Chapter 15

Deep in the castle that had once been the heart of Elden, the Blood Sorcerer fell to his knees with a bone-chilling scream, his entire body covered with hundreds of cuts seeping thickest crimson. He hadn’t seen this much of his own blood in decades.

A banging on the door.

“Leave me!” He couldn’t be discovered in such a weakened state.

Hissing out a breath, he struggled to his feet—it had been a mistake to probe that realm. It was protected by something that had never welcomed the dark magics.

He had ever hated the wall of black that stood between him and the vicious nightmare of the Abyss. Oh, he cared nothing for the sorcerers trapped within, but if he ruled the Black Castle, he would have access not only to wealth incomparable, but also to all that power. Sweet, deadly, beautiful power.

But he couldn’t go there. Not yet.

However, there were others who could—because though he called her stupid, his daughter was very smart, smart enough to have found a way to hide in the one place he wouldn’t follow. His minions didn’t understand why he wanted her back, didn’t comprehend that she was his possession. None of his possessions had ever dared leave him.

He was going to hurt Liliana a great deal when he dragged her back. She’d beg him for death by the time he was done. Maybe he’d give it to her...or maybe not. His daughter was his most amusing toy. But before he could indulge himself with her, he had to find her.

Swiping the blood from one of his cuts, he fed it to the palm-sized spider on his desk. “It’s time, I think, to awaken your brethren.”