what to do while you’re aware, and how to practice and come to a deeper understanding of what your dreams are communicating to you. But this is only a starting point; it is in no way a replacement for exploration into yourself.

I encourage you to read more, get other perspectives, and most importantly, to discover what works best for you. The answers you need already lie inside you. Often, we just need to do the work of the Hero’s Journey. In this case, practicing lucid dreaming, meditating, and having a conversation with yourself is exactly the hard work needed.

This deep inner work, while of primary importance, is only one aspect of the worlds you are exploring. Equally important is the outside world. We are often so focused on what’s inside of ourselves that we forget how important it is to explore the world that extends past our skulls. Seeing new things, discovering new cultures through travel, and meeting interesting people is a big part of being alive—and of learning more about yourself and your dreams. Engage with a community, share your dreams and insights. This is one of the most rewarding aspects of lucid dreaming. May no good story be left unshared.

Join others to talk about dreams, dreaming, and this book at taileaters.com/discussion.

Whatever journey is ahead of you, I wish you good luck and fair winds as you travel into the unknown. In your journey through dreams, I hope that you find your inner warrior, face your fears head-on, learn to love yourself, and become more aware of your place in the universe. I know you will find meaning in this process, as I have. After all, life is but a dream.