As Doyle and Amanda approached the bustling crowd several yards into the thick of the forest, they couldn’t tell exactly what everyone was looking at. Then as they got closer, they saw: long, dark hair, a white hood, and then finally her face. It was Eva.

“Oh, no …“ said Amanda.

Doyle grabbed her shoulder, and together they pushed through the gawkers. “Check her pulse,” he said.

They both kneeled down by Eva. Doyle explored her head for serious injury.

“She’s still alive,” said Amanda. “Do you see anything?”

“No, nothing,” said Doyle. “I don’t see any blood on her head anywhere.”

People were shouting from behind. “What’s happening?”

“What’s wrong with her?”

“Will she be okay?”

Doyle held his palm out, asking for silence.

“Eva!” Doyle yelled directly at the unconscious woman’s face. “Eva, are you in there?”

He heard more murmurs. “What’s he trying to do?”

“Is he a policeman?”

“EVA! It’s me, Doyle! William’s buddy. You remember William, right?”

“Seriously, Doyle—what are you doing?” asked Amanda.

“I’m not really sure. I thought this might work,” said Doyle. “Not to worry. I’m not out of ideas quite yet.” Doyle cracked his knuckles.

“EVA! ARISE!” Doyle shouted, as he slapped Eva across the face.

Doyle felt arms grab him by the armpits and lift him up to his feet.

“What the—“ Doyle muttered as he spun around to face an angry looking man in uniform.

“Sir, just what in the h-e-double hockey sticks do you think you’re doing?” the policeman asked.

Before he could speak, Amanda piped in. “Sorry, Officer … Daniels.

We were just trying to awaken Ms. Wong.”

Officer Daniels looked at Doyle directly. “By slapping her?”

“We use that method in the Twin Cities all the time,” he said.

“You’re a cop?” asked Officer Daniels.

“Well, Amanda is, and I’m retired. Now I’m a private detective. The name’s Doyle Malloy. I was working on the Wilde case, but obviously that’s snowballed a bit here.”

“Hold on,” said Officer Daniels, taking out a walkie-talkie. “I’m in the woods behind the catering van. I’ve found Ms. Wong. She appears to be alive. Please send paramedics.”

“Technically, we found her,” said Doyle.

“Excuse me?” asked Officer Daniels.

“Well, on the walkie-talkie there, you said you found her. But we did.”

“I think it’s time for you folks to be runnin’ along now. The police can handle it from here.”

“We’ve already been working on this, and I don’t—“ began Amanda.

“I’m sorry. Mandy. Doodle. You guys gotta scram. We have a police matter. I think the Nisswa Police Department is well-equipped to handle this. Go back to Murderapolis.”

“It’s Amanda and Doyle, and we have critical information,” said Amanda.

“I’m sure you do. If we need help, we’ll contact you. It looks like my back-up has arrived.”

Four more cops made their way through the crowd.

“Ambulance is comin’,” said one of them.

“All right,” said Officer Daniels. “I need everyone to BACK UP! BACK UP, I SAID! MOVE!”

As ordered, the gawkers flowed away like the ocean at low tide. The ambulance pulled up near the edge of the forest, next to the catering truck.


“What’d you say?” Doyle asked Amanda.

“I didn’t say anything,” she said.

“William, is that you?”

“Oh, shit—she’s awake,” said Doyle.

“Load her on the stretcher,” said Officer Daniels.

“Wait, wait, wait,” said Doyle, running alongside the stretcher as the paramedics gave him nasty looks. “Eva, what happened in your trailer?

Who hurt you?”

“I don’t …“

“Think, Eva. You have to remember something,” pleaded Doyle.

“I think that’s just about enough, Doohickey. You can ask questions later. When we’re done with our investigation.” Officer Daniels slapped Doyle on the back and pulled him backwards, making way for the paramedics to load Eva into the ambulance.

“But …“

Amanda put an arm around Doyle. “It’s okay—we’ll ask her later. I don’t think she’ll be much help right now.”

“William … ?” Eva asked no one in particular. The paramedics slammed the ambulance doors shut.

“Yeah, I guess so,” said Doyle. “At least she’ll probably be near

William in the hospital. They’ll both be happy.”