i part is destruction Ps 5:9
Both the i thought Ps 64:6
You have formed my i Ps 139:13
God according to the i Rom 7:22
i man is being renewed 2 Cor 4:16
i they are Matt 7:15
is a Jew who is one i Rom 2:29
He regards i as straw Job 41:27
i sharpens i Prov 27:17
and your neck was an i Is 48:4
its feet partly of i Dan 2:33
Promised heir of the covenant, Gen 17:16–21
Born and circumcised, Gen 21:1–7
Offered up as a sacrifice, Gen 22:1–19
Marries Rebekah, Gen 24:62–67
Prays for children; prefers Esau, Gen 25:21–28
Dealings with Abimelech, king of Gerar, Gen 26:1–31
Mistakenly blesses Jacob, Gen 27:1–28:5
Dies in his old age, Gen 35:28, 29
NT references to, Luke 3:34; Gal 4:21–31; Heb 11:9, 20
Prophet during reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Is 1:1
Responds to prophetic call, Is 6:1–13
Prophesies to Hezekiah, 2 Kin 19; 20
Writes Uzziah’s biography, 2 Chr 26:22
Writes Hezekiah’s biography, 2 Chr 32:32
Quoted in NT, Matt 1:22, 23; 3:3; 8:17; 12:17–21; Luke 4:17–19; Acts 13:34; Rom 9:27, 29; 10:16, 20, 21; 11:26, 27; 15:12; 1 Pet 2:22
Listed among the Twelve, Mark 3:14, 19; Luke 6:16
Criticizes Mary, John 12:3–6
Identified as betrayer, John 13:21–30
Takes money to betray Christ, Matt 26:14–16
Betrays Christ with a kiss, Mark 14:43–45
Repents and commits suicide, Matt 27:3–10
His place filled, Acts 1:15–26
One of Saul’s sons; made king, 2 Sam 2:8–10
Offends Abner, 2 Sam 3:7–11
Slain; his assassins executed, 2 Sam 4:1–12
Abram’s son by Hagar, Gen 16:3, 4, 11–16
Circumcised, Gen 17:25
Scoffs at Isaac’s feast; exiled with his mother, Gen 21:8–21
His sons; his death, Gen 25:12–18
——— Son of Nethaniah; kills Gedaliah, 2 Kin 25:22–26
Settle at Havilah, Gen 25:17, 18
Joseph sold to, Gen 37:25–28
Sell Joseph to Potiphar, Gen 39:1
Used to refer to:
Jacob, Gen 32:28
descendants of Jacob, Gen 49:16, 28
ten northern tribes (in contrast to Judah), 1 Sam 11:8
restored nation after exile, Ezra 9:1
true church, Gal 6:16
be called Jacob, but I Gen 32:28
“Hear, O I Deut 6:4
shepherd My people I 2 Sam 7:7
Truly God is good to I Ps 73:1
helped His servant I Luke 1:54
For they are not all I Rom 9:6
and upon the I of God Gal 6:16
Afflicted in Egypt, Ex 1:12–22
Escape from Egypt, Ex 12:29–42, 50; 13:17–22
Receive law at Sinai, Ex 19
Idolatry and rebellion of, Ex 32; Num 13; 14
Wander in the wilderness, Num 14:26–39
Cross Jordan; conquer Canaan, Josh 4; 12
Ruled by judges, Judg 2
Saul chosen as king, 1 Sam 10
Kingdom divided, 1 Kin 12
Northern kingdom carried captive, 2 Kin 17
Southern kingdom carried captive, 2 Kin 24
70 years in exile, 2 Chr 36:20, 21
Return after exile, Ezra 1:1–5
Nation rejects Christ, Matt 27:20–27
Nation destroyed, Luke 21:20–24
Jacob’s fifth son, Gen 30:17, 18
——— Tribe of:
Genealogy of, 1 Chr 7:1–5
Prophecy concerning, Gen 49:14, 15
Inheritance of, Josh 19:17–23
Jews expelled from, Acts 18:2
Christians in, Acts 28:14
they have i ears 2 Tim 4:3
Youngest son of Aaron, Ex 6:23
Consecrated as priest, Ex 28:1
Duty entrusted to, Ex 38:21
Jurisdiction over Gershonites and Merarites, Num 4:21–33
i Jewish exorcists Acts 19:13
River entering the Jordan about 20 miles north of the Dead Sea, Num 21:24
Scene of Jacob’s conflict, Gen 32:22–32
Boundary marker, Deut 3:16
Consigned to destruction, Judg 21:8–15
Saul defeats the Ammonites at, 1 Sam 11:1–11
Citizens of, rescue Saul’s body, 1 Sam 31:11–13
David thanks citizens of, 2 Sam 2:4–7
J called on the God 1 Chr 4:10
Canaanite king of Hazor; leads confederacy against Joshua, Josh 11:1–14
——— Another king of Hazor; oppresses Israelites, Judg 4:2
Defeated by Deborah and Barak, Judg 4:3–24
Immortalized in poetry, Judg 5:1–31
One of two pillars in front of Solomon’s temple, 1 Kin 7:21, 22
Son of Isaac and Rebekah; Rebekah’s favorite, Gen 25:21–28
Obtains birthright, Gen 25:29–34
Obtains blessing meant for Esau; flees, Gen 27:1–28:5
Sees vision of ladder, Gen 28:10–22
Serves Laban for Rachel and Leah, Gen 29:1–30
Fathers children, Gen 29:31–30:24
Flees from, makes covenant with Laban, Gen 30:25–31:55
Makes peace with Esau, Gen 32:1–21; 33:1–17
Wrestles with God, Gen 32:22–32
Returns to Bethel; renamed Israel, Gen 35:1–15
Shows preference for Joseph, Gen 37:3
Mourns Joseph’s disappearance, Gen 37:32–35
Sends sons to Egypt for food, Gen 42:1–5
Reluctantly allows Benjamin to go, Gen 43:1–15
Moves his household to Egypt, Gen 45:25–47:12
Blesses his sons and grandsons; dies, Gen 48; 49
Buried in Canaan, Gen 50:1–14
Christ teaches a Samaritan woman at, John 4:5–26
Wife of Heber the Kenite; kills Sisera, Judg 4:17–22
Praised by Deborah, Judg 5:24–27
Manassite warrior; conquers towns in Gilead, Num 32:41; Deut 3:14
——— Eighth judge of Israel, Judg 10:3–5
Ruler of the synagogue; Jesus raises his daughter, Mark 5:22–24, 35–43
Son of Zebedee, called as disciple, Matt 4:21, 22; Luke 5:10, 11
One of the Twelve, Matt 10:2; Mark 3:17
Zealous for the Lord, Luke 9:52–54
Ambitious for honor, Mark 10:35–45
Witnesses Transfiguration, Matt 17:1–9
Martyred by Herod Agrippa, Acts 12:2
——— Son of Alphaeus; one of the Twelve, Matt 10:3, 4
Called “the Less,” Mark 15:40
——— Jesus’ half brother, Matt 13:55, 56; Gal 1:19
Becomes leader of Jerusalem Council and Jerusalem church, Acts 15:13–22; Gal 2:9
Author of an epistle, James 1:1
Two Egyptian magicians; oppose Moses, Ex 7:11–22; 2 Tim 3:8
One of Noah’s three sons, Gen 5:32
