Sixty Seconds


      Did you find the subject of the novel challenging? Were you prepared to follow the Brennan family’s emotional journey, knowing where it could lead?

      Forgiveness is the main theme of this novel. Could you forgive someone for the death of a child in their care – even if it was by accident?

      This story is told by three different characters: Finn, Bridget, and Jarrah. Did you find this effective? Was there one voice you liked better than the others, or one that you liked least? Why?

      Bridget blames Finn for Toby’s accident. The law – society – also wants to find someone to blame. Is the urge to blame a universal one?

      Finn thinks at one point: Was that what Sandra had meant? That in taking the blame for Bridget, he’d given her the harder task – of having to forgive him? Is that what Sandra meant? Is forgiveness the harder task?

      Did you like the character of Bridget? Did you understand her withdrawal from Finn?

      It is a revelation for Bridget when Jarrah tells her he saw Finn go round the back – not through the gate – on the day Toby drowned. Do you think this made her forgiveness possible?

      Finn wants to sell their house; Bridget wants to transform it and the pool. Could you stay in the same house after such a tragedy?

      Jarrah is suddenly propelled from being bullied to being part of the in-crowd at school because of the tragedy. Does this ring true to you?

      Did you understand Jarrah’s fear about his love for Toby? Was he overthinking an entirely natural impulse?

      How easy is it for young people to come out as gay in 2017? Is Jarrah’s fear and uncertainty understandable?

      What do you think about the novel’s ending? What does it mean for you?

      Did reading the author’s note about her own family change anything about how you responded to the novel? Does it make a difference knowing the author has experienced something similar to the events of the story?