I went down every morning to see if there was anything in the post for me. I was impatient and nervous. My interview with the sexologist in Leeds might be the most important event of my life. If he said that I could never be a woman, I might decide to kill myself. But, surely, he would not say that. I hoped that, when he had examined me, he would make arrangements for me to be helped even though I did not have enough money to pay for treatment. He might be a socialist.

Obviously, it was unfair that some people could be turned into women because they had money while others had to stay as I was because they did not have money.

I could make a speech in Parliament about it, pointing out that there was a temptation for people in my circumstances to try to get the money they needed by selling themselves for ugly homosexual acts.

The Transvestites’ Assistance Act.

There might be opposition to the passing of the bill.

I wished that the letter would come.

The thought of going to Leeds made my hands sweat.

I wished that the letter would come.