Receives blessing, Gen 9:20–27
His descendants occupy Asia Minor and Europe, Gen 10:2–5
Father of Enoch, Gen 5:15–20
Ancestor of Noah, 1 Chr 1:2
Ancestor of Christ, Luke 3:37
Book of, quoted, Josh 10:13
Welcomes Paul at Thessalonica, Acts 17:5–9
Described as Paul’s kinsman, Rom 16:21
Descendants of, to receive good news, Is 66:19, 20
your God, am a j God Ex 20:5
LORD, whose name is J Ex 34:14
a consuming fire, a j Deut 4:24
For I am j for you 2 Cor 11:2
They provoked Him to j Deut 32:16
Will Your j burn like Ps 79:5
j is a husband’s Prov 6:34
as strong as death, j Song 8:6
will provoke you to j Rom 10:19
for you with godly j 2 Cor 11:2
Canaanite name of Jerusalem before captured by David, 1 Chr 11:4–8
Descendants of Canaan, Gen 15:18–21; Num 13:29
Defeated by Joshua, Josh 11:1–12
Not driven from Jerusalem; later conquered by David, Judg 1:21; 2 Sam 5:6–8
Put to forced labor under Solomon, 1 Kin 9:20, 21
Variant form of Jehoiachin, 1 Chr 3:16, 17
Abbreviated to Coniah, Jer 22:24, 28
Name given to Solomon by Nathan, 2 Sam 12:24, 25
Levite musician appointed by David, 1 Chr 16:41, 42
Heads a family of musicians, 2 Chr 5:12
Name appears in Psalm titles, Ps 39; 62; 77
Name given by Laban to memorial stones, Gen 31:46, 47
Son and successor of Jehu, king of Israel, 2 Kin 10:35
Seeks the Lord in defeat, 2 Kin 13:2–9
——— Son and successor of Josiah, king of Judah, 2 Kin 23:30–34
Called Shallum, 1 Chr 3:15
——— Another form of Ahaziah, youngest son of King Joram, 2 Chr 21:17
Son of Jehoiakim; next to the last king of Judah, 2 Kin 24:8
Deported to Babylon, 2 Kin 24:8–16
Liberated by Evil-Merodach, Jer 52:31–34
High priest during reign of Joash, 2 Kin 11:4–12:16
Instructs Joash, 2 Kin 12:2
Wicked king of Judah; son of Josiah; serves Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kin 23:34–24:7
Taken captive to Babylon, 2 Chr 36:6–8
Kills prophet Urijah, Jer 26:20–23
Destroys Jeremiah’s scroll; cursed by God, Jer 36
Wicked king of Judah; son of Jehoshaphat, 2 Kin 8:16–24
Marries Athaliah, 2 Kin 8:18, 19
Kills his brothers, 2 Chr 21:2, 4
Elijah prophesies against him; prophecy fulfilled, 2 Chr 21:12–20
——— Wicked king of Israel; son of Ahab, 2 Kin 3:1–3
Counseled by Elisha, 2 Kin 3; 5:8; 6:8–12
Wounded in battle, 2 Kin 8:28, 29
Killed by Jehu, 2 Kin 9:14–26
Righteous king of Judah; son of Asa, 1 Kin 22:41–50
Goes to war with Ahab against Syria, 1 Kin 22:1–36
Institutes reforms; sends out teachers of the Law, 2 Chr 17:6–9; 19
His enemies defeated through his faith, 2 Chr 20:1–30
Son of a Moabitess; assassinates Joash, 2 Kin 12:20, 21
Put to death, 2 Chr 25:3
Prophet; denounces Baasha, 1 Kin 16:1–7
Rebukes Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr 19:2, 3
——— Commander under Ahab; anointed king, 1 Kin 19:16; 2 Kin 9:1–13
Destroys the house of Ahab, 2 Kin 9:14–10:30
Turns away from the Lord; dies, 2 Kin 10:31–36
Reads Jeremiah’s scroll, Jer 36:14, 21, 23
stand in j every hour 1 Cor 15:30
Gilead’s son by a harlot, Judg 11:1
Driven out, then brought back to command army against Ammonites, Judg 11:2–28
Sacrifices his daughter to fulfill a vow, Judg 11:29–40
Chastises Ephraim, Judg 12:1–7
Prophet under Josiah, Jehoiakim, and Zedekiah, Jer 1:1–3
Called by God, Jer 1:4–9
Forbidden to marry, Jer 16:2
Imprisoned by Pashhur, Jer 20:1–6
Prophecy written, destroyed, rewritten, Jer 36
Accused of defection and imprisoned; released by Zedekiah, Jer 37
Cast into dungeon; rescued; prophesies to Zedekiah, Jer 38
Set free by Nebuchadnezzar, Jer 39:11–40:6
Forcibly taken to Egypt, Jer 43:5–7
City near the Jordan, Num 22:1
Called the city of palm trees, Deut 34:3; 2 Chr 28:15
Miraculously defeated by Joshua, Josh 6
Rebuilt by Hiel, 1 Kin 16:34
Visited by Jesus, Matt 20:29–34; Luke 19:1–10
Son of Nebat; receives prophecy that he will be king, 1 Kin 11:26–40
Made king; leads revolt against Rehoboam, 1 Kin 12:1–24
Sets up idols, 1 Kin 12:25–33
Rebuked by a man of God, 1 Kin 13:1–10
Judgment on house of, 1 Kin 13:33–14:20
——— Wicked king of Israel; son of Joash; successful in war, 2 Kin 14:23–29
Prophecy concerning, by Amos, Amos 7:7–13
Name given to Gideon for destroying Baal’s altar, Judg 6:32
Originally called Salem, Gen 14:18
Jebusite city, Josh 15:8; Judg 1:8, 21
King of, defeated by Joshua, Josh 10:5–23
Conquered by David; made capital, 2 Sam 5:6–9
Ark brought to, 2 Sam 6:12–17; 1 Kin 8:1–13
Saved from plague, 2 Sam 24:16
Temple built and dedicated here, 1 Kin 6; 8:14–66
Suffers in war, 1 Kin 14:25–27; 2 Kin 14:13, 14; Is 7:1
Miraculously saved, 2 Kin 19:31–36
Captured by Babylon, 2 Kin 24:10–25:21; Jer 39:1–8
Exiles return and rebuild temple, Ezra 1:1–4; 2:1
Walls of, dedicated, Neh 12:27–47
Christ enters as king, Matt 21:4–11
Christ laments for, Matt 23:37; Luke 19:41–44
Church born in, Acts 2
Christians of, persecuted, Acts 4
Postexilic high priest; returns with Zerubbabel, Ezra 2:2
Aids in rebuilding temple, Ezra 3:2–8
Also called Joshua; seen in vision, Zech 3:1–10
Poetic name of endearment for Israel, Deut 32:15
Grandson of Ruth and Boaz, Ruth 4:17–22
Father of David, 1 Sam 16:1–13
Mentioned in prophecy, Is 11:1, 10
talking, nor coarse j Eph 5:4
J Christ was as Matt 1:18
shall call His name J Matt 1:21
J was led up by the Matt 4:1
These twelve J sent Matt 10:5
and laid hands on J Matt 26:50
Barabbas and destroy J Matt 27:20
we to do with You, J Mark 1:24
