A Note from
Dr. Michael Crocetti
Having a baby is a life-changing event. Raising a child is one of the most challenging yet rewarding things you will ever do in your life. Expectant parents hear these phrases often during pregnancy and nod in agreement. However, until the baby arrives it is nearly impossible to grasp the true meaning of being a parent. On that day and the days and months that follow, men and women are tested in ways they have never been tested before. In preparation for the birth of their child, expectant parents seek out advice from family, friends, and the plethora of parenting books available to them. Many written resources focus on particular aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, but few bring it all together in one comprehensive compendium. Great Expectations: Baby’s First Year succeeds in bringing it all together. It is one of the most practical, well-written parenting guides I have ever read.
The book is written by two child health and development experts who discuss things that only parents would know. No stone is left unturned, and even though the book is detail oriented, it is easy to read. Topics addressed may answer questions commonly asked by parents, but the authors delve deeper and address issues that parents rarely think of. Subjects can range from how to install a car seat to planning the baby’s first birthday. Every aspect of child-care is touched on, including hygiene, developmental milestones, safety, diet, and growth. In addition to baby topics, the book addresses issues related specifically to mom and dad. Unique to this book are DadNotes and Flash Facts that highlight common issues in a concise fashion. tables throughout the book are extremely helpful and act as a quick reference to parents’ most commonly asked questions. It’s the organization of this book that I believe sets it apart from other available parenting guides: It concentrates on that hectic first week by discussing each day from Day 1 through Day 7. Then it takes you through Week 2 to Week 7, and finally Month 2 through Month 12. This method of organization mirrors how parents experience the birth of their child, with the uneasiness of those long first few weeks giving way to confidence and new found comfort in the latter half of the first year of their baby’s life.
Topic sections are organized in such a way that parents can easily find answers to their questions. The Baby Maintenance Guide is a well-structured reference section on newborn and baby-care basics, including valuable tips on breastfeeding, diapering, starting solids, and keeping your baby safe. The Gear Guide is fantastic, and while it offers essential A to Z information on basic topics such as baby clothes, car seats, cribs, diapers, and strollers, it also discusses everything you ever wanted to know about play equipment—from baby bouncers to battery-operated swings. This section emphasizes things to go for and things to avoid, which can be extremely helpful to budget-strapped new parents. Managing Your First Year is a practical section that answers the questions parents are often afraid to ask or don’t know who to ask. Discussions include back-to-work issues, your changing relationships, play group and child-care options, and support groups. In addition, there is valuable information about topics that may not automatically come to mind such as buying life insurance, drafting a will, or saving for college. Then come the Medical and Safety Guide and the Resource Guide. These sections run the gamut from what to expect at doctor visits to important information on immunizations, common illnesses, and medicines. The Medical and Safety Guide is one of the most comprehensive I’ve seen, and includes not only discussions about injury prevention but also how to manage emergencies. Finally, the Parents’ Dictionary defines hundreds of medical and developmental terms and abbreviations in easy-to-understand language.
The first year of a baby’s life is filled with discovery and wonderment, not only for the child but also for the parents. It is an amazing journey that challenges parents in ways they never thought possible and yet leads to an indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Great Expectations: Baby’s First Year is the one book every parent should have during that journey.
Michael Crocetti, MD, FAAP Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Pediatrics Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center