A son of Ham, Gen 10:6

Cursed by Noah, Gen 9:20–25

——— Promised Land, Gen 12:5

Boundaries of, Gen 10:19

God’s promises concerning, given to Abraham, Gen 12:1–3

to Isaac, Gen 26:2, 3

to Jacob, Gen 28:10–13

to Israel, Ex 3:8

Conquest of, announced, Gen 15:7–21

preceded by spying expedition, Num 13:1–33

delayed by unbelief, Num 14:1–35

accomplished by the Lord, Josh 23:1–16

achieved only in part, Judg 1:21, 27–36


Israelites commanded to:

drive them out; not serve their gods, Ex 23:23–33

shun their abominations, Lev 18:24–30

not make covenants or intermarry with them, Deut 7:1–3


will spread like c 2 Tim 2:17


bought Me no sweet c Is 43:24

Sheba, and sweet c Jer 6:20


He made darkness c 2 Sam 22:12


His c around Him was Ps 18:11


Simon Peter’s home, Mark 1:21, 29

Christ performs healings there, Matt 8:5–17; 9:1–8; Mark 1:21–28; John 4:46–54

preaches there, Mark 9:33–50; John 6:24–71

uses as headquarters, Matt 4:13–17

pronounces judgment upon, Matt 11:23, 24


Jews from, at Pentecost, Acts 2:1, 9

Christians of, addressed by Peter, 1 Pet 1:1


bring forth the c Zech 4:7


which, having no c Prov 6:7


have led captivity c Ps 68:18

of your neck, O c Is 52:2

they shall now go c Amos 6:7

and be led away c Luke 21:24

He led captivity c Eph 4:8


will bring back the c Amos 9:14

and return their c Zeph 2:7

make c of gullible women 2 Tim 3:6


bring you back from c Deut 30:3

high, You have led c Ps 68:18

Judah has gone into c Lam 1:3

from David until the c Matt 1:17

and bringing me into c Rom 7:23

every thought into c 2 Cor 10:5

on high, He led c Eph 4:8

shall go into c Rev 13:10


honey were in the c Judg 14:8

For wherever the c Matt 24:28

“Lord, do You not c Luke 10:40

you to be without c 1 Cor 7:32

who will sincerely c Phil 2:20

how will he take c 1 Tim 3:5

casting all your c 1 Pet 5:7


he said, not that he c John 12:6


c keep all these Deut 11:22

I shall walk c all my Is 38:15


but he who is c Prov 19:16


no one c for my soul Ps 142:4

and are choked with c Luke 8:14

He who is unmarried c 1 Cor 7:32

for He c for you 1 Pet 5:7


City of Judah, Josh 15:55

Site of Saul’s victory, 1 Sam 15:12

——— A mountain of Palestine, Josh 19:26

Scene of Elijah’s triumph, 1 Kin 18:19–45

Elisha visits, 2 Kin 2:25


spiritual, but I am c Rom 7:14

c mind is enmity Rom 8:7

for you are still c 1 Cor 3:3

our warfare are not c 2 Cor 10:4


we may know them c Gen 19:5

that we may know him c Judg 19:22

c minded is death Rom 8:6


count it pleasure to c 2 Pet 2:13


be weighed down with c Luke 21:34


Is this not the c Mark 6:3


the LORD your God c Deut 1:31

and c our sorrows Is 53:4

parted from them and c Luke 24:51

c me away in the Rev 17:3


their hands cannot c Job 5:12

c them away like a Ps 90:5

I am not worthy to c Matt 3:11

for you to c your bed John 5:10

it is certain we can c 1 Tim 6:7


a man will meet you c Mark 14:13

always c about in the 2 Cor 4:10


c that is too hard Deut 1:17

I have prepared my c Job 13:18

I would present my c Job 23:4

“Present your c Is 41:21

Festus laid Paul’s c Acts 25:14


myrrh and aloes and c Ps 45:8


When they c you down Job 22:29

c away Their Ps 2:3

Why are you c down Ps 42:5

But You have c us off Ps 44:9

c me away from Your Ps 51:11

He c on them the Ps 78:49

the LORD will not c Ps 94:14

me up and c me away Ps 102:10

and the earth shall c Is 26:19

My sight, as I have c Jer 7:15

C away from you all Ezek 18:31

brought Daniel and c Dan 6:16

c all our sins into Mic 7:19

whole body to be c Matt 5:29

the kingdom will be c Matt 8:12

spirits, to c them out Matt 10:1

In My name they will c Mark 16:17

by no means c out John 6:37

c away His people Rom 11:1

c away your confidence Heb 10:35

c their crowns before Rev 4:10

the great dragon was c Rev 12:9


nation which I am c Lev 20:23

Andrew his brother, c Matt 4:18

c down arguments 2 Cor 10:5

c all your care 1 Pet 5:7


If Satan c Matt 12:26

perfect love c out 1 John 4:18


in wait to c the poor Ps 10:9

c Him in His words Mark 12:13

down your nets for a c Luke 5:4

From now on you will c Luke 5:10


and the wolf c the John 10:12

c the wise in their 1 Cor 3:19


their crops to the c Ps 78:46


c you shall take as Josh 8:2

does not let their c Ps 107:38


behind him was a ram c Gen 22:13

and that night they c John 21:3

Spirit of the Lord c Acts 8:39

her Child was c up Rev 12:5


I would commit my c Job 5:8

my enemy without c Ps 7:4

hate me without a c Ps 35:19

c His face to shine Ps 67:1

C me to know the way Ps 143:8

one to plead his c Prov 18:17

God, Who pleads the c Is 51:22

He judged the c Jer 22:16

brother without a c Matt 5:22

hated Me without a c John 15:25

For this c I was born John 18:37


the people hid in c 1 Sam 13:6

rocks, and into the c Is 2:19

in dens and c of the Heb 11:38


and night shall not c Gen 8:22

Why should the work c Neh 6:3

There the wicked c Job 3:17

He makes wars c Ps 46:9

C listening to Prov 19:27

C to do evil Is 1:16

tongues, they will c 1 Cor 13:8

do not c to give Eph 1:16

do not c to pray for Col 1:9


c building the city Gen 11:8

the sea, and the sea c Jon 1:15


for the godly man c Ps 12:1


c your work of faith 1 Thess 1:3

thank God without c 1 Thess 2:13

pray without c 1 Thess 5:17


dwell in a house of c 2 Sam 7:2

He shall grow like a c Ps 92:12

of our houses are c Song 1:17

it, paneling it with c Jer 22:14

Indeed Assyria was a c Ezek 31:3


the LORD breaks the c Ps 29:5

c of Lebanon which He Ps 104:16


but the glory of the c 1 Cor 15:40


A harbor of Corinth, Acts 18:18

Home of Phoebe, Rom 16:1


Aaron, each took his c Lev 10:1

Each man had a c Ezek 8:11

which had the golden c Heb 9:4

the angel took the c Rev 8:5


Aramaic for Peter, John 1:42