J withdrew with His Mark 3:7
J went into Jerusalem Mark 11:11
as they were eating, J Mark 14:22
and he delivered J Mark 15:15
J rebuked the Luke 9:42
truth came through J John 1:17
J lifted up His eyes John 6:5
J wept John 11:35
J was crucified John 19:20
This J God has raised Acts 2:32
of Your holy Servant J Acts 4:30
believed on the Lord J Acts 11:17
baptized into Christ J Rom 6:3
your mouth the Lord J Rom 10:9
among you except J 1 Cor 2:2
the day of the Lord J 1 Cor 5:5
perfect in Christ J Col 1:28
J who is called Col 4:11
exhort in the Lord J 1 Thess 4:1
But we see J Heb 2:9
looking unto J Heb 12:2
J Christ the righteous 1 John 2:1
Revelation of J Christ Rev 1:1
so, come, Lord J Rev 22:20
Gideon’s oldest son, Judg 8:20, 21
Priest of Midian; becomes Moses’ father-in-law, Ex 2:16–22
Blesses Moses’ departure, Ex 4:18
Visits and counsels Moses, Ex 18
Also called Reuel, Num 10:29
your thighs are like j Songs 7:1
that I make them My j Mal 3:17
Jesus born King of the, Matt 2:2
Salvation comes through the, John 4:22; Acts 11:19; Rom 1:16; 2:9, 10
Reject Christ, Matt 27:21–25
Reject the gospel, Acts 13:42–46
Ahab’s idolatrous wife, 1 Kin 16:31
Her abominable acts, 1 Kin 18:4, 13; 19:1, 2; 21:1–16
Death prophesied; prophecy fulfilled, 1 Kin 21:23; 2 Kin 9:7, 30–37
——— Type of paganism in the church, Rev 2:20
Ahab’s capital, 1 Kin 18:45; 21:1
Ahab’s family destroyed at, 1 Kin 21:23; 2 Kin 9:30–37; 10:1–11
David’s nephew; commands his army, 2 Sam 2:10–32; 8:16; 10:1–14; 11:1, 14–25; 20:1–23
Kills Abner, 2 Sam 3:26, 27
Intercedes for Absalom, 2 Sam 14:1–33
Remains loyal to David; kills Absalom, 2 Sam 18:1–5, 9–17
Demoted; kills Amasa, 2 Sam 19:13; 20:8–10
Opposes census, 2 Sam 24:1–9; 1 Chr 21:1–6
Supports Adonijah, 1 Kin 1:7
Solomon orders his death in obedience to David’s command, 1 Kin 2:1–6, 28–34
Wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, Luke 8:1–3
With others, heralds Christ’s resurrection, Luke 23:55, 56
Son of Ahaziah; saved from Athaliah’s massacre and crowned by Jehoiada, 2 Kin 11:1–12
Repairs the temple, 2 Kin 12:1–16
Turns away from the Lord and is killed, 2 Chr 24:17–25
——— Wicked king of Israel; son of Jehoahaz, 2 Kin 13:10–25
Defeats Amaziah in battle, 2 Kin 14:8–15; 2 Chr 25:17–24
Model of righteousness, Job 1:1–5
His faith tested, Job 1:6–2:10
Debates with his three friends; complains to God, Job 3–33
Elihu intervenes, Job 34–37
God’s answer, Job 38–41
Humbles himself and repents, Job 42:1–6
Restored to prosperity, Job 42:10–17
Daughter of Levi; mother of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses, Ex 6:20
Preexilic prophet, Joel 1:1
Quoted in NT, Acts 2:16
Military leader of Judah; warns Gedaliah of Ishmael’s plot, Jer 40:13–16
Avenges Gedaliah; takes the people to Egypt, Jer 41:11–18
The apostle, son of Zebedee; called as disciple, Matt 4:21, 22; Luke 5:1–11
Chosen as one of the Twelve, Matt 10:2
Especially close to Christ, Matt 17:1–9; Mark 13:3; John 13:23–25; 19:26, 27; 20:2–8; 21:7, 20
Ambitious and overzealous, Mark 10:35–41; Luke 9:54–56
Sent to prepare the Passover, Luke 22:8–13
With Peter, heals a man and is arrested, Acts 3:1–4:22
Goes on missionary trip with Peter, Acts 8:14–25
Exiled on Patmos, Rev 1:9
Author of Gospel, three epistles, and the Revelation, John 21:23–25; 1 John; 2 John; 3 John; Rev 1:1
——— The Baptist; OT prophecy concerning, Is 40:3–5; Mal 4:5
His birth announced and accomplished, Luke 1:11–20, 57–80
Preaches repentance, Luke 3:1–20
Bears witness to Christ, John 1:19–36; 3:25–36
Baptizes Jesus, Matt 3:13–17
Jesus speaks about, Matt 11:7–19
Identified with Elijah, Matt 11:13, 14
Herod imprisons and kills, Matt 14:3–12
——— Surnamed Mark: see MARK
Woe to those who j Is 5:8
‘Come and let us j Jer 50:5
of the rest dared j Acts 5:13
and mother and be j Gen 2:24
for him who is j Eccl 9:4
“Ephraim is j Hos 4:17
what God has j Matt 19:6
you be perfectly j 1 Cor 1:10
But he who is j 1 Cor 6:17
the whole body, j Eph 4:16
j as He wrestled Gen 32:25
My bones are out of j Ps 22:14
j heirs with Christ Rom 8:17
by what every j Eph 4:16
and knit together by j Col 2:19
and spirit, and of j Heb 4:12
David’s nephew; encourages Amnon in sin, 2 Sam 13:3–5, 32–36
——— Son of Rechab; father of the Rechabites, Jer 35:5–19
Helps Jehu overthrow Baal, 2 Kin 10:15–28
Prophet sent to Nineveh; rebels and is punished, Jon 1
Repents and is saved, Jon 2
Preaches in Nineveh, Jon 3
Becomes angry at God’s mercy, Jon 4
Type of Christ’s resurrection, Matt 12:39, 40
King Saul’s eldest son; his exploits in battle, 1 Sam 13:2, 3; 14:1–14, 49
Saved from his father’s wrath, 1 Sam 14:24–45
Makes covenant with David; protects him from Saul, 1 Sam 18:1–4; 19:1–7; 20:1–42; 23:15–18
Killed by Philistines, 1 Sam 31:2, 8
Mourned by David; his son provided for, 2 Sam 1:17–27; 9:1–8
——— Son of high priest Abiathar; faithful to David, 2 Sam 15:26–36; 17:15–22
Informs Adonijah of Solomon’s coronation, 1 Kin 1:41–49
Scene of Peter’s vision, Acts 10:5–23, 32
Lot dwells near, Gen 13:8–13
Canaan’s eastern boundary, Num 34:12
Moses forbidden to cross, Deut 3:27
Miraculous dividing of, for Israel, Josh 3:1–17
by Elijah, 2 Kin 2:5–8
by Elisha, 2 Kin 2:13, 14
Naaman healed in, 2 Kin 5:10–14
John baptizes in, Matt 3:6, 13–17
Son of Jacob by Rachel, Gen 30:22–24
Loved by Jacob; hated by his brothers, Gen 37:3–11
