On the deck of the ship, a large black shadow had appeared. It looked ginormous. No, forget that. It looked super-ginor-massive!
But it soon became clear it wasn’t one thing – it was many.
A dozen thrunkling, hurkling shapes huffered about, shifting crates. Hamish’s dad crouched and sighed.
‘Terribles,’ he said, gravely.
‘What?!’ asked Hamish, who’d never seen such things before. ‘Why are they called Terribles?’
‘Well . . .’ said his dad, wondering how to put this. ‘It’s mainly because they’re terrible.’
Which was obvious now he’d said it.
‘Terribles are sent to do whatever terrible things their masters want,’ Dad continued, handing Hamish some binoculars. ‘Here. What else can you see?’
Hamish pressed them to his eyes and immediately put them down again.
Terribles were disgusting! Slithery, scaly, spitty, clawy and gross. Bigger than Dad, with mean eyes and beige teeth.
Bravely, Hamish took another look. What he saw confused him.
‘They’re carrying enormous heaters!’ he said. ‘And some kind of windmill! And they’ve got strange stripy hooks. And I can see a box marked EXPLOSIVES! And one of them is holding a picture of something . . .’
‘What is it, Hamish?’ said his dad, as the wind rose and snowflakes danced around them. ‘Look harder.’
Hamish frowned.
‘It’s a picture of the town clock!’
The air filled with the sound of a low, loud horn from the ship.
The trees around Hamish shook and vibrated. A huge dollop of snow dropped from a branch and landed on his head. And then another. But Hamish didn’t care. For far down below, three small boats dropped from the side of HMS CARRAS and crashed into the choppy waters. Slimy, sickly, slavering Terribles hurled themselves into them and began to row to shore.
‘What are they planning?’ asked Hamish, nervously. ‘Why are they here?’
‘They’re here,’ said his dad, importantly, ‘to ruin Christmas.’