make you know the c Prov 22:21

you may know the c Luke 1:4


a man to write a c Mark 10:4


His testimony has c John 3:33


c that a storm Job 21:18

c which the wind Ps 1:4

Let them be like c Ps 35:5

be chased like the c Is 17:13

You shall conceive c Is 33:11

the day passes like c Zeph 2:2

He will burn up the c Matt 3:12


He has made my c Lam 3:7

pit and a great c Rev 20:1


of God is not c 2 Tim 2:9

the prisoners as if c Heb 13:3


their kings with c Ps 149:8

your neck with c Song 1:10

And his c fell off Acts 12:7

am, except for these c Acts 26:29

Remember my c Col 4:18

minister to me in my c Philem 13

delivered them into c 2 Pet 2:4


Originally, the southern portion of Babylonia, Gen 11:31

Applied later to all Babylonia, Dan 3:8

Abram came from, Gen 11:28–31


Attack Job, Job 1:17

Nebuchadnezzar, king of, 2 Kin 24:1

Jerusalem defeated by, 2 Kin 25:1–21

Babylon, “the glory of,” Is 13:19

Predicted captivity of Jews among, Jer 25:1–26

God’s agent, Hab 1:6


and the c of the south Job 9:9

brought me into his c Song 1:4

and his c by injustice Jer 22:13


And a c went out from 1 Sam 17:4


c his countenance Job 14:20

c the night into day Job 17:12

and who can make Him c Job 23:13

Because they do not c Ps 55:19

a cloak You will c Ps 102:26

with those given to c Prov 24:21

Can the Ethiopian c Jer 13:23

c times and law Dan 7:25

c their glory into Hos 4:7

the LORD, I do not c Mal 3:6

now and to c my tone Gal 4:20

there is also a c Heb 7:12


But My people have c Jer 2:11

c the glory of the Rom 1:23

but we shall all be c 1 Cor 15:51

the priesthood being c Heb 7:12


and poured out the c John 2:15


c the times and the Dan 2:21


c of the sea were seen Ps 18:15


and c, hope Rom 5:4


May it not be c 2 Tim 4:16


He took off their c Ex 14:25

that suddenly a c 2 Kin 2:11

makes the clouds His c Ps 104:3

and overtake this c Acts 8:29


the clatter of his c Judg 5:28

Some trust in c Ps 20:7

The c of God are Ps 68:17


you do not do your c Matt 6:1

that your c deed Matt 6:4

c deeds which she Acts 9:36


C is deceitful and Prov 31:30


heed the voice of c Ps 58:5


women who sew magic c Ezek 13:18


Five of you shall c Lev 26:8

How could one c Deut 32:30

angel of the LORD c Ps 35:5


may present you as a c 2 Cor 11:2

to be discreet, c Titus 2:5

c conduct accompanied 1 Pet 3:2


C your son while there Prov 19:18

is My desire, I will c Hos 10:10

a father does not c Heb 12:7

I love, I rebuke and c Rev 3:19


c my soul with fasting Ps 69:10

c every morning Ps 73:14

The LORD has c me Ps 118:18

In vain I have c Jer 2:30

c us as seemed best Heb 12:10


have not seen the c Deut 11:2

do not despise the c Job 5:17

‘I have borne c Job 34:31

a prayer when Your c Is 26:16

if you are without c Heb 12:8

Now no c seems to be Heb 12:11


the LORD loves He c Heb 12:6


and I, even I, will c Lev 26:28

c them according Hos 7:12

I will therefore c Luke 23:22


the c for our peace Is 53:5


c leads only to Prov 14:23


‘You shall not c Lev 19:13

Beware lest anyone c Col 2:8


let yourselves be c 1 Cor 6:7

we have c no one 2 Cor 7:2


River in Babylonia, Ezek 1:3

Site of Ezekiel’s visions, Ezek 10:15, 20


A king of Elam; invaded Canaan, Gen 14:1–16


Let him give his c Lam 3:30

with a rod on the c Mic 5:1

on your right c Matt 5:39


my enemies on the c Ps 3:7


c are lovely with Song 1:10

His c are like a bed Song 5:13

struck Me, and My c Is 50:6


and let your heart c Eccl 11:9

“Son, be of good c Matt 9:2


for God loves a c 2 Cor 9:7

Is anyone c James 5:13


shows mercy, with c Rom 12:8


and curdle me like c Job 10:10


The god of the Moabites, Num 21:29

Children sacrificed to, 2 Kin 3:26, 27

Solomon builds altars to, 1 Kin 11:7

Josiah destroys altars of, 2 Kin 23:13


but nourishes and c Eph 5:29

as a nursing mother c 1 Thess 2:7


He rode upon a c 2 Sam 22:11


and He placed c Gen 3:24

dwell between the c Ps 80:1

fire from among the c Ezek 10:2

above it were the c Heb 9:5


is white and ruddy, c Song 5:10

of whom I am c 1 Tim 1:15

Zion a c cornerstone 1 Pet 2:6

has become the c 1 Pet 2:7

C Shepherd appears 1 Pet 5:4


Like a weaned c Ps 131:2

c is known by his Prov 20:11

Train up a c in the Prov 22:6

For unto us a C Is 9:6

c shall lead them Is 11:6

When Israel was a c Hos 11:1

virgin shall be with c Matt 1:23

He took a little c Mark 9:36

of God as a little c Mark 10:15

kind of c will this be Luke 1:66

So the c grew and Luke 1:80

When I was a c 1 Cor 13:11

She bore a male C Rev 12:5


she will be saved in c 1 Tim 2:15


pain as a woman in c Is 13:8


from your flesh, for c Eccl 11:10

And he said, “From c Mark 9:21

c you have known 2 Tim 3:15


give me, seeing I go c Gen 15:2

this man down as c Jer 22:30


she bore Jacob no c Gen 30:1

and all of you are c Ps 82:6

c are a heritage Ps 127:3

He has blessed your c Ps 147:13

let the c of Zion be Ps 149:2

c are blessed after Prov 20:7

c rise up and call her Prov 31:28

c are their oppressors Is 3:12

c whom the LORD has Is 8:18

be the peace of your c Is 54:13

they are My people, c Is 63:8

the hearts of the c Mal 4:6

c will rise up against Matt 10:21

and become as little c Matt 18:3

c were brought to Him Matt 19:13

“Let the little c Matt 19:14

the right to become c John 1:12

you were Abraham’s c John 8:39

spirit that we are c Rom 8:16

but as my beloved c 1 Cor 4:14

Brethren, do not be c 1 Cor 14:20

c ought not to lay up 2 Cor 12:14

and were by nature c Eph 2:3

should no longer be c Eph 4:14

Walk as c of light Eph 5:8

and harmless, c Phil 2:15

now we are c of God 1 John 3:2

that we love the c 1 John 5:2

to hear that my c 3 John 4


Elimelech’s son, Ruth 1:2

Orpah’s deceased husband, Ruth 1:4, 5

Boaz redeems his estate, Ruth 4:9

CHINNERETH (or Chinneroth)

