Chapter Forty-Three



SHANE LET Matt’s taste spread across his tongue. He wouldn’t back out of fucking Matt, because doing so would underestimate him, and he would never make that mistake again. Still, a tad of bitterness dampened his excitement. He moved his head back and encountered the clear blueness of Matt’s eyes.

“If it hurts too much, tell me. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’d rather never fuck you than cause you pain.” He let his fingers glide over Matt’s face, the soft cheeks and the tender lips. “I already made you promise this before, but stop me if you can’t bear it. Swear it!” He braced for Matt’s outbreak that would chide him for his lack of trust, but Shane needed that promise, needed at least the illusion of safety. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead against Matt’s.

“I swear.” Matt’s voice came even and calm.

Shane jolted away, opening his eyes, and Matt’s lips curved up.

“You expected a different answer, didn’t you?” Matt placed a hand on his scar.

Shane nodded and nestled up against the fingers on his cheek.

“It’s important to you, so it’s important to me. Easy as that.” Matt bent up, and he brushed a kiss on Shane’s other cheek. “I want you to promise me something in return. If I say ‘Go on!’, you’ll go on.”

The aftereffect of the kiss still echoed through Shane, a rippling not unlike the one he had felt when Matt had fallen asleep on him in his room. He skidded down a little and rested his head on Matt’s shoulder. “I swear.” So Matt didn’t blame him for lacking trust but allowed him to show it with this promise instead.

The man snuggled up against him was a different person from the trembling boy who had cowered before him in the locker room. Shane loved both of them. He loved the very kernel of Matt, the essence that never changed. Being nineteen, Shane was still a boy himself, but true love didn’t give a fuck about age or a damn about time. He kissed Matt on his neck and sat back on his knees.

Matt felt for the bottle of lube, grabbed it, and held it out for him. “I’ll need a little more preparation than you, but we’ll do it. You’ll fuck me, and it will be as wonderful for me as fucking you was.”

That little pep talk was solely meant to calm Shane’s nerves because Matt definitely didn’t entertain any doubts about getting the beast inside of him.

“Can you lend me a hand, please?” Shane raised one corner of his mouth. “I mean literally.” He extended his index finger. “Beginning your preparation with this would be like doing an archeological excavation with a stick of dynamite.” His huge digits could only be stage three or four in their preparation.

“Very vivid description.” Matt chuckled. “But you’re right. Shall I lift my legs like you did?”

“Good idea.”

Matt raised his legs and grabbed them with his hands. Shane should hurry, for this posture could become rather painful. He had an idea for the perfect position in which to fuck Matt later. If they got that far.

We will get that far!

Matt had shown enough confidence for both of them, and he trusted Shane. It would work. Shane slid down to the end of the bed on his knees. The bitter feeling that marred his horniness didn’t stand the slightest chance against the sight of Matt’s flawless butt. Everything about Matt was so delicate, but this all came down to patience. And Shane could be patient. If it took hours to get Matt ready, he would put in that time while suffering from a painful, continuous erection.

Tempting prospects!

Shane chuckled and tried to cover it up with coughing. The impish look in Matt’s eyes gave him away. He had noticed but had the courtesy to not inquire. Shane pumped a dash of lube into his palm, stirred it with his finger until it had body heat, and spread it over Matt’s hole. The chute opened and closed as he circled around it. Matt really was eager to have Shane inside of him, and he bit down another chuckle to not raise further suspicions.

“Gimme your hand, please.” Shane propped his shoulder up against Matt’s leg so that he could take away the hand holding it. The soft pressure caused more of those skin ripples, and as predicted, keeping his boner was the last thing he had to worry about.

“Here.” Matt squeezed his hand between them.

The touch made Shane’s cock bob up and down, and he sighed. A grin appeared on Matt’s face, but that was okay. Shane deserved a little mockery for his all too obvious excitement. With two more squirts of lube, he greased Matt’s finger and guided it to his hole. “Try to get it in, but slowly and deliberately.”

Matt nodded, and the tip of his finger disappeared into the rosebud. He sighed. “Feels good.”

He would change his mind if something the size of a signpost was shoved up his ass, but Shane had to encourage him.

“That’s awesome! A little deeper?”

“Sure.” The tip of Matt’s tongue poked out as his finger sank into his hole up to the knuckle. “Still good.” He exhaled the breath he had held.

“Turn it around. Wiggle it a little. If it stops feeling good, we’ll use more lube.”

