
My newspaper sat waiting for me on the counter as I made my morning tea. The dogs had begun to pace, which I knew meant a storm was coming. The skies darkened slightly, and in the distance I could hear the gentle rumbles begin. I reached over and turned on the radio. “Police are issuing another warning to area sex workers …” I turned it off as if it had given me a shock. I reached for my cup of tea and opened the paper to see the headline.


Well-known and outspoken grassroots activist Kelly Newton passed away yesterday in hospital surrounded by friends after a short but valiant fight with cancer. Kelly Newton was a 27-year-old former sex worker, an activist, and advocate for social justice issues. She was instrumental in the operations of Exit Strategy, a program for survival sex workers. Ms. Newton made the news last year when she organized buses to bring 987 first-time voters to the polls. She is survived by her father and two brothers.

I pushed the paper away from me and got up just as the thunder grew closer. I went to the bookshelf and took from it a large white book — the third white book. I moved slowly and methodically toward my desk, opened the top drawer, and pulled stationery from it and took it to the kitchen counter. The skies burst open and the rains began. I wrote:

Kelly Newton

Kelly was a true friend, a tremendously gifted and brilliant woman — a genius really — well loved by all those whose lives she touched. Kelly was a remarkable and effective activist who could not be silenced; whose courage, strength, and ceaseless energy is acknowledged for helping dozens of women sever ties with their exploiters. She facilitated many women in a successful exit from the survival sex trade. She fought to change the system, and find and provide homes for women through her work at Exit Strategy.

Kelly was a well of inspiration for so very many people. Her drive to inform and educate was second only to her love of people, human rights, and justice projects. Kelly will be remembered by all. Kelly’s “Get Off Yer Ass and Vote, Motherfuckers” campaign will be continued in her name.


Favourite words: “Motherfucker”; “vote!”

Favourite sayings: “Girl, ya gotta have an exit strategy”; “Get off yer asses and vote, motherfuckers”

Favourite food: Fries and cola

Passions: Social justice work via awareness and education

The world is a whole lot less shiny without you in it, dear friend! Safe journey. See ya on the flip side, babe. Rest in peace.