Fortified city in Naphtali, Deut 3:17

A region bordering the Sea of Galilee, 1 Kin 15:20

Same as the plain of Gennesaret, Matt 14:34

——— The OT name for the Sea of Galilee, Num 34:11

Also called Lake of Gennesaret, Luke 5:1


rather than c gold Prov 8:10


therefore c life Deut 30:19

c none of his ways Prov 3:31

evil and c the good Is 7:15

will still c Israel Is 14:1

will again c Jerusalem Zech 1:17

You did not c John 15:16

yet what I shall c Phil 1:22


in the way He c Ps 25:12


a good while ago God c Acts 15:7

just as He c us in Him Eph 1:4

from the beginning c 2 Thess 2:13


of Jacob, His c 1 Chr 16:13

people He has c Ps 33:12

a covenant with My c Ps 89:3

c the way of truth Ps 119:30

servant whom I have c Is 43:10

c that good part Luke 10:42

I know whom I have c John 13:18

c you that you should Acts 22:14

c the foolish things 1 Cor 1:27

Has God not c the poor James 2:5

But you are a c 1 Pet 2:9


genealogy of Jesus C Matt 1:1

Jesus who is called C Matt 1:16

“You are the C Matt 16:16

if You are the C Matt 26:63

a Savior, who is C Luke 2:11

that He Himself is C Luke 23:2

the law that the C John 12:34

he preached the C Acts 9:20

have the Spirit of C Rom 8:9

It is C who died Rom 8:34

C did not please Rom 15:3

Is C divided 1 Cor 1:13

Him you are in C Jesus 1 Cor 1:30

to be justified by C Gal 2:17

been crucified with C Gal 2:20

but C lives in me Gal 2:20

your Seed,” who is C Gal 3:16

before by God in C Gal 3:17

C may dwell in your Eph 3:17

C will give you Eph 5:14

C is head of the Eph 5:23

to me, to live is C Phil 1:21

confess that Jesus C Phil 2:11

C who strengthens Phil 4:13

which is C in you Col 1:27

C who is our Col 3:4

C is all and in all Col 3:11

and men, the Man C 1 Tim 2:5

Jesus C is the same Heb 13:8

C His Son cleanses us 1 John 1:7

that Jesus is the C 1 John 5:1

of His C have come Rev 12:10

and reigned with C Rev 20:4


me to become a C Acts 26:28

anyone suffers as a C 1 Pet 4:16


were first called C Acts 11:26


For false c and Matt 24:24


rock I will build My c Matt 16:18

them, tell it to the c Matt 18:17

c daily those who were Acts 2:47

elders in every c Acts 14:23

do you despise the c 1 Cor 11:22

be made known by the c Eph 3:10

also loved the c Eph 5:25

Himself a glorious c Eph 5:27

as the Lord does the c Eph 5:29

body, which is the c Col 1:24

and do not let the c 1 Tim 5:16

general assembly and c Heb 12:23

To the angel of the c Rev 2:1


strengthening the c Acts 15:41

The c of Christ greet Rom 16:16

imitators of the c 1 Thess 2:14

John, to the seven c Rev 1:4

angels of the seven c Rev 1:20

these things in the c Rev 22:16


For as the c of milk Prov 30:33


My heart c within Me Hos 11:8


Paul’s homeland, Acts 21:39

Students from, argued with Stephen, Acts 6:9

Paul labors in, Gal 1:21


He walks above the c Job 22:14

when He drew a c Prov 8:27

who sits above the c Is 40:22


of heaven, and its c Ps 19:6

comes again on its c Eccl 1:6


c the foreskin of your Deut 10:16

LORD your God will c Deut 30:6

C yourselves to the Jer 4:4

is necessary to c them Acts 15:5


among you shall be c Gen 17:10

who will justify the c Rom 3:30

While he was c Rom 4:10

the gospel for the c Gal 2:7

if you become c Gal 5:2

c the eighth day Phil 3:5

In Him you were also c Col 2:11


him the covenant of c Acts 7:8

c that which is outward Rom 2:28

c is that of the heart Rom 2:29

a servant to the c Rom 15:8

C is nothing and 1 Cor 7:19

Christ Jesus neither c Gal 5:6

For we are the c Phil 3:3

circumcised with the c Col 2:11

those of the c Titus 1:10


then that you walk c Eph 5:15


waters of his own c 2 Kin 18:31

from your own c Prov 5:15


He overthrew those c Gen 19:25

repair the ruined c Is 61:4

c are a wilderness Is 64:10

c will be laid waste Jer 4:7

three parts, and the c Rev 16:19


But I was born a c Acts 22:28


But his c hated him Luke 19:14

but fellow c with the Eph 2:19


sum I obtained this c Acts 22:28

For our c is in heaven Phil 3:20


And he built a c Gen 4:17

shall make glad the c Ps 46:4

c shall flourish Ps 72:16

They found no c Ps 107:4

c that is compact Ps 122:3

the LORD guards the c Ps 127:1

at the entry of the c Prov 8:3

c has become a harlot Is 1:21

upon Zion, the c Is 33:20

after the holy c Is 48:2

How lonely sits the c Lam 1:1

Nineveh, that great c Jon 4:11

c that dwelt securely Zeph 2:15

to the oppressing c Zeph 3:1

c called Nazareth Matt 2:23

c that is set on a Matt 5:14

He has prepared a c Heb 11:16

Zion and to the c Heb 12:22

have no continuing c Heb 13:14

will tread the holy c Rev 11:2

fallen, that great c Rev 14:8

