As you finish the study this week, prayerfully review the last couple of months. What “new births” do you glimpse? How can you celebrate these?
Read the psalm aloud, noting the descriptions of God that stir your thoughts and emotions. Which declarations are easy to embrace? Difficult? Why?
1. In what ways have you been shaped by silence from heaven? Speak to God about unanswered prayers that have impacted your ability to trust his love for you.
2. What is the significance of Charissa giving Bethany the middle name Grace? What does it mean to say, “It’s all grace”?
3. What answers to prayer are you glimpsing today? What disappointments are you navigating? Offer both to God in prayer.
4. If you were to give a name to the new work of God in your life, what would you name it?
Read the passage slowly, listening for words or phrases that catch your attention and shape your prayer. Offer your response to God.
1. How have you come to know and trust the love of God? Which practices help you remain rooted and grounded in the love of God?
2. Who has modeled God’s love well for you? Write a thank you letter to God for this person. If possible, send a note of thanks or encouragement to the one who has demonstrated such love.
3. Do you know anyone who finds it difficult to trust the love of God? How are you being invited to pray for them? Love them? Witness to them?
Read the verses aloud. In what ways are you glimpsing new life springing forth? What former things are you being called to release? Respond to God in prayer.
1. What helps you shift from a posture of resentment to a posture of gratitude? Where are you leaning right now? Speak to God about what you notice.
2. Where do you glimpse movement in your life from a posture of anger and a desire to punish to a posture of love and forgiveness? What does freedom look like?
3. Spend time doing a heart check regarding those who have opposed you or made life difficult for you. Are you able to pray God’s blessing on them? Seek God for the grace to move forward in this.
4. Read again Isaiah 43:18-19. In what ways are you being called to let go? Respond to God in prayer.
Read the passage slowly and prayerfully. Which aspects of the vision of the new heaven and new earth give you the most hope and comfort? Why? Offer your longings to God in prayer.
1. Identify the thresholds the characters have crossed or are in the process of crossing. What evidence of the Spirit’s work do you see in their lives?
2. Identify some significant thresholds you have crossed or are in the process of crossing. What evidence of the Spirit’s work do you see in your life?
3. In what ways are you offering a wholehearted hineni (here I am) to God? In what ways are you hesitating? Speak to God about what you notice.
4. Becca doesn’t receive the signs she’s hoping or looking for. What does she receive instead? What have you received from God that helps you move forward with faith and hope?
Read the verses as God’s love song to you. What is your response?
1. What next steps do you think the characters will take? What next steps do you hope they’ll take?
2. What next steps is God calling you to take? Who can support and encourage you in this?
3. In what ways have you heard Jesus say, “Arise”? How will you respond?
4. Spend time thanking God for all the ways he has brought you from death to life. What are you celebrating?