Typically when we hear the word stewardship, we think of the ways we steward our time, talent, and treasures to honor God and serve others. This week broaden your notion of stewardship to include stewarding trials, stewarding grace, stewarding comfort, and so on. How is God calling you to be a good steward of what he has entrusted to you? How will you respond?
Read the verses slowly and prayerfully. Do they reflect your longings? Offer God your honest response.
1. Do you find it easy or difficult to receive acts of servanthood and love? Why?
2. What helps soothe you when you’re grieving or agitated? Is it a life-giving pursuit? If so, find ways to incorporate it into your daily or weekly rhythm.
3. What does the “stewardship of sufferings” (p. 296) look like for you? How might you practice this?
4. Reflect on the imagery of tombs being filled with resurrection life. In what ways have you experienced this kind of transformation? Spend time thanking God for indications of new life.
Turn to the prayer exercise (pp. 305-306) and answer the reflection questions.
Continue praying with any questions you weren’t able to address yesterday. If you already completed the reflection questions, enter the text again with your imagination. What do you notice today?
Read the verse slowly. What is your prayer?
1. Which of Mara’s and Charissa’s insights from the prayer exercise resonate with you? Why?
2. In what ways are you being invited to “die daily” or let go? In what kinds of circumstances is it most difficult for you to die to yourself and follow Jesus?
3. As Becca sorts through her mother’s treasures, she’s provoked by a prayer shawl and a sketch of Jesus holding a lamb. Why? Do you share anything in common with her? Offer to God your honest response.
4. In what ways is Mara glimpsing answers to prayer? Do you share anything in common with her? Offer to God your gratitude and longings.
Read the verses slowly and prayerfully. Which instructions are particularly challenging for you? Why? Speak to God about what you notice.
1. How do you respond when you hear the message, “You should be grateful”? What helps you practice gratitude without compulsion?
2. What evidence do you see that God is watching over your life with love and care? Where is it difficult to trust that God is doing this? Offer your honest response to God in prayer.
3. Charissa hears Bethany’s first whimper as a “fragile, resilient, reverberating witness to life and hope” (p. 333). Where do you hear such a witness right now? How does it speak to you?
4. For what are you grateful today? Offer your response to God in prayer.
Return to any questions you weren’t able to address. Reflect on the ways you were able to demonstrate good stewardship this week. Give God thanks for these opportunities and ask for God’s grace in moving forward.