and the beloved c Rev 20:9

John, saw the holy c Rev 21:2

c was pure gold Rev 21:18

c had no need of the Rev 21:23

the gates into the c Rev 22:14


c their hands at him Job 27:23

Oh, c your hands Ps 47:1

let the rivers c Ps 98:8

of the field shall c Is 55:12


Roman commander who protected Paul, Acts 24:22–24, 26


dwell in houses of c Job 4:19

have made me like c Job 10:9

are defenses of c Job 13:12

been formed out of c Job 33:6

takes on form like c Job 38:14

pit, out of the miry c Ps 40:2

be esteemed as the c Is 29:16

Shall the c say to him Is 45:9

We are the c Is 64:8

“Look, as the c Jer 18:6

iron and partly of c Dan 2:33

blind man with the c John 9:6

have power over the c Rom 9:21


seven each of every c Gen 7:2

between unclean and c Lev 10:10

wash in them and be c 2 Kin 5:12

Who can bring a c Job 14:4

He who has c hands and Ps 24:4

make yourselves c Is 1:16

Then I will sprinkle c Ezek 36:25

c out His threshing Matt 3:12

You can make me c Matt 8:2

all things are c Luke 11:41

but is completely c John 13:10

“You are not all c John 13:11

You are already c John 15:3

in fine linen, c Rev 19:8


You shall c the altar Ex 29:36

C me from secret Ps 19:12

and c me from my sin Ps 51:2

How can a young man c Ps 119:9

I will c you from all Ezek 36:25

c the lepers, raise Matt 10:8

might sanctify and c Eph 5:26

c your conscience Heb 9:14

C your hands James 4:8

us our sins and to c 1 John 1:9


Surely I have c Ps 73:13

and you were not c Ezek 24:13

the lepers are c Matt 11:5

“Were there not ten c Luke 17:17


Therefore if anyone c 2 Tim 2:21

Jesus Christ His Son c 1 John 1:7


c shining after rain 2 Sam 23:4

fair as the moon, c Song 6:10

yourselves to be c 2 Cor 7:11

like a jasper stone, c Rev 21:11

of life, c as crystal Rev 22:1


to go into the c Is 2:21

valleys and in the c Is 7:19

you who dwell in the c Jer 49:16


c had quieted the Acts 19:35


secret places of the c Song 2:14


go into thickets and c Jer 4:29

mighty men, they c Joel 2:7

though they c up to Amos 9:2


c up some other way John 10:1


and that you may c Deut 30:20

to her, “Do not c John 20:17

C to what is good Rom 12:9


and My tongue c Ps 22:15

My soul c to the dust Ps 119:25


c You will change them Ps 102:26

let him have your c Matt 5:40

c You will fold them Heb 1:12

using liberty as a c 1 Pet 2:16


c friends abhor me Job 19:19

of Christ he came c Phil 2:30


and has c your eyes Is 29:10

for the words are c Dan 12:9

the deep c around me Jon 2:5


a piece of unshrunk c Matt 9:16

in a clean linen c Matt 27:59


c them with tunics Ex 40:14

c me with skin and Job 10:11

c her priests with Ps 132:16

His enemies I will c Ps 132:18

Though you c yourself Jer 4:30

He not much more c Matt 6:30


of skin, and c them Gen 3:21

Have you c his neck Job 39:19

off my sackcloth and c Ps 30:11

The pastures are c Ps 65:13

the LORD is c Ps 93:1

You are c with honor Ps 104:1

c himself with cursing Ps 109:18

Let Your priests be c Ps 132:9

all her household is c Prov 31:21

c you with fine linen Ezek 16:10

A man c in soft Matt 11:8

I was naked and you c Matt 25:36

legion, sitting and c Mark 5:15

And they c Him with Mark 15:17

rich man who was c Luke 16:19

desiring to be c 2 Cor 5:2

that you may be c Rev 3:18

a woman c with the sun Rev 12:1

He was c with a robe Rev 19:13


c will abhor me Job 9:31

c became shining Mark 9:3

many spread their c Luke 19:36

laid down their c Acts 7:58

and tore off their c Acts 22:23

a poor man in filthy c James 2:2


c they cast lots Ps 22:18

c is woven with gold Ps 45:13

will provide your c Prov 27:26

and honor are her c Prov 31:25

of vengeance for c Is 59:17

the body more than c Matt 6:25

do you worry about c Matt 6:28

to you in sheep’s c Matt 7:15

those who wear soft c Matt 11:8

c as white as snow Matt 28:3

c they cast lots John 19:24

before me in bright c Acts 10:30


wrapped in swaddling c Luke 2:12

in, saw the linen c John 20:5


My rainbow in the c Gen 9:13

day in a pillar of c Ex 13:21

c covered the mountain Ex 24:15

c descended and stood Ex 33:9

camp; as long as the c Num 9:18

c did not depart Neh 9:19

He led them with the c Ps 78:14

his favor is like a c Prov 16:15

these who fly like a c Is 60:8

like a morning c Hos 6:4

behold, a bright c Matt 17:5

of Man coming in a c Luke 21:27

c received Him out of Acts 1:9

were under the c 1 Cor 10:1

by so great a c Heb 12:1


a morning without c 2 Sam 23:3

c poured out water Ps 77:17

and hail, snow and c Ps 148:8

c drop down the dew Prov 3:20

he who regards the c Eccl 11:4

of Man coming on the c Matt 24:30

with them in the c 1 Thess 4:17