Sold into slavery, Gen 37:12–36
Unjustly imprisoned in Egypt, Gen 39:1–23
Interprets dreams in prison, Gen 40:1–23
Wins Pharaoh’s favor, Gen 41:1–44
Prepares Egypt for famine, Gen 41:45–57
Sells grain to his brothers, Gen 42–44
Reveals identity and reconciles with brothers; sends for Jacob, Gen 45:1–28
Settles family in Egypt, Gen 47:1–12
His sons blessed by Jacob, Gen 48:1–22
Blessed by Jacob, Gen 49:22–26
Buries his father; reassures his brothers, Gen 50:1–21
His death, Gen 50:22–26
——— Husband of Mary, Jesus’ mother, Matt 1:16
Visited by angel, Matt 1:19–25
Takes Mary to Bethlehem, Luke 2:3–7
Protects Jesus from Herod, Matt 2:13–23
Jesus subject to, Luke 2:51
——— Secret disciple from Arimathea; donates tomb and assists in Christ’s burial, Mark 15:42–46; Luke 23:50–53; John 19:38–42
One of Jesus’ half brothers, Matt 13:55
——— The name of Barnabas, Acts 4:36
——— Leader of Israel succeeding Moses, Num 27:18–23
Leads battle against Amalek, Ex 17:8–16
Sent as spy into Canaan; reports favorably, Num 13:16–25; 14:6–9
Assumes command, Josh 1:1–18
Sends spies to Jericho, Josh 2:1
Leads Israel across Jordan, Josh 3:1–17
Sets up commemorative stones, Josh 4:1–24
Circumcises the people, Josh 5:2–9
Conquers Jericho, Josh 5:13–6:27
Punishes Achan, Josh 7:10–26
Conquers Canaan, Josh 8–12
Divides the land, Josh 13–19
Addresses rulers, Josh 23:1–16
Addresses the people, Josh 24:1–28
His death, Josh 24:29, 30
Righteous king of Judah; son of Amon, 2 Kin 22:1, 2
Repairs the temple, 2 Kin 22:3–9
Hears the Law; spared for his humility, 2 Kin 22:10–20
Institutes reforms, 2 Kin 23:1–25
Killed in battle, 2 Chr 35:20–25
one j or one tittle Matt 5:18
Gideon’s youngest son; escapes Abimelech’s massacre, Judg 9:5
Utters prophetic parable, Judg 9:7–21
——— Righteous king of Judah; son of Azariah, 2 Kin 15:32–38; 2 Chr 27:1–9
us go three days’ j Ex 3:18
busy, or he is on a j 1 Kin 18:27
Nevertheless I must j Luke 13:33
wearied from His j John 4:6
LORD your God with j Deut 28:47
heart to sing for j Job 29:13
is fullness of j Ps 16:11
j comes in the morning Ps 30:5
To God my exceeding j Ps 43:4
You according to the j Is 9:3
j you will draw Is 12:3
ashes, the oil of j Is 61:3
j shall be theirs Is 61:7
shall sing for j Is 65:14
word was to me the j Jer 15:16
receives it with j Matt 13:20
Enter into the j Matt 25:21
in my womb for j Luke 1:44
there will be more j Luke 15:7
did not believe for j Luke 24:41
My j may remain in John 15:11
they may have My j John 17:13
fill you with all j Rom 15:13
that my j is the j 2 Cor 2:3
the Spirit is love, j Gal 5:22
brethren, my j and Phil 4:1
longsuffering with j Col 1:11
are our glory and j 1 Thess 2:20
j that was set before Heb 12:2
count it all j James 1:2
j inexpressible 1 Pet 1:8
with exceeding j 1 Pet 4:13
I have no greater j 3 John 4
And my soul shall be j Ps 35:9
Make a j shout to the Ps 100:1
of prosperity be j Eccl 7:14
and make them j Is 56:7
I am exceedingly j 2 Cor 7:4
Assassin of Joash, 2 Kin 12:19–21
Called Zabad, 2 Chr 24:26
Son of Lamech, Gen 4:21
fiftieth year shall be a J Lev 25:11
Son of Jacob and Leah, Gen 29:30–35
Intercedes for Joseph, Gen 37:26, 27
Fails in duty to Tamar, Gen 38:1–30
Offers himself as Benjamin’s ransom, Gen 44:18–34
Jacob bestows birthright on, Gen 49:3–10
Ancestor of Christ, Matt 1:3, 16
——— Tribe of:
Prophecy concerning, Gen 49:8–12
Numbered at Sinai, Num 1:26, 27
Territory assigned to, Josh 15:1–63
Leads in conquest of Canaan, Judg 1:1–19
Makes David king, 2 Sam 2:1–11
Loyal to David and his house, 2 Sam 20:1, 2; 1 Kin 12:20
Becomes leader of southern kingdom, 1 Kin 14:21, 22
Taken to Babylon, 2 Kin 24:1–16
Returns after exile, 2 Chr 36:20–23
And I advanced in J Gal 1:14
Judas Lebbaeus, surnamed Thaddaeus, Matt 10:3
One of Christ’s apostles, Luke 6:13, 16
Offers a question, John 14:22
——— Judas Barsabas, a chief deputy, Acts 15:22–32
——— Betrayer of Christ: see ISCARIOT
Half brother of Christ, Matt 13:55
Does not believe in Christ, John 7:5
Becomes Christ’s disciple, Acts 1:14
Writes an epistle, Jude 1
Christ born in, Matt 2:1, 5, 6
Hostile toward Christ, John 7:1
Gospel preached in, Acts 8:1, 4
Churches established in, Acts 9:31
The LORD j between Gen 16:5
For the LORD will j Deut 32:36
coming to j the earth 1 Chr 16:33
Rise up, O J of the Ps 94:2
sword the LORD will j Is 66:16
deliver you to the j Matt 5:25
“J not, that you be not Matt 7:1
“Man, who made Me a j Luke 12:14
j who did not fear God Luke 18:2
As I hear, I j John 5:30
Do not j according John 7:24
I j no one John 8:15
j the world but to John 12:47
this, O man, you who j Rom 2:3
then how will God j Rom 3:6
Therefore let us not j Rom 14:13
Christ, who will j 2 Tim 4:1
Lord, the righteous J 2 Tim 4:8
heaven, to God the J Heb 12:23
But if you j the law James 4:11
are you to j another James 4:12
j who delivered Judg 2:16
in the days when the j Ruth 1:1
Surely He is God who j Ps 58:11
He j among the gods Ps 82:1
He makes the j of the Is 40:23
j are evening wolves Zeph 3:3
For the Father j John 5:22
he who is spiritual j 1 Cor 2:15
j me is the Lord 1 Cor 4:4
Him who j righteously 1 Pet 2:23
show partiality in j Deut 1:17
Teach me good j Ps 119:66
him in right j Is 28:26
from prison and from j Is 53:8
I will also speak j Jer 4:12
j was made in favor of Dan 7:22
be in danger of the j Matt 5:21
will rise up in the j Matt 12:42
shall not come into j John 5:24