Matt closed his eyes as he moved his finger in his chute. “Whoa!” His eyes shot open. “What was that? There’s a little knob, and when I”—he groaned and flinched—“touch it, a jolt runs up my spine, and it feels like I have to pee.” He snickered.

“Congratulations, sir. You’ve found your prostate.” Shane chortled. “Can you now imagine what your cock did to me as it rubbed over my knob time and again?”

“Will your cock feel the same inside me?” Matt’s mouth dropped open.

“Frankly, I don’t know. My cock head will be past your prostate.” Very far. “You’ll have to find out yourself.”

Matt nodded, and a smile flashed on his lips. “I wanna try a second finger.” He pulled his finger out with a plop and held two of them out for him.

Shane lubed them and guided them back to Matt’s entrance. With a deep breath, Matt closed his eyes and pushed in.

“Already a little more crowded down there.” Matt chuckled again. “But still good. Even very good. A third one?”

“Don’t get too cocky!” Shane squished his brows and sucked in air through his teeth. “Pun not intended.”

Matt’s body convulsed with his laughter. “I want to get fingery first. Cocky comes later.” He pulled out the two fingers. “I can take three of mine. Really!”

Shane had promised to go on if Matt said so. “Okay.” He covered three fingers with the transparent gel. “Give it a try.”

“There is a sensation of tension now. A stretch in my sphincter. Does that make sense?” Creases formed on Matt’s forehead as he rotated his fingers left and right.

“Of course it does. Relax. You’re doing it right. Play around until the tension goes away.” Shane could only hope that the tension would go away. Compared to the real thing, three of Matt’s fingers were piece of cake. Was he a sicko for enjoying the show of Matt fingering himself?

“Better already.” Matt adjusted his position, and the pressure on Shane’s shoulder increased.

They should hurry before Matt’s legs cramped up, but rushing this process would do neither of them a favor.

Matt bit his lower lip. “The tension is gone.” His cheeks turned a dash rosier. “Your finger now?”

It was cute that the idea of Shane touching his ass embarrassed him. Matt spoke with confidence when it came to sex, but obviously there existed a part of him that still had to adjust, even after gobbling up two-thirds of Shane’s cock and drinking his cum like soda. Clearly, Matt loved him so deeply that he overcame his inhibitions and even goaded Shane on while expanding his own limits. Using expanding here was another unintended pun, but thank goodness he hadn’t blurted this one out. “I’ll be careful, and you know to pipe up if anything feels wrong, right?”

Matt nodded and pulled his fingers out while Shane lubricated his own.


“Go for it.” Matt’s rosebud opened and closed.

Eager for sure.

Shane placed his finger on Matt’s hole and pushed ever so slightly. His finger slid in up to the first joint. “Okay?”

“It’s even a little less than my three fingers. Try more.”

Shane increased the pressure, and his finger vanished in the chute. Matt did so well. He was relaxed and easy. If he had chosen a boyfriend who wasn’t a giant freak of nature, he would already be having sex now. Shane closed his eyes and banished this thought to the dark backside of his mind, for it was fucking bullshit. Matt would give him hell if he ever learned about it.

He opened his eyes again and looked up at Matt’s face. Matt had closed his eyes too, and a touch of a smile played around his lips.

Never underestimate Matt!

This matter of course would need a lot of repetitions before his knee-jerk resistance disappeared. Until then, Shane had to keep reminding himself. “Ready for a second one?”

Matt sighed contentedly. “Yes, please.”

Shane repeated the procedure with a second and, not much later, with a third finger. How brave Matt was. His smile never wavered and even deepened, though having three of Shane’s monster digits inside couldn’t give him much reason for smiling. He had to trust Matt and stop the patronizing, even if it only took place in his own mind.

“Shane?” Matt’s voice sounded gentle and composed.

He looked up again, and a bright glow lit Matt’s features.

“I can see the tension in your face. Don’t worry. I’m ready.” Matt crooked his finger. “Come up here.”

After pulling out, Shane bent forward. He hadn’t even realized how taut the skin of his face had become. Matt put his hands on the back of Shane’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. This kiss was gentle and caring, melting away all of his strain. Matt breathed his confidence into him, and he shouldn’t think about the how, because it would only break the magic.

“I’m ready,” Matt whispered into his mouth.