are c without water Jude 12

He is coming with c Rev 1:7


them by day with a c Neh 9:12

spoke to them in the c Ps 99:7


the hoof, having c Lev 11:3

chew the cud or have c Deut 14:7


beloved is to me a c Song 1:14

wine is found in the c Is 65:8


in his hand a live c Is 6:6

it shall not be a c Is 47:14


wicked He will rain c Ps 11:6

c were kindled by it Ps 18:8

let burning c fall Ps 140:10

Can one walk on hot c Prov 6:28

so you will heap c Prov 25:22

doing you will heap c Rom 12:20


it becomes c venom Job 20:14

c that stops its ear Ps 58:4

the lion and the c Ps 91:13


shall play by the c Is 11:8


and he was put in a c Gen 50:26

David followed the c 2 Sam 3:31

touched the open c Luke 7:14


sold for a copper c Matt 10:29

if she loses one c Luke 15:8


and harvest, C and Gen 8:22

can stand before His c Ps 147:17

Like the c of snow in Prov 25:13

c water to a weary Prov 25:25

c water in the name of Matt 10:42

of many will grow c Matt 24:12

that you are neither c Rev 3:15


coming I might have c Luke 19:23


from Jerusalem the c 2 Chr 24:6

concerning the c 1 Cor 16:1


A city in Asia Minor, Col 1:2

Evangelized by Epaphras, Col 1:7

Not visited by Paul, Col 2:1

Paul writes against errors of, Col 2:16–23


and his donkey’s c Gen 49:11

on a donkey, a c Zech 9:9

on a donkey, a c Matt 21:5

own clothes on the c Luke 19:35


then does wisdom c Job 28:20

of glory shall c Ps 24:7

Our God shall c Ps 50:3

You all flesh will c Ps 65:2

C with me from Lebanon Song 4:8

He will c and save you Is 35:4

who have no money, C Is 55:1

Your kingdom c Matt 6:10

C to Me Matt 11:28

For many will c Matt 24:5

Israel, let Him now c Matt 27:42

If anyone desires to c Luke 9:23

kingdom of God has c Luke 10:9

I have c in My John 5:43

and I have not c John 7:28

thirsts, let him c John 7:37

c that they may have John 10:10

c as a light into the John 12:46

I will c to you John 14:18

If I had not c John 15:22

savage wolves will c Acts 20:29

O Lord, c 1 Cor 16:22

the door, I will c Rev 3:20

the bride say, “C Rev 22:17


He has no form or c Is 53:2


Who is this who c Is 63:1

‘Come,’ and he c Matt 8:9

Lord’s death till He c 1 Cor 11:26

Then c the end 1 Cor 15:24


with him, and to c him Job 2:11

and Your staff, they c Ps 23:4

When will you c Ps 119:82

yes, c My people Is 40:1

For the LORD will c Is 51:3

c all who mourn Is 61:2

she has none to c her Lam 1:2

the LORD will again c Zech 1:17

and God of all c 2 Cor 1:13

trouble, with the c 2 Cor 1:4

in Christ, if any c Phil 2:1

c each other and edify 1 Thess 5:11


So Isaac was c after Gen 24:67

soul refused to be c Ps 77:2

For the LORD has c Is 49:13

refusing to be c Jer 31:15

but now he is c Luke 16:25


She had no c Lam 1:9


the army, as one who c Job 29:25

I, even I, am He who c Is 51:12

him, and restore c Is 57:18

one whom his mother c Is 66:13

who c us in all our 2 Cor 1:4

who c the downcast 2 Cor 7:6


your salvation is c Is 62:11

behold, the day is c Mal 4:1

but He who is c Matt 3:11

“Are You the C Matt 11:3

be the sign of Your c Matt 24:3

is delaying his c Matt 24:48

see the Son of Man c Mark 13:26

mightier than I is c Luke 3:16

are Christ’s at His c 1 Cor 15:23

to you the power and c 2 Pet 1:16

the promise of His c 2 Pet 3:4

Behold, I am c Rev 3:11

“Behold, I am c Rev 22:7

“Surely I am c Rev 22:20


in order that he may c Gen 18:19

“The LORD will c Deut 28:8

in that I c you Deut 30:16

c His lovingkindness Ps 42:8

c victories for Jacob Ps 44:4

to all that I c Jer 11:4

if it is You, c Matt 14:28

c fire to come down Luke 9:54

c I have received John 10:18

And I know that His c John 12:50

if you do whatever I c John 15:14

do the things we c 2 Thess 3:4


“Have you c the Job 38:12

c His covenant forever Ps 111:9

For there the LORD c Ps 133:3

it is the God who c 2 Cor 4:6

not endure what was c Heb 12:20


c of the LORD is pure Ps 19:8

c is exceedingly broad Ps 119:96

For the c is a lamp Prov 6:23

Me is taught by the c Is 29:13

which is the great c Matt 22:36

A new c I give to John 13:34

the Father gave Me c John 14:31

law, but when the c Rom 7:9

the c might become Rom 7:13

which is the first c Eph 6:2

c is the word which 1 John 2:7

And this is His c 1 John 3:23

as we received c 2 John 4

This is the c 2 John 6


covenant, the Ten C Ex 34:28

to observe all these c Deut 6:25

who remember His c Ps 103:18

do not hide Your c Ps 119:19

myself in Your c Ps 119:47

for I believe Your c Ps 119:66

Your c are faithful Ps 119:86

c more than gold Ps 119:127

as doctrines the c Matt 15:9

c hang all the Law Matt 22:40

He who has My c John 14:21

