
(from her notebooks)

Franz Rosen: the coming of evening in dark blue – the name of a rose, Duchesse de Brabant or Souvenir de la Malmaison – a regrettable forgetfulness – a figure in a film, overweight and a little shabby from lack of sleep, lovestruck – fingers on a pocket watch

Nils Schreiber: violence – Christ on the cross – sweet reason – a worn leather jacket

Herbert Kaminski: a peacock that has lost its feathers, wandering around on a vast lawn

Simona Jastrow: a schoolgirl’s plaid skirt and white socks – a shriveled peach on a sill – a notebook – violets

Mischa Lander: beaks, birds of prey, men with hooded falcons, Horus – fluorescent lights, iron rooms – Eros in chains, screaming bloody murder – white sideburns, gaunt cheeks – a boy fallen in a well – rain in the afternoon

Anja Mann: a glass of water – stone steps – sturdy shoes – a cape that covers her mouth like a veil and that causes her, unexpectedly and unseen by others, to smile

Holly Anholt: a flying flag – a small boat, brightly painted – Chagall, the shtetl – the undeniability of luck displayed as allegory – freshly baked sweets – dark curls – forest animals in dreams

Self-portrait: lost causes – little pools of light – skin and bones