When used correctly, OneNote can be a powerful program. Think back to the last chapter where I explained to you how you can sync OneNote to all of your devices. I highly recommend setting this up as soon as you get OneNote (if you don’t have it already). This way you will be prepared as soon as inspiration hits you or if you need to access your notes in a jiffy. Be sure to synchronize your personal computers, work computers and all mobile devices. You’ll never know when you’ll need to access your notes the most!
Here is an overview of all the neat things you can do with OneNote for ultimate organization and note-taking:
If you’re a businessperson who will also be using OneNote, I also recommend putting together an email list of all the people you will be in regular contact with. This can make it easier when you go to share your notebooks through email or the web. It can also ensure that you don’t accidentally share your notebooks with the wrong person.
I hope this book was able to help you to understand and discover just how powerful and productive OneNote is!
The next step is to purchase OneNote (if you already have it), and just start playing around with it! I find that the best way to learn the ins and outs of a program is to just play around with it and explore each and every icon. Of course, you can also refer back to the chapters in this book for helpful advice. I can tell you OneNote has made my life as an author so much more efficient and organized! I have my whole personal and business life on OneNote and I have done my best to organize all this information the way a genius mastermind would do so. I urge you to do the same.
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