and My j is righteous John 5:30
if I do judge, My j John 8:16
Now is the j John 12:31
the righteous j Rom 1:32
j which came from one Rom 5:16
all stand before the j Rom 14:10
eats and drinks j 1 Cor 11:29
appear before the j 2 Cor 5:10
after this the j Heb 9:27
For j is without mercy James 2:13
receive a stricter j James 3:1
time has come for j 1 Pet 4:17
a long time their j 2 Pet 2:3
darkness for the j Jude 6
The j of the LORD are Ps 19:9
j are a great deep Ps 36:6
I dread, for Your j Ps 119:39
unsearchable are His j Rom 11:33
righteous are His j Rev 19:2
Roman centurion assigned to guard Paul, Acts 27:1–44
Noah was a j man Gen 6:9
Hear a j cause Ps 17:1
It is a joy for the j Prov 21:15
j man who perishes Eccl 7:15
For there is not a j Eccl 7:20
j is uprightness Is 26:7
the blood of the j Lam 4:13
j shall live by his Hab 2:4
He is j and having Zech 9:9
her husband, being a j Matt 1:19
resurrection of the j Luke 14:14
j persons who need no Luke 15:7
the Holy One and the J Acts 3:14
dead, both of the j Acts 24:15
j shall live by faith Rom 1:17
that He might be j Rom 3:26
whatever things are j Phil 4:8
j men made perfect Heb 12:23
have murdered the j James 5:6
He is faithful and j 1 John 1:9
J and true are Your Rev 15:3
for all His ways are j Deut 32:4
the Almighty pervert j Job 8:3
j as the noonday Ps 37:6
and Your poor with j Ps 72:2
He will bring j Ps 72:4
Do j to the afflicted Ps 82:3
and j are the Ps 89:14
revenues without j Prov 16:8
do not understand j Prov 28:5
j the measuring line Is 28:17
the LORD is a God of j Is 30:18
He will bring forth j Is 42:1
No one calls for j Is 59:4
J is turned back Is 59:14
I, the LORD, love j Is 61:8
you, O home of j Jer 31:23
plundering, execute j Ezek 45:9
truth, and His ways j Dan 4:37
observe mercy and j Hos 12:6
‘Execute true j Zech 7:9
“Where is the God of j Mal 2:17
And He will declare j Matt 12:18
His humiliation His j Acts 8:33
because of our j Rom 4:25
offenses resulted in j Rom 5:16
men, resulting in j Rom 5:18
Me that you may be j Job 40:8
of Israel shall be j Is 45:25
words you will be j Matt 12:37
But wisdom is j Luke 7:35
j rather than the Luke 18:14
who believes is j Acts 13:39
“That You may be j Rom 3:4
law no flesh will be j Rom 3:20
j freely by His grace Rom 3:24
having been j by Rom 5:1
these He also j Rom 8:30
but you were j 1 Cor 6:11
that we might be j Gal 2:16
no flesh shall be j Gal 2:16
who attempt to be j Gal 5:4
j in the Spirit 1 Tim 3:16
then that a man is j James 2:24
the harlot also j James 2:25
be just and the j Rom 3:26
He who j the wicked Prov 17:15
It is God who j Rom 8:33
j the wicked for a Is 5:23
wanting to j himself Luke 10:29
“You are those who j Luke 16:15
is one God who will j Rom 3:30
that God would j Gal 3:8
of you but to do j Mic 6:8
And we indeed j Luke 23:41
how devoutly and j 1 Thess 2:10
Surname of Joseph, a disciple, Acts 1:23
——— Man of Corinth; befriends Paul, Acts 18:7
Moses strikes rock at, Num 20:1–13
Boundary in the new Israel, Ezek 47:19
Boundary of Promised Land, Num 34:1–4
Limit of Joshua’s military campaign, Josh 10:41
k you wherever you Gen 28:15
day, to k it holy Ex 20:8
and k My judgments Lev 25:18
k all My commandments 1 Kin 6:12
and that You would k 1 Chr 4:10
Even he who cannot k Ps 22:29
K my soul Ps 25:20
do not k silence Ps 35:22
k Your righteous Ps 119:106
k them in the midst of Prov 4:21
K your heart with all Prov 4:23
a time to k silence Eccl 3:7
Let all the earth k Hab 2:20
k the commandments Matt 19:17
If you love Me, k John 14:15
k through Your name John 17:11
orderly and k the law Acts 21:24
Let your women k 1 Cor 14:34
k the unity of the Eph 4:3
k yourself pure 1 Tim 5:22
k His commandments 1 John 2:3
k yourselves in the Jude 21
k you from stumbling Jude 24
k those things Rev 1:3
Am I my brother’s k Gen 4:9
The LORD is your k Ps 121:5
in the day when the k Eccl 12:3
the faithful God who k Deut 7:9
k truth forever Ps 146:6
k his way preserves Prov 16:17
k the commandment Prov 19:16
Whoever k the law is a Prov 28:7
none of you k the law John 7:19
born of God k himself 1 John 5:18
and k his garments Rev 16:15
Town of Judah; rescued from Philistines by David, 1 Sam 23:1–5
Prepares to betray David; he escapes, 1 Sam 23:6–13
Canaanite tribe whose land is promised to Abraham’s seed, Gen 15:19
Subjects of Balaam’s prophecy, Num 24:20–22
Settle with Judahites, Judg 1:16
Spared by Saul in war with Amalekites, 1 Sam 15:6
For I have k the ways 2 Sam 22:22
vineyard I have not k Song 1:6
these things I have k Matt 19:20
all these things I have k Mark 10:20
k all these things Luke 2:19
love, just as I have k John 15:10
k back part of the Acts 5:2
I have k the faith 2 Tim 4:7
who are k by the power 1 Pet 1:5
which now exist are k 2 Pet 3:7
Abraham’s second wife, Gen 25:1
Sons of:
Given gifts and sent away, Gen 25:6
The k of the house of Is 22:22
have taken away the k Luke 11:52
“He who has the k Rev 3:7
heaven, having the k Rev 20:1
I will give you the k Matt 16:19
And I have the k Rev 1:18
Burial site of Israelites slain by God, Num 11:33–35
is hard for you to k Acts 9:5
for sodomites, for k 1 Tim 1:10
“He who k a man and Ex 21:16
Valley near Jerusalem; crossed by David and Christ, 2 Sam 15:23; John 18:1
Idols dumped there, 2 Chr 29:16
who finds me will k Gen 4:14
k the Passover Ex 12:21
I k and I make alive Deut 32:39
