John 1

5 a. Or overcome

9 b. Or That was the true Light which, coming into the world, gives light to every man.

11 c. His own things or domain

11 d. His own people

12 e. authority

15 f. ranks higher than I

16 g. NU For

18 h. NU God

27 i. ranks higher than I

28 j. NU, MBethany

30 k. ranks higher than I

41 l. Lit. Anointed One

42 m. NU John

42 n. Gr. Petros, usually translated Peter

51 o. NU omits hereafter

John 2

11 a. revealed

14 b. Lit. sitting

17 c. NU, M will eat

22 d. NU, M omit to them

John 3

3 a. Or from above

13 b. NU omits who is in heaven

15 c. NU omits not perish but

John 4

42 a. NU omits the Christ

46 b. royal official

John 5

2 a. NU Bethzatha

3 b. withered

3 c. NU omits the rest of v. 3 and all of v. 4.

16 d. NU omits and sought to kill Him

31 e. valid as testimony

John 6

2 a. sick

11 b. NU omits to the disciples, and the disciples

19 c. Lit. 25 or 30 stadia

22 d. NU omits that

22 e. NU omits which His disciples had entered

37 f. certainly not

41 g. grumbled

43 h. Stop grumbling

45 i. M hears and has learned

47 j. NU omits in Me

55 k. NU true food

55 l. NU true drink

60 m. difficult

61 n. grumbled

61 o. make you stumble

66 p. Or away; lit. to the back

69 q. NU Holy One of God.

John 7

1 a. The ruling authorities

8 b. NU omits yet

16 c. NU, M So Jesus

26 d. NU omits truly

29 e. NU, M omit But

33 f. NU, M omit to them

39 g. NU who believed

39 h. NU omits Holy

40 i. NU some

50 j. Lit. Him

50 k. NU before

52 l. NU is to rise

53 m. NU brackets 7:53 through 8:11 as not in the original text. They are present in over 900 mss. of John.

John 8

2 a. M very early

4 b. M we found this woman

5 c. M in our law Moses commanded

5 d. NU, M to stone such

5 e. M adds about her

6 f. NU, M omit as though He did not hear

7 g. M He looked up

9 h. NU, M omit being convicted by their conscience

10 i. NU omits and saw no one but the woman; M He saw her and said,

10 j. NU, M omit of yours

11 k. NU, M add from now on

13 l. valid as testimony

28 m. Crucify

38 n. NU heard from

54 o. NU, M our

59 p. NU omits the rest of v. 59.

John 9

4 a. NU We

8 b. NU a beggar

9 c. NU “No, but he is like him.”

11 d. NU omits the pool of

16 e. observe

34 f. Excommunicated him

35 g. NU Man

John 10

8 a. M omits before Me

12 b. hired man

20 c. insane

24 d. Suspense

26 e. NU omits as I said to you

38 f. NU understand

John 11

18 a. Lit. 15 stadia

30 b. NU was still

31 c. NU supposing that she was going

41 d. NU omits from the place where the dead man was lying

50 e. NU you

John 12

1 a. NU omits who had been dead

5 b. About one year’s wages for a worker

7 c. NU that she may keep

24 d. Lit. fruit

32 e. Crucified

41 f. NU because

47 g. NU keep them

John 13

2 a. NU during supper

12 b. understand

18 c. NU My bread has

23 d. reclining

25 e. NU, M add thus

John 14

2 a. Lit. dwellings

2 b. NU would I have told you that I go or I would have told you; for I go

14 c. NU ask Me

15 d. NU you will keep

16 e. Comforter, Gr. Parakletos

21 f. reveal

26 g. Comforter, Gr. Parakletos

28 h. NU omits I said

John 15

2 a. Or lifts up

7 b. NU omits you will

26 c. Comforter, Gr. Parakletos

John 16

3 a. NU, M omit to you

4 b. NU their

15 c. NU, M takes of Mine and will declare

18 d. understand

32 e. own things or place

33 f. NU, M omit will

John 17

2 a. M shall

5 b. Lit. alongside

6 c. revealed

11 d. NU, M keep them through Your name which You have given Me

12 e. NU omits in the world

12 f. NU Your name which You gave Me. And I guarded them; (or it;)

12 g. destroyed

12 h. destruction

17 i. Set them apart

20 j. NU, M omit will

John 18

5 a. Lit. the Nazarene

14 b. advantageous

15 c. M the other

20 d. NU all the Jews meet

22 e. Lit. gave Jesus a slap,

28 f. The governor’s headquarters

30 g. a criminal

33 h. The governor’s headquarters

John 19

3 a. NU And they came up to Him and said

7 b. NU the law

10 c. authority

16 d. NU omits and led Him away

28 e. M seeing

John 20

7 a. face cloth

9 b. understand

16 c. NU adds in Hebrew

18 d. NU disciples, “I have seen the Lord,”

19 e. NU omits assembled

29 f. NU, M omit Thomas

John 21

3 a. NU omits immediately

15 b. NU John

15 c. have affection for

16 d. NU John

16 e. have affection for

17 f. NU John

17 g. have affection for

22 h. desire