Shane rose up and stroked Matt’s other leg as he rested it against his shoulder. His cock had been rock hard ever since Matt had talked about fucking the first time. It felt searing hot and pulsated under his fingers when he covered it with a generous amount of lube. He skidded forward until the head rested on Matt’s hole. “I love you.” Love would make this possible. It was part of that magic, the most important ingredient of the spell.

“I love you.” Matt closed his eyes, and a beatific smile perfected his beauty.

Shane pushed forward, and the much too large shape of his cock pried open the much too small opening of Matt’s butt. Half of the head was inside already, the point where most of Shane’s fucking experiences had ended, but Matt kept smiling, a vibrant groan rolling up his throat. This was a damn miracle as the spell unfolded before Shane’s eyes. When the rim of the head slid through the hole, Matt furrowed his brows and hissed. The circular muscle clamped his cock.

“I’ll pull out!”

“No!” Matt’s upper body soared off the bed. He grabbed Shane by both shoulders. “No! Give me a little time. Distract me. Kiss me.”

Trust Matt!

Shane bowed forward, careful to not move his crotch, and placed his lips on Matt’s. He spread them, and Matt sucked Shane’s tongue into his mouth. With it, he soaked in part of his soul as well, but not without surrendering some of his own in return. Shane flowed into the kiss, and so did the room around them. Everything existed within the both of them, yet they were separate from the world, a universe unto themselves.

“You’re inside of me. All of you.” Matt’s voice turned into a blanket, wrapping around them.

It took some moments for his words to sink in. Shane hadn’t moved, but his balls rested against the soft skin of Matt’s buttcheeks. The beat of his heart stumbled, and he felt dizzy. His cock twitched, and he almost came as the realization hit him with a blast. He giggled, an unashamed, childish babble. The spell was complete. Shane nibbled on Matt’s lips one last time before he sat back. He placed a kiss on each of Matt’s shins, lowered the legs down, and wrapped them around his waist.

Gently, he placed his hands underneath Matt’s shoulder blades, lifting him from the bed until he held him in an embrace that connected every square inch of their skin. He closed his arms so tight that he could grab his own shoulders. From the outside, he had to look like a possessive man clutching the object of his desire. But in reality, it was Matt who permitted Shane to hold him like this and who surrounded him with a feeling of security. Matt controlled this situation, and Shane didn’t want it any other way. “Ride me!” he breathed into Matt’s hair, imbibing the sweet fragrance of it.

Matt bobbed up and down, a soft stirring at first but ramping up to a frenzied rhythm that electrified Shane’s crotch. Both of their bodies glowed with heat, and their sweat mingled between them, dropping down on Shane’s thighs. His ass contracted as Matt’s humping carried Shane beyond the point of no return. The first shot of his cum erupted inside of Matt. It was nothing short of a miracle that his jizz didn’t bubble out of Matt’s mouth. Ripples of ecstasy bounced off Shane’s insides and rocked his body. The next wad of semen burst out of his cock. This orgasm would never end. He unloaded five more blasts of cum into Matt, and only the last one shot out a little less forcefully than the others had. Panting, he slumped down and sat on his feet.

“Stay in me. Please, just stay in me, okay?” Matt’s words came out choppy, and he was gasping for air himself. He rubbed up and down Shane’s back with both hands, creating a pattern of shivers and shudders.

Shane only nodded. He pecked Matt’s neck, the skin smoldering under his lips.

For a minute, they just sat like that, fondling and kissing each other. This was bliss. Pure, unadulterated bliss. The magic hadn’t ended yet, and a little of it would stay with them forever.

“Calling this wonderful doesn’t do it justice. So let’s not call it anything, okay?” Matt heaved a sigh and cuddled up against him even closer.

“I second that.” Another giggle bubbled out of Shane.

Matt joined in with a titter. “You haven’t turned soft yet.”

“No, and I could go at it right now again.” Shane’s giggle turned into full-out laughter.

“I wouldn’t say anything against a round two.” Matt stopped chuckling and gave Shane’s pec a lick. “It took us so much effort to get me ready. Anything else would be a waste, wouldn’t it? And before you say anything, I hereby claim a second round of fucking you as well. There’s still so much time left before my parents return.” Matt’s voice was pure innocence, and without waiting for Shane’s answer, he pumped his hips forward and backward in a slow pace.

“Deal,” Shane moaned, rising up and nibbling Matt’s shoulder.

Matt could be cute, coy, and embarrassed in one moment, and insatiable, seductive, and smutty in the next. What more did Shane need in the love of his life?