As a practice for cooperating with the Spirit and crucifying self-centered impulses, consider how you might walk an extra mile for someone you find difficult or demanding. Who is God calling you to extend yourself to serve? What steps will you make toward this? Watch for opportunities to love well this week.
Turn to the prayer exercise (pp. 98-100). Read the text slowly and prayerfully, then answer personal reflection questions one through three.
Read the text again, asking the Spirit to bring the Word to life. Then answer personal reflection questions four through seven.
Which words, phrases, or images catch your attention and invite your response today?
1. What catches your attention about Mara’s prayerful imagining of the Scripture passage? Do any of her reflections resonate with you? In what ways?
2. What catches your attention about Charissa’s engagement with the text? Do any of her insights resonate with you? In what ways?
3. What does Charissa recognize about the depths of her self-centeredness? Why is she discouraged? Do you share anything in common with her?
4. Why is Mara discouraged? What beautiful offerings does Katherine encourage her to see? Who helps you to see Jesus at work within you? What do you need to be encouraged to see?
Pray this verse for yourself and for those who are brokenhearted and crushed in spirit. In what ways are you longing for God to draw near?
1. “Learn to linger with what provokes you” is a common refrain in the Sensible Shoes Series. What’s provoking Becca? Hannah? Do you share anything in common with either of them?
2. Identify some of the unhealthy ways Becca and Hannah are each dealing with grief. If you were alongside each of them as a friend, what encouragement or counsel would you give them?
3. Think about losses in your life. In what ways have you grieved well? Grieved poorly? What are God’s invitations to you now?
4. Reflect on what Hannah experiences while she serves Communion. How have you participated in the broken body of Christ? How has Jesus kept you company in this?
Listen to Jesus’ heart as he cries out for unity in the body. Join him in his prayer.
1. In what ways have you seen the theme of brokenness woven through the characters’ lives this week? Which threads echo your own experience?
2. Whose struggles most provoke you? Why? Who are you most compassionate with? Why?
3. Do you have any unresolved issues of conflict with a brother or sister in Christ? How is God calling you to pray? Respond? In what ways can you work toward encouraging unity in the body of Christ?
Return to any questions you didn’t have the opportunity to ponder, and reflect on your practice of sacrifice this week. What opportunities did you take for loving and serving someone well? What opportunities did you miss? Speak to God about what you notice.