“Am I God, to k 2 Kin 5:7
a time to k Eccl 3:3
to save life or to k Mark 3:4
of them they will k Luke 11:49
afraid of those who k Luke 12:4
Why do you seek to k John 7:19
“Rise, Peter; k and eat Acts 10:13
Abel his brother and k Gen 4:8
For I have k a man for Gen 4:23
LORD k all the Ex 13:15
Your servant has k 1 Sam 17:36
for Your sake we are k Ps 44:22
and scribes, and be k Matt 16:21
Siloam fell and k them Luke 13:4
k the Prince of life Acts 3:15
me, and by it k Rom 7:11
“For Your sake we are k Rom 8:36
who k both the Lord 1 Thess 2:15
martyr, who was k Rev 2:13
“The LORD k and 1 Sam 2:6
the one who k the Matt 23:37
for the letter k 2 Cor 3:6
animals after their k Gen 6:20
k can come out by Mark 9:29
For He is k to the Luke 6:35
suffers long and is k 1 Cor 13:4
And be k to one Eph 4:32
When His wrath is k Ps 2:12
I, the LORD, have k Ezek 20:48
wish it were already k Luke 12:49
The LORD deal k Ruth 1:8
Julius treated Paul k Acts 27:3
k affectionate to one Rom 12:10
may the LORD show k 2 Sam 2:6
anger, abundant in k Neh 9:17
me His marvelous k Ps 31:21
For His merciful k Ps 117:2
tongue is the law of k Prov 31:26
k shall not depart Is 54:10
I remember you, the k Jer 2:2
by longsuffering, by k 2 Cor 6:6
longsuffering, k Gal 5:22
But when the k and the Titus 3:4
and to brotherly k 2 Pet 1:7
Then Melchizedek k Gen 14:18
days there was no k Judg 17:6
said, “Give us a k 1 Sam 8:6
“Long live the k 1 Sam 10:24
they anointed David k 2 Sam 2:4
Yet I have set My K Ps 2:6
The LORD is K forever Ps 10:16
K answer us when we Ps 20:9
And the K of glory Ps 24:7
k is saved by the Ps 33:16
k Your judgments Ps 72:1
For God is my K Ps 74:12
do who succeeds the k Eccl 2:12
out of prison to be k Eccl 4:14
when your k is a child Eccl 10:16
In the year that K Is 6:1
k will reign in Is 32:1
the LORD is our K Is 33:22
Is not her K in her Jer 8:19
and the everlasting K Jer 10:10
k of Babylon, k Ezek 26:7
I gave you a k in My Hos 13:11
the LORD shall be K Zech 14:9
He who has been born K Matt 2:2
This Is Jesus the K Matt 27:37
by force to make Him k John 6:15
“Behold your K John 19:14
there is another k Acts 17:7
Now to the K eternal 1 Tim 1:17
only Potentate, the K 1 Tim 6:15
this Melchizedek, k Heb 7:1
Honor the k 1 Pet 2:17
K of kings and Lord of Rev 19:16
you shall be to Me a k Ex 19:6
LORD has torn the k 1 Sam 15:28
Yours is the k 1 Chr 29:11
k is the LORD’s Ps 22:28
the scepter of Your k Ps 45:6
in heaven, and His k Ps 103:19
is an everlasting k Ps 145:13
k which shall never be Dan 2:44
High rules in the k Dan 4:17
k shall be the LORD’s Obad 21
“Repent, for the k Matt 3:2
for Yours is the k Matt 6:13
But seek first the k Matt 6:33
the mysteries of the k Matt 13:11
are the sons of the k Matt 13:38
of such is the k Matt 19:14
up to half of my k Mark 6:23
are not far from the k Mark 12:34
back, is fit for the k Luke 9:62
against nation, and k Luke 21:10
he cannot see the k John 3:3
he cannot enter the k John 3:5
If My k were of this John 18:36
for the k of God is Rom 14:17
when He delivers the k 1 Cor 15:24
will not inherit the k Gal 5:21
the scepter of Your k Heb 1:8
we are receiving a k Heb 12:28
into the everlasting k 2 Pet 1:11
the k were moved Ps 46:6
tremble, who shook k Is 14:16
showed Him all the k Matt 4:8
have become the k Rev 11:15
The k of the earth set Ps 2:2
k shall fall down Ps 72:11
He is awesome to the k Ps 76:12
By me k reign Prov 8:15
He will stand before k Prov 22:29
k is unsearchable Prov 25:3
that which destroys k Prov 31:3
it is not for k Prov 31:4
K shall be your foster Is 49:23
“They set up k Hos 8:4
before governors and k Matt 10:18
k have desired to see Luke 10:24
You have reigned as k 1 Cor 4:8
and has made us k Rev 1:6
that the way of the k Rev 16:12
may eat the flesh of k Rev 19:18
Ancient name of Hebron, Gen 23:2
Possessed by Judah, Judg 1:10
Gibeonite town, Josh 9:17
Ark taken from, 1 Chr 13:5
Benjamite of Gibeah; father of King Saul, 1 Sam 9:1–3
River of north Palestine; Sisera’s army swept away by, Judg 4:7, 13
Elijah executes prophets of Baal at, 1 Kin 18:40
K the Son Ps 2:12
Let him k me with the Song 1:2
You gave Me no k Luke 7:45
another with a holy k Rom 16:16
one another with a k 1 Pet 5:14
And they k one another 1 Sam 20:41
and k Him Matt 26:49
and she k His feet and Luke 7:38
that to Me every k Is 45:23
And they bowed the k Matt 27:29
have not bowed the k Rom 11:4
every k shall bow to Rom 14:11
of Jesus every k Phil 2:10
make firm the feeble k Is 35:3
be dandled on her k Is 66:12
this reason I bow my k Eph 3:14
and the feeble k Heb 12:12
Adam k Eve his wife Gen 4:1
in the womb I k Jer 1:5
to them, ‘I never k Matt 7:23
k what was in man John 2:25
For He made Him who k 2 Cor 5:21
of Jonathan was k 1 Sam 18:1
k me together with Job 10:11
be encouraged, being k Col 2:2
k, and it will be Matt 7:7
at the door and k Rev 3:20
k good and evil Gen 3:22
and I did not k Gen 28:16
k that I am the LORD Ex 6:7
k that there is no God 2 Kin 5:15
you, my son Solomon, k 1 Chr 28:9
Hear it, and k for Job 5:27
and k nothing Job 8:9
k that my Redeemer Job 19:25
‘What does God k Job 22:13
k Your name will put Ps 9:10
k that I am God Ps 46:10
make me to k wisdom Ps 51:6
Who can k it Jer 17:9
saying, ‘K the LORD Jer 31:34
for you to k justice Mic 3:1
k what hour your Lord Matt 24:42
an oath, “I do not k Matt 26:72
the world did not k John 1:10
