1. C. Peter Wagner, Praying with Power: How to Pray Effectively and Clearly (Shippensburg, Pa.: Destiny Image, 1997), 16.
Chapter 2: Where Did That Come From?
1. We see this in the Greek word pale, translated “wrestle” in Ephesians 6:12. Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary (Seattle, Wash.: Biblesoft, Inc., and International Bible Translators, Inc., 2006), No. 3823. (Hereafter “Strong’s Concordance.”)
2. C. Peter Wagner, Warfare Prayer: What the Bible Says about Spiritual Warfare (Shippensburg, Pa.: Destiny Image, 2009), 14.
3. Doris M. Wagner, How to Cast Out Demons: A Guide to the Basics (Minneapolis: Chosen, 2000), 31.
4. Neela Banerjee, “Wiccans Keep the Faith With a Religion Under Wraps,” New York Times, May 16, 2007,
5. Doris Wagner, Demons, 23.
6. Barna Group, “Three Spiritual Journeys of Millennials,” June 3, 2013,
7. C. E. Arnold, “Principalities and Powers,” in The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 5:467.
8. Arnold, “Principalities and Powers,” 5:467.
9. Arnold, “Principalities and Powers,” 5:467.
Chapter 3: Interfering Forces
1. “The Side Effects of Fear,” Daily Devotions (blog), In Touch Ministries, August 7, 2015,
2. Benny Hinn, “7 Things the Anointing Will Do for You,” Benny Hinn Ministries, accessed September 5, 2018,
Chapter 4: Defeating Demonic Carpenters
1. Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Sytsema, The Future War of the Church: How We Can Defeat Lawlessness and Bring God’s Order to the Earth (Minneapolis: Chosen, 2007), 113.
2. Childhood Domestic Violence Association. “10 Startling Statistics about Children of Domestic Violence,” February 21, 2014,
3. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “Children of Alcoholics: Are They Different?” Alcohol Alert Bulletin, July 1990,
4. Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, The Spiritual Warfare Handbook: How to Battle, Pray and Prepare Your House for Triumph (Grand Rapids: Chosen, 2000), 362.
5. Pierce and Sytsema, Future War of the Church, 111.
6. Pierce and Sytsema, Future War of the Church, 111–112.
7. Strong’s Concordance, No. 2032.
Chapter 5: Breaking Cycles of Self-Sabotage
1. Tony Khuon, “11 Subtle Ways You Commit Self-Sabotage Without Knowing it,” Agile Lifestyle, June 20, 2013,
2. WebFinance, Inc., “self-fulfilling prophecy,” BusinessDictionary, accessed October 6, 2018,
Chapter 6: The Spirit of Pisgah
1. Walter A. Elwell, ed., Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988), 2:1619, s.v. “patience.”
Chapter 8: The Power of Faith
1. Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Sytsema, Prayers That Outwit the Enemy (Minneapolis: Chosen, 2004), 95.
2. Strong’s Concordance, No. 3358.
3. Adapted from Pierce and Sytsema, Prayers That Outwit, 96.
4. This meaning is present in the Greek word agnoeō, translated “ignorant” in 1 Corinthians 12:1. See Strong’s Concordance, No. 50.
5. Chuck D. Pierce and Robert Heidler, Restoring Your Shield of Faith (Minneapolis: Chosen, 2004), 157.
Chapter 10: Armed and Dangerous
1. Myles Munroe, Understanding Your Place in God’s Kingdom: Your Original Purpose for Existence (Shippensburg, Pa.: Destiny Image, 2001), Kindle edition, 102.
2. Strong’s Concordance, No. 1849.
3. W. E. Vine, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, ed. Merrill Unger and William White (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1985), s.v. “authority.”
4. Munroe, Understanding Your Place, 110.
5. Munroe, Understanding Your Place, 158.
6. Munroe, Understanding Your Place, 160–165.
7. In Jewish and Christian theology, Shekinah is the glory of the divine presence, often represented as light.
Chapter 11: Change the Game!
1. Martin H. Manser, ed., Dictionary of Bible Themes (n.p.: BookBaby, 1996), s.v. “7254 plumb-line,”
2. Strong’s Concordance, No. 7999.