according to the c Col 2:22

Now he who keeps His c 1 John 3:24


with authority He c Mark 1:27


But food does not c 1 Cor 8:8


For this is c 1 Pet 2:19

patiently, this is c 1 Pet 2:20


A man will be c Prov 12:8

c the unjust steward Luke 16:8

where they had been c Acts 14:26


of the truth c 2 Cor 4:2


but whom the Lord c 2 Cor 10:18


“You shall not c Ex 20:14

C your works to the Prov 16:3

mammon, who will c Luke 16:11

into Your hands I c Luke 23:46

But Jesus did not c John 2:24

c sexual immorality 1 Cor 10:8

c these to faithful 2 Tim 2:2

c their souls to Him 1 Pet 4:19

c sin not leading 1 John 5:16


to you, whoever c John 8:34

sin also c lawlessness 1 John 3:4


For My people have c Jer 2:13

c things deserving Luke 12:48

For God has c them all Rom 11:32

Guard what was c 1 Tim 6:20

“Who c no sin 1 Pet 2:22

c Himself to Him who 1 Pet 2:23


of the c people sins Lev 4:27

poor have this in c Prov 22:2

c people heard Him Mark 12:37

had all things in c Acts 2:44

never eaten anything c Acts 10:14

not call any man c Acts 10:28

a true son in our c Titus 1:4

concerning our c Jude 3


there arose a great c Acts 19:23


I c with my heart Eccl 1:16


bless, is it not the c 1 Cor 10:16

c has light with 2 Cor 6:14

c of the Holy Spirit 2 Cor 13:14


a man my equal, My c Ps 55:13

I am a c of all who Ps 119:63

the Man who is My C Zech 13:7

urge you also, true c Phil 4:3

your brother and c Rev 1:9


are rebellious, and c Is 1:23

and calling to their c Matt 11:16

more than Your c Heb 1:9

while you became c Heb 10:33


great was the c Ps 68:11

epistle not to keep c 1 Cor 5:9

c corrupts good habits 1 Cor 15:33

and do not keep c 2 Thess 3:14

to an innumerable c Heb 12:22


may desire cannot c Prov 3:15

c ourselves with those 2 Cor 10:12


the heavens can be c Ps 89:6

may desire cannot be c Prov 8:11

are not worthy to be c Rom 8:18


show you mercy, have c Deut 13:17

His people and have c Deut 32:36

He, being full of c Ps 78:38

are a God full of c Ps 86:15

will return and have c Jer 12:15

yet He will show c Lam 3:32

c everyone to his Zech 7:9

He was moved with c Matt 9:36

also have had c Matt 18:33

“I have c on the Mark 8:2

whomever I will have c Rom 9:15

He can have c on those Heb 5:2

of one mind, having c 1 Pet 3:8

And on some have c Jude 22


c women have cooked Lam 4:10

the Lord is very c James 5:11


because His c fail not Lam 3:22


c them to come in Luke 14:23


Macedonia, Paul was c Acts 18:5


the spirit within me c Job 32:18

And whoever c Matt 5:41

the love of Christ c 2 Cor 5:14


slay them, and the c Prov 1:32

who are settled in c Zeph 1:12


should a living man c Lam 3:39


and you c in your Deut 1:27

but c in their tents Ps 106:25

some of them also c 1 Cor 10:10


These are grumblers, c Jude 16


all things without c Phil 2:14


“Even today my c Job 23:2

I pour out my c Ps 142:2

for the LORD has a c Mic 6:2

if anyone has a c Col 3:13


Who has c Prov 23:29

laid many serious c Acts 25:7


that you may be made c 2 Cor 13:9

work in you will c Phil 1:6

and you are c in Him Col 2:10

of God may be c 2 Tim 3:17

make you c in every Heb 13:21

the wrath of God is c Rev 15:1


I made a man c well John 7:23

Himself sanctify you c 1 Thess 5:23


But God c the body 1 Cor 12:24


which we cannot c Job 37:5

c my path and my lying Ps 139:3

the darkness did not c John 1:5

may be able to c Eph 3:18


Almighty I will not c Job 27:11

c pride from man Job 33:17

of God to c a matter Prov 25:2


c Your lovingkindness Ps 40:10

than love carefully c Prov 27:5


selfish ambition or c Phil 2:3


Let us not become c Gal 5:26


the virgin shall c Is 7:14

And behold, you will c Luke 1:31


in sin my mother c Ps 51:5

when desire has c James 1:15


Neither do I c myself Ps 131:1

the things which c Acts 28:31

my deep c for all the 2 Cor 11:28


Is it oxen God is c 1 Cor 9:9


But I say this as a c 1 Cor 7:6


c pacifies great Eccl 10:4


Let us hear the c Eccl 12:13


say to God, ‘Do not c Job 10:2

world to c the world John 3:17

her, “Neither do I c John 8:11

judge another you c Rom 2:1

our heart does not c 1 John 3:21


will receive greater c Matt 23:14

can you escape the c Matt 23:33

subject to eternal c Mark 3:29

And this is the c John 3:19

the resurrection of c John 5:29

Their c is just Rom 3:8

therefore now no c Rom 8:1

of c had glory 2 Cor 3:9

having c because they 1 Tim 5:12

marked out for this c Jude 4


words you will be c Matt 12:37

does not believe is c John 3:18

c sin in the flesh Rom 8:3


Who is he who c Rom 8:34

For if our heart c 1 John 3:20


c yourselves like men 1 Sam 4:9

who are of upright c Ps 37:14