We speak what We k John 3:11
k what we worship John 4:22
k that You are John 6:69
hear My voice, and I k John 10:27
If you k these things John 13:17
k whom I have chosen John 13:18
we are sure that You k John 16:30
k that I love You John 21:15
k times or seasons Acts 1:7
and said, “Jesus I k Acts 19:15
wisdom did not k 1 Cor 1:21
nor can he k them 1 Cor 2:14
For we k in part and 1 Cor 13:9
k a man in Christ who 2 Cor 12:2
k the love of Christ Eph 3:19
k whom I have believed 2 Tim 1:12
so that they may k 2 Tim 2:25
this we k that we k Him 1 John 2:3
He who says, “I k 1 John 2:4
and you k all things 1 John 2:20
By this we k love 1 John 3:16
k that we are of the 1 John 3:19
k that He abides 1 John 3:24
k that we are of God 1 John 5:19
“I k your works Rev 2:2
and the tree of the k Gen 2:9
LORD is the God of k 1 Sam 2:3
Can anyone teach God k Job 21:22
who is perfect in k Job 36:4
unto night reveals k Ps 19:2
k is too wonderful Ps 139:6
k the depths were Prov 3:20
k rather than Prov 8:10
Wise people store up k Prov 10:14
k is easy to him who Prov 14:6
k spares his words Prov 17:27
a soul to be without k Prov 19:2
and he who increases k Eccl 1:18
k is that wisdom Eccl 7:12
no work or device or k Eccl 9:10
Whom will he teach k Is 28:9
k shall increase Dan 12:4
you have rejected k Hos 4:6
having more accurate k Acts 24:22
having the form of k Rom 2:20
by the law is the k of sin Rom 3:20
K puffs up 1 Cor 8:1
whether there is k 1 Cor 13:8
Christ which passes k Eph 3:19
is falsely called k 1 Tim 6:20
in the grace and k 2 Pet 3:18
In Judah God is k Ps 76:1
my mouth will I make k Ps 89:1
If you had k Me John 8:19
My sheep, and am k John 10:14
The world has not k John 17:25
peace they have not k Rom 3:17
I would not have k Rom 7:7
“For who has k Rom 11:34
after you have k Gal 4:9
requests be made k Phil 4:6
k the Holy Scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
For God k that in Gen 3:5
k the secrets of the Ps 44:21
he understands and k Jer 9:24
k what is in the Dan 2:22
k those who trust Nah 1:7
k the things you have Matt 6:8
and hour no one k Matt 24:36
k who the Son is Luke 10:22
but God k your hearts Luke 16:15
searches the hearts k Rom 8:27
k the things of God 1 Cor 2:11
k those who are His 2 Tim 2:19
to him who k to do James 4:17
and k all things 1 John 3:20
written which no one k Rev 2:17
Second son of Levi, Gen 46:8, 11
Brother of Jochebed, mother of Aaron and Moses, Ex 6:16–20
Duties assigned to, Num 4:15–20
Leaders of temple music, 1 Chr 6:31–38; 2 Chr 20:19
Leads rebellion against Moses and Aaron; supernaturally destroyed, Num 16:1–35
Sons of, not destroyed, Num 26:9–11
Son of Bethuel; brother of Rebekah; father of Leah and Rachel, Gen 24:15, 24, 29; 29:16
Agrees to Rebekah’s marriage to Isaac, Gen 24:50, 51
Entertains Jacob, Gen 29:1–14
Substitutes Leah for Rachel, Gen 29:15–30
Agrees to division of cattle; grows resentful of Jacob, Gen 30:25–31:2
Pursues Jacob and makes covenant with him, Gen 31:21–55
Six days you shall l Ex 20:9
why then do I l Job 9:29
their boast is only l Ps 90:10
The l of the righteous Prov 10:16
l will increase Prov 13:11
l there is profit Prov 14:23
things are full of l Eccl 1:8
has man for all his l Eccl 2:22
He shall see the l Is 53:11
“Before she was in l Is 66:7
from the womb to see l Jer 20:18
to Me, all you who l Matt 11:28
Do not l for the John 6:27
knowing that your l 1 Cor 15:58
but rather let him l Eph 4:28
mean fruit from my l Phil 1:22
your work of faith, l 1 Thess 1:3
forget your work and l Heb 6:10
your works, your l Rev 2:2
l more abundantly than 1 Cor 15:10
for you, lest I have l Gal 4:11
but the l are few Matt 9:37
of a l man is sweet Eccl 5:12
l night and day 1 Thess 2:9
The person who l Prov 16:26
is no end to all his l Eccl 4:8
entered into their l John 4:38
creation groans and l Rom 8:22
l more abundant 2 Cor 11:23
may rest from their l Rev 14:13
Defeated by Joshua, Josh 10:3–33
Taken by Sennacherib, 2 Kin 18:13–17; Is 36:1, 2; 37:8
anyone perish for l Job 31:19
the LORD shall not l Ps 34:10
to the poor will not l Prov 28:27
What do I still l Matt 19:20
“One thing you l Mark 10:21
among them who l Acts 4:34
the things that are l Titus 1:5
and behold, a l Gen 28:12
nation, a people l Is 1:4
and are heavy l Matt 11:28
wisest l answered her Judg 5:29
very day the noble l Esth 1:18
‘I shall be a l Is 47:7
To the elect l 2 John 1
not l in diligence Rom 12:11
Same as Beer Lahai Roi, Gen 24:62
But man dies and is l Job 14:10
the place where they l Mark 16:6
“Where have you l John 11:34
Called Leshem, Josh 19:47; Judg 18:29
Taken by Danites, Judg 18:7, 14, 27
cast alive into the l Rev 19:20
but where is the l Gen 22:7
took the poor man’s l 2 Sam 12:4
shall dwell with the l Is 11:6
He was led as a l Is 53:7
l shall feed together Is 65:25
The L of God who takes John 1:29
of Christ, as of a l 1 Pet 1:19
the elders, stood a L Rev 5:6
“Worthy is the L Rev 5:12
by the blood of the L Rev 12:11
Book of Life of the L Rev 13:8
supper of the L Rev 19:9
l take the prey Is 33:23
l shall leap like a Is 35:6
when you offer the l Mal 1:8
blind see and the l Matt 11:5
And a certain man l Acts 3:2
so that what is l Heb 12:13
Son of Methushael, of Cain’s race, Gen 4:17, 18
——— Son of Methuselah; father of Noah, Gen 5:25–31
was heard in Ramah, l Jer 31:15
was heard in Ramah, l Matt 2:18
and made great l Acts 8:2
