Your baby’s skin doesn’t need lotions or oils, and some may even cause irritation and rashes. Some parents find that clay-based baby powders can help to dry the diaper area and promote healing, but avoid talcum-based baby powders. Talc can cause pneumonia if it’s accidentally inhaled. Always rub the powder between your hands first before applying it to your baby’s bottom so you don’t create a dust storm that your baby could inhale.
Baby bathtubs are virtually all the same. They’re huge, bulky, and hell to manage when they’re filled with water that sloshes over the side with the least misstep. Although you may feel more secure using a baby-sized bathtub at first, you’ll probably soon convert to washing the baby in the kitchen sink lined with a folded bath towel, or taking the baby into the tub with you where you can hold her securely in your lap.
“I hadn’t counted on how slippery my newborn would be when she was wet!I nearly panicked the first bath time!”
Bath supports are baby-sized wire frames shaped like lounge chairs that are lined with a terry or absorbent fabric sling. Once you’ve bathed your baby, set the bath support out to dry. Foam bath supports for babies can be useful. They’re inexpensive, thick slabs of foam shaped to fit into a baby bathtub that help to hold the baby in place. Once a toddler becomes curious and starts pulling foam pieces off, they should be thrown away. Mildew causes a problem, so after a bath, wring the foam out and put it in a warm, sunny place to dry.
A breast pump is a hand-operated or motor-driven device that creates suction with a gentle, rhythmic action so that a mother’s milk can be collected in a bottle. Most pumps contain a small motor that creates the suction, a breast shield, and a tube or channel to flow the milk into a collection bottle. Storing up extra milk means being able to leave baby’s side for brief outings. If you know in advance that you’ll be returning to work, or if your baby is in the NICU, using an effective breast pump may help to keep your milk supply up and will enable you to collect milk for the baby.
There are literally hundreds of choices for announcements to let the world know that your baby has finally arrived. Most card stores have clever preprinted cards with a place for you to fill in the blanks about your baby’s name, date of birth, and weight. Enclose a snapshot if you wish, or get photo postcards from a copy or camera shop. (There’s a list of baby announcement Web sites in 7. Resource Guide.)
Comfort and efficiency are the two most important qualities to look for in a breast pump. The most effective pumps are those that are able to mimic the gentle, repeated tugging of a baby during nursing. The most sophisticated pumps have knobs that allow you to adjust both the strength of the suction and the length of pauses in between for maximum effectiveness and comfort. Whichever style you choose, it should be simple to use, easy to clean, and not too much trouble to handle. The best source of information about breast pumps and how they’re used is a lactation consultant. (For more information on lactation consultants, see in 5. Managing Your First Year.)
There are five basic types of breast pumps on the market, some more efficient than others: inexpensive, bulbed models; hand-operated versions; small, battery-operated versions; midsized pumps; and large, hospital-grade models. Midsized models are the most popular with breast feeders.
Pumps work best if you have a letdown, the rush of milk that comes a few minutes after nipple stimulation. You can learn to provoke a letdown by gently massaging your breasts while simply imagining the act of nursing. (For more on breastfeeding, see in 3. Your Baby Maintenance Guide.) Some mothers even practice and become proficient at expressing (squeezing out) their milk by hand without a pump. Dual pumps that work both breasts at the same time are more efficient.
Hand-operated pumps
These rely on your hand action to express milk. You position your breast into a fitted cylinder and then use a squeeze-grip handle to create a tugging action. Most are designed to screw on to a baby bottle for milk collection and storage. Some offer adjustable suction controls and soft shield adaptors to fit most breast sizes.
They’re lightweight, silent, and easy to tuck into a purse or briefcase. Those with pistol-grip action and adjustable suction strength work well to collect milk once there’s a milk letdown.
They require a lot of effort from you, and your hands and arms can get tired. They’re simply not as efficient as mid-and large-sized electric pumps.