c yourself in the 1 Tim 3:15

c that his works are James 3:13

to each one’s work, c 1 Pet 1:17

from your aimless c 1 Pet 1:18

may be won by the c 1 Pet 3:1


c my transgressions Ps 32:5

that if you c with Rom 10:9

every tongue shall c Rom 14:11

C your trespasses James 5:16

If we c our sins 1 John 1:9

but I will c his name Rev 3:5


c that He was Christ John 9:22

c the good confession 1 Tim 6:12


prosper, but whoever c Prov 28:13

c that Jesus is the 1 John 4:15


of Israel, and make c Josh 7:19

with the mouth c Rom 10:10

confessed the good c 1 Tim 6:12

witnessed the good c 1 Tim 6:13

High Priest of our c Heb 3:1

let us hold fast our c Heb 4:14


You who are the c Ps 65:5

the LORD than to put c Ps 118:8

c shall be your Is 30:15

Jesus, and have no c Phil 3:3

if we hold fast the c Heb 3:6

appears, we may have c 1 John 2:28


saying, “I am c Jer 36:5

the Scripture has c Gal 3:22


c the promises Rom 15:8

who will also c 1 Cor 1:8


covenant that was c Gal 3:17

by the Lord, and was c Heb 2:3

c it by an oath Heb 6:17

prophetic word c 2 Pet 1:19


c the word through the Mark 16:20


having the same c Phil 1:30

to know what a great c Col 2:1


Outside were c 2 Cor 7:5


predestined to be c Rom 8:29

And do not be c Rom 12:2

sufferings, being c Phil 3:10

body that it may be c Phil 3:21


who seek You be c Ps 69:6


c their language Gen 11:7


there the LORD c Gen 11:9

the assembly was c Acts 19:32


c who plot my hurt Ps 35:4

us drink the wine of c Ps 60:3


Nor sinners in the c Ps 1:5

the c of the wicked Ps 22:16

God stands in the c Ps 82:1


King of Judah, Jer 22:24, 28

Same as Jehoiachin, 2 Kin 24:8


conquering and to c Rev 6:2


we are more than c Rom 8:37


convicted by their c John 8:9

strive to have a c Acts 24:16

I am not lying, my c Rom 9:1

wrath but also for c Rom 13:5

no questions for c 1 Cor 10:25

faith with a pure c 1 Tim 3:9

having their own c 1 Tim 4:2

to God, cleanse your c Heb 9:14

from an evil c and our Heb 10:22

having a good c 1 Pet 3:16


C to Me all the Ex 13:2

c himself this day 1 Chr 29:5

the trumpet in Zion, c Joel 2:15

c their gain to the Mic 4:13


c this house which you 1 Kin 9:3


entice you, do not c Prov 1:10

and does not c to 1 Tim 6:3


you saw a thief, you c Ps 50:18

He had not c to their Luke 23:51


Now Saul was c to his Acts 8:1


When I c Your heavens Ps 8:3

c her palaces Ps 48:13

c carefully what is Prov 23:1

C the work of God Eccl 7:13

My people do not c Is 1:3

c the operation Is 5:12

your God will c Jon 1:6

C your ways Hag 1:5

C the lilies of the Matt 6:28

C the ravens Luke 12:24

Let a man so c us 1 Cor 4:1

c how great this man Heb 7:4

c one another in order Heb 10:24

c Him who endured Heb 12:3


c all their works Ps 33:15


in Him all things c Col 1:17


waiting for the C Luke 2:25

have received your c Luke 6:24

abound in us, so our c 2 Cor 1:5

if there is any c Phil 2:1

given us everlasting c 2 Thess 2:16

we might have strong c Heb 6:18


Are the c of God too Job 15:11


c those who mourn Is 61:3


What do you c against Nah 1:9


c prayer was Acts 12:5


They only c to cast Ps 62:4


c together against Ps 83:3


your midst, lest I c Ex 33:3

this great fire will c Deut 5:25

C them in wrath Ps 59:13

whom the Lord will c 2 Thess 2:8


but the bush was not c Ex 3:2

c the burnt 1 Kin 18:38

For we have been c Ps 90:7

mercies we are not c Lam 3:22

beware lest you be c Gal 5:15


the LORD was like a c Ex 24:17

before you as a c Deut 9:3

our God is a c fire Heb 12:29


I have seen the c Ps 119:96


will strike you with c Deut 28:22


of heavens cannot c 2 Chr 2:6

c the books that John 21:25


He pours c on princes Job 12:21

wicked comes, c comes Prov 18:3

and everlasting c Dan 12:2

and be treated with c Mark 9:12


of the LORD is c Mal 1:7

also have made you c Mal 2:9

and his speech c 2 Cor 10:10


show me why You c Job 10:2

Will you c for God Job 13:8

let us c together Is 43:26

for I will c with him Is 49:25

then how can you c Jer 12:5

c earnestly for the Jude 3


Therefore the people c Ex 17:2


state I am, to be c Phil 4:11

these we shall be c 1 Tim 6:8

covetousness; be c Heb 13:5


lips enter into c Prov 18:6

and c will leave Prov 22:10

strife and a man of c Jer 15:10


Casting lots causes c Prov 18:18

sorcery, hatred, c Gal 5:20

genealogies, c Titus 3:9


than with a c and Prov 21:19

shared with a c woman Prov 25:24

anyone seems to be c 1 Cor 11:16


c is great gain 1 Tim 6:6


a merry heart has a c Prov 15:15

in wrath with a c Is 14:6

c coming she weary me Luke 18:5

c grief in my heart Rom 9:2


heart was only evil c Gen 6:5