For You are my l 2 Sam 22:29
“How often is the l Job 21:17
You will light my l Ps 18:28
Your word is a l Ps 119:105
the l of the wicked Prov 13:9
his l will be put out Prov 20:20
Nor do they light a l Matt 5:15
“The l of the body Matt 6:22
when he has lit a l Luke 8:16
l gives you light Luke 11:36
does not light a l Luke 15:8
burning and shining l John 5:35
l shall not shine Rev 18:23
They need no l nor Rev 22:5
he made its seven l Ex 37:23
Jerusalem with l Zeph 1:12
and trimmed their l Matt 25:7
Seven l of fire Rev 4:5
branches of the l Ex 25:32
and there is a l Zech 4:2
a basket, but on a l Matt 5:15
in which was the l Heb 9:2
and remove your l Rev 2:5
l that I will show you Gen 12:1
l flowing with milk Ex 3:8
l which I am giving Josh 1:2
is heard in our l Song 2:12
they will see the l Is 33:17
Bethlehem, in the l Matt 2:6
your neighbor’s l Deut 19:14
remove the ancient l Prov 22:28
those who remove a l Hos 5:10
whole earth had one l Gen 11:1
is no speech nor l Ps 19:3
a people of strange l Ps 114:1
the peoples a pure l Zeph 3:9
speak in his own l Acts 2:6
blasphemy, filthy l Col 3:8
according to their l Gen 10:20
be, so many kinds of l 1 Cor 14:10
Paul’s concern for, Col 2:1; 4:12–16
Letter to church of, Rev 3:14–22
He shall stand at l Job 19:25
First and I am the L Is 44:6
l man the same as Matt 20:14
l will be first Matt 20:16
children, it is the l 1 John 2:18
the First and the L Rev 1:11
former rain, and the l Joel 2:23
l times some will 1 Tim 4:1
I looked through my l Prov 7:6
gazing through the l Song 2:9
Why did Sarah l Gen 18:13
“God has made me l Gen 21:6
You, O LORD, shall l Ps 59:8
Woe to you who l Luke 6:25
he l at the threat of Job 41:29
The Lord l at him Ps 37:13
was filled with l Ps 126:2
your l be turned to James 4:9
stones a copy of the l Josh 8:32
When He made a l Job 28:26
The l of the LORD is Ps 19:7
The l of his God is in Ps 37:31
I delight in Your l Ps 119:70
The l of Your mouth is Ps 119:72
l is my delight Ps 119:77
Oh, how I love Your l Ps 119:97
And Your l is truth Ps 119:142
and the l a light Prov 6:23
shall go forth the l Is 2:3
l will proceed from Me Is 51:4
in whose heart is My l Is 51:7
the L is no more Lam 2:9
The l of truth was in Mal 2:6
to destroy the L Matt 5:17
for this is the L Matt 7:12
hang all the L and the Matt 22:40
“The l and the Luke 16:16
l was given through John 1:17
“Does our l judge a John 7:51
l is the knowledge Rom 3:20
because the l brings Rom 4:15
when there is no l Rom 5:13
you are not under l Rom 6:14
Is the l sin Rom 7:7
For we know that the l Rom 7:14
warring against the l Rom 7:23
For what the l could Rom 8:3
who are without l 1 Cor 9:21
l that I might live Gal 2:19
under guard by the l Gal 3:23
born under the l Gal 4:4
l is fulfilled in one Gal 5:14
l is not made for a 1 Tim 1:9
into the perfect l James 1:25
fulfill the royal l James 2:8
doing what is not l Matt 12:2
Is it l to pay taxes Matt 22:17
All things are l 1 Cor 6:12
Judah is My l Ps 60:7
the LORD is our L Is 33:22
There is one L James 4:12
l one will be revealed 2 Thess 2:8
and hearing their l 2 Pet 2:8
Me, you who practice l Matt 7:23
l is already at work 2 Thess 2:7
and hated l Heb 1:9
and sin is l 1 John 3:4
l rejected the will of Luke 7:30
Woe to you also, l Luke 11:46
nowhere to l His head Matt 8:20
l hands may receive Acts 8:19
Do not l hands on 1 Tim 5:22
l aside all James 1:21
Beggar described in a parable, Luke 16:20–25
——— Brother of Mary and Martha; raised from the dead, John 11:1–44
Attends a supper, John 12:1, 2
Jews seek to kill, John 12:9–11
L casts one into a Prov 19:15
l the building decays Eccl 10:18
l man will be put to Prov 12:24
l man does not roast Prov 12:27
soul of a l man desires Prov 13:4
l man buries his hand Prov 19:24
by the field of the l Prov 24:30
l man is wiser in his Prov 26:16
wicked and l servant Matt 25:26
liars, evil beasts, l Titus 1:12
they sank like l Ex 15:10
L me in Your truth and Ps 25:5
L me and guide me Ps 31:3
Your hand shall l Ps 139:10
And do not l us into Matt 6:13
“Can the blind l Luke 6:39
He l me beside the Ps 23:2
He l me in the paths Ps 23:3
And if the blind l Matt 15:14
by name and l them out John 10:3
the goodness of God l Rom 2:4
plucked olive l Gen 8:11
Will You frighten a l Job 13:25
l will be green Jer 17:8
Laban’s eldest daughter; given to Jacob deceitfully, Gen 29:16–27
Unloved by Jacob, but bears children, Gen 29:30–35; 30:16–21
all your heart, and l Prov 3:5
Yet they l on the LORD Mic 3:11
Then, l back on Jesus’John 13:25
l on the top of his Heb 11:21
request, but sent l Ps 106:15
of hosts, will send l Is 10:16
by my God I can l Ps 18:29
Then the lame shall l Is 35:6
it, may hear and l Deut 31:13
l Your statutes Ps 119:71
lest you l his ways Prov 22:25
l to do good Is 1:17
neither shall they l Is 2:4
My yoke upon you and l Matt 11:29
Let a woman l in 1 Tim 2:11
let our people also l Titus 3:14
Me the tongue of the l Is 50:4
who has heard and l John 6:45
have not so l Christ Eph 4:20
in all things I have l Phil 4:12
l obedience by the Heb 5:8
hear and increase l Prov 1:5
l is driving you mad Acts 26:24
were written for our l Rom 15:4
Judah, are not the l Matt 2:6
so, shall be called l Matt 5:19
For I am the l of the 1 Cor 15:9
a man shall l his Gen 2:24
He will not l you nor Deut 31:6
For You will not l Ps 16:10
do not l me nor Ps 27:9
“I will never l Heb 13:5