
I wish to thank Karen Gantz, my literary agent, for her encouragement during the process of writing my first book and during this one as well. Karen’s intellect, generous spirit, and thoroughness cannot go unmarked.

My thanks to Jonathan Burnham and Emily Griffin at HarperCollins.

I am grateful to Mark Tabb, my collaborator on my first book, whose lessons stayed with me and surely helped my writing in Nevertheless.

Special thanks to David O’Brien, J. Michael Bloom, Arnie Herman, Elaine Aiken, Jane Shatz, Vicki Green, Monsignor George Deas, and any other kind, caring soul who helped me through the difficult times.

Thanks to my mother, my siblings, and to their families for many of the memories that fuel this book. Particularly Beth, with whom I will always have a special bond.

Thank you to all of the writers of books, screenplays, journalism, and speeches I have come across in my life and have attempted to steal from as inoffensively as possible.

Thank you to my theatrical agents, Matt DelPiano and George Lane, for performing the miracle of maintaining my career.

Thank you to my wife, Hilaria, who listened to me complain and moan about writing this book and supported me in so many ways, including suggestions regarding the writing itself. Her help has been invaluable.