His praise shall c Ps 34:1

and Your truth c Ps 40:11

of God endures c Ps 52:1

I keep Your law c Ps 119:44

Before Me c are grief Jer 6:7

and wait on your God c Hos 12:6

will give ourselves c Acts 6:4

remains a priest c Heb 7:3

c offer the sacrifice Heb 13:15


tells lies shall not c Ps 101:7

persuaded them to c Acts 13:43

Shall we c in sin that Rom 6:1

who does not c in all Gal 3:10

C earnestly in prayer Col 4:2

because they did not c Heb 8:9

Let brotherly love c Heb 13:1

asleep, all things c 2 Pet 3:4


c steadfastly in the Acts 2:42

us, they would have c 1 John 2:19


But He, because He c Heb 7:24

law of liberty and c James 1:25


idle babblings and c 1 Tim 6:20


to worship God c Acts 18:13

and these are c Gal 5:17

please God and are c 1 Thess 2:15

other thing that is c 1 Tim 1:10


to make a certain c Rom 15:26


saves such as have a c Ps 34:18

a broken and a c Ps 51:17

with him who has a c Is 57:15

poor and of a c spirit Is 66:2


another, matters of c Deut 17:8

For the LORD has a c Jer 25:31

c great is 1 Tim 3:16


describing the c Acts 15:3


unless you are c Matt 18:3


of darkness and c Col 1:13


He has come, He will c John 16:8

c those who Titus 1:9

c all who are ungodly Jude 15


Which of you c John 8:46


Let each be fully c Rom 14:5


c their own children Lam 4:10


in the garden in the c Gen 3:8

and c my tongue Luke 16:24


necessary that the c Heb 9:23

hands, which are c Heb 9:24


hills you can dig c Deut 8:9

of cups, pitchers, c Mark 7:4

sold for two c coins Luke 12:6


c did me much harm 2 Tim 4:14


who serve the c Heb 8:5


this line of scarlet c Josh 2:18

And a threefold c Eccl 4:12

before the silver c Eccl 12:6


in pieces the c Ps 129:4

he is caught in the c Prov 5:22

draw iniquity with c Is 5:18

them with gentle c Hos 11:4

had made a whip of c John 2:15


Paul labors at, Acts 18:1–18

Site of church, 1 Cor 1:2

Visited by Apollos, Acts 19:1


A religious Gentile, Acts 10:1–48


was not done in a c Acts 26:26


Or who laid its c Job 38:6

has become the chief c Ps 118:22

stone, a precious c Is 28:16

become the chief c Matt 21:42

in Zion a chief c 1 Pet 2:6


c was thrown on the 1 Kin 13:24

c trodden underfoot Is 14:19


with rebukes You c Ps 39:11

C your son Prov 29:17

But I will c you in Jer 30:11


human fathers who c Heb 12:9


nor detest His c Prov 3:11

but he who refuses c Prov 10:17

but he who hates c Prov 12:1

c will drive it Prov 22:15

Do not withhold c Prov 23:13

they received no c Jer 2:30

for reproof, for c 2 Tim 3:16


is the man whom God c Job 5:17

the LORD loves He c Prov 3:12


and silver are c James 5:3


have together become c Ps 14:3

have together become c Ps 53:3

old man which grows c Eph 4:22

men of c minds 2 Tim 3:8

in these things they c Jude 10


for all flesh had c Gen 6:12

we have c no one 2 Cor 7:2

so your minds may be c 2 Cor 11:3

Your riches are c James 5:2

the great harlot who c Rev 19:2


For this c must put on 1 Cor 15:53

redeemed with c things 1 Pet 1:18


Your Holy One to see c Ps 16:10

God raised up saw no c Acts 13:37

from the bondage of c Rom 8:21

The body is sown in c 1 Cor 15:42

c inherit incorruption 1 Cor 15:50

of the flesh reap c Gal 6:8

having escaped the c 2 Pet 1:4

perish in their own c 2 Pet 2:12


and count the c Luke 14:28


has done what she c Mark 14:8

c remove mountains 1 Cor 13:2

which no one c number Rev 7:9


deliver you up to c Mark 13:9


and strength, He has c Job 12:13

the c of the wicked is Job 21:16

when the friendly c Job 29:4

is this who darkens c Job 38:2

who walks not in the c Ps 1:1

We took sweet c Ps 55:14

guide me with Your c Ps 73:24

you disdained all my c Prov 1:25

have none of my c Prov 1:30

Where there is no c Prov 11:14

C in the heart of man Prov 20:5

by wise c wage war Prov 20:18

whom did He take c Is 40:14

You are great in c Jer 32:19

according to the c Eph 1:11

immutability of His c Heb 6:17

I c you to buy from Rev 3:18


be called Wonderful, C Is 9:6

but there was no c Is 41:28

Has your c perished Mic 4:9

who has become His c Rom 11:34


c there is safety Prov 11:14


c the people of Israel 2 Sam 24:4

c my life dear to Acts 20:24

c me as a partner Philem 17

His promise, as some c 2 Pet 3:9


Even a fool is c Prov 17:28

c as the small dust Is 40:15

the wages are not c Rom 4:4

He c me faithful 1 Tim 1:12

who rule well be c 1 Tim 5:17


The LORD lift up His c Num 6:26

c they did not cast Job 29:24

up the light of Your c Ps 4:6

His c is like Lebanon Song 5:15

with a sad c Matt 6:16

His c was like Matt 28:3

of the glory of his c 2 Cor 3:7

sword, and His c Rev 1:16