Chapter 13

Liliana had been waiting for Micah long beyond the moonrise. When he did walk in, he went straight to the dungeons, his power rolling heavy and potent through the hallways. It seemed it took an eternity for him to return; she busied herself setting everything out on the table and lighting the candles.

Her hands trembled. “Stop it, Liliana. It’s only going to be a kiss...maybe a little more.”

Hard boot steps on stone. The slam of a door. The opening of the one to the great hall and more footsteps much closer now. Used to the way he crowded her, she turned from the table, bracing her back against it. But he wasn’t behind her. He stood several feet away, his entire body encased in black, razor-sharp points arcing over his nails.

Her stomach fell. “What’s wrong?” His face...she’d never seen it that way—so closed and distant and without emotion.

“The hunt was long. I need to bathe.” Turning on his heel with those cold words, he left the great hall that she’d emptied of all inhabitants, including the ghostly ones, in anticipation of this night.

She didn’t know what to do. For a minute, she just stood there, lost. Then her dress shimmered in the candlelight and she almost crumpled under the wave of humiliation. Pinching out the candles, she covered up the food, and made herself carry it all back to the kitchen, store it away. “Don’t break,” she ordered herself, though her chest ached, her heart terribly bruised.

It was better this way, she told herself as she left the kitchen to walk to her room. Now she’d be able to focus on her task without being distracted by the wild emotions that had held her hostage today. Already, the Lord of the Black Castle had reclaimed his name. Soon, he’d reclaim his title.

Then she’d take him home, to the castle of Elden, to the family that awaited him. Her father had to die, and so she would kill him, though the power needed would require a human sacrifice. Whatever fantasies of exile she’d allowed herself, she’d always known the brutal truth: it would be her own throat she’d slit for the death spell. But before she did that, she’d restore the blood rulers of Elden, bring the heart back to the land.

Perhaps then, the daughter of the Blood Sorcerer would go not into the Abyss, but to a peaceful forever good-night. She didn’t expect to be sent to the Always, the place where the good went after death. She hoped only for an end to her existence. Or she had...before she met Micah. Before he kissed her, made her feel so very alive.

Pulling the silver dress over her head once she reached her room, she put it carefully in the closet. That dress wasn’t made for someone like Liliana. It was better for her to wear the browns she’d always worn. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she went to pick up her coarse old dress, but then remembered it was in the laundry. She had only the beautiful chocolate-colored dress Micah had given her, and she couldn’t bear to wrinkle that.

Naked but for her underwear, she checked the door. It had no lock, and there was no chair to put underneath the doorknob, but who would come inside? Bard was likely standing watch outside Jissa’s room as he did every night, unbeknownst to the brownie, and the Guardian of the Abyss couldn’t wait to be far from Liliana.

“Enough,” she snapped, annoyed at her self-pity. “Tomorrow, I’ll start to push. And push hard.” Micah had to remember his destiny soon, or it would all be for naught.

* * *

Micah washed and washed, but still, the evil clung to him, a pernicious stain. He couldn’t touch Liliana, couldn’t taint her with it. Frustrated and angry, he thrust his hands through his hair, his overriding thought to be clean!

Magic whispered over him, magic of a kind he’d never before tasted. No. That was wrong. He had tasted this magic before. A long, long time ago. It was his magic—but not of the Black Castle. It came from inside him, whispering of a place that was both alive...and dying. His body turned rigid, but before he could follow the ominous thought to its root, it was gone. And he was clean.

“Liliana.” Now he could go to her. Except the heavy moon, only days away from being full, told him it was late. She’d be curled up in bed fast asleep.

Maybe she’d be naked.

He bared his teeth in a smile and opened the door.

Having put her in a room no one could reach without going past his own, he made the journey with quick steps. No light showed beneath her door, but he hesitated for less than a second, too hungry to taste her again to worry about waking her from her sleep. After all, she knew full well he wasn’t civilized.

The room was drenched in moonlight. Liliana lay on her front, her face turned to the side on the pillow, the sheet pulled up to just below her shoulder blades. Those shoulders were bare, glowing with warmth.

Curling his fingers into his palms, he closed the door very quietly behind himself, and simply watched her. Perhaps he shouldn’t be invading her privacy in such a way, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when it was his storyteller. Stroking his gaze down her body, he wished that sheet would disappear...then smiled, because there was no need to use magic to make that happen.

Walking across the floor, he went to—

He froze, having never seen her back close up. It had been hidden by the steamy water in the bath, the marks not as visible under the crisscrossing lacings of the red dress, but there was no impediment to his vision now. Anger roared through him, a ferocious beast. Who had dared lay hands on her? Who? Enraged, he tugged down the sheet enough that he could see how far the marks went.

Thick and white and ridged, he knew they’d been made with a whip.

Not a single beating. It would have taken repeated and brutalizing strokes of the whip to create the pattern of scars that went as far as the curve of her waist. He didn’t push the sheet down any farther, though rage made him want to examine every inch of the damage.

Shaking, not trusting himself to touch her, he turned away and stared at the moon. But he couldn’t leave the room, couldn’t go without having his questions answered. Once he could speak without yelling, he sat on the bed beside Liliana’s sleeping form. She stirred at once. Wariness stiffened her shoulders, her hand fisting on the pillow.


“What’re you doing here?” Jerking, she went to pull up the sheet he’d tugged down.

He stilled her efforts by the simple expedient of putting his hand flat on her lower back. When she froze, he moved that hand gently over her, his anger a violent thing, but his need to... He didn’t have the words. He’d never felt such a rage of emotion. “Who did this?”

She flinched at the ice of his tone. “No one.”

“You will tell me.” And then he would drag the monster into the Abyss.

Her spine went rigid. “He is no one to me. Do you understand? No one.”

He heard her own anger, the pulsating ribbon of it threaded through with pain. “You won’t speak his name.”

“No.” A hesitation. “Not until I need to.”

He thought about it. He could push her, bully her—and he was quite capable of that—but he had a feeling that might make her cry. He didn’t like it when Liliana cried. So he took a deep, deep breath and crushed his anger into a small, tight ball that he hid away deep in his heart. It would be released when the time came, when he knew the name of the man who had dared hurt the woman who lay so still and wary beneath his touch.

Only when he was certain the black rage within was contained, that it wouldn’t hurt her, did he bend his head and press his lips to her shoulder. Her skin was warm, silken where unbroken, sleek where the scars cut across it.

“What are you doing?” A high, breathy demand.

“Tasting you.” He hadn’t gotten a good taste yet, so he placed his hands palms down on either side of her head and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck, licking out at her skin as he did so.

This time, her jerk was strong enough that she almost clipped his chin with the back of her head.

“Careful,” he murmured, nudging her back down with his hand on her lower back. “You’ll hurt me.”

“I—” She took a trembling breath, her body rising up under his touch. “I will hurt you if you don’t release me this instant.”

“I’m not holding you down.” Maybe he didn’t know the rules of civilized behavior, but he knew a woman who bore such painful stripes on her back would hate to be restrained.

A pause. Then, “You know I can’t get up.” It was a hissed accusation.

Deeply satisfied with the situation, he kissed the top of her spine. Hmm... He kissed the next vertebra, then the next. “Why would that be?”

She wiggled. Fascinated by the movement, he thought about moving his hand lower, stroking over the lush curves that tempted him to squeeze and pet—but that might make Liliana panic enough to forget about her modesty.


“Yes?” He continued kissing his way down her spine.

“I’m all but naked,” she blurted out at last. “If you’d leave, I can get dressed and then—”

“Why would I want that?” he asked in genuine puzzlement. “You looked pretty in the silver dress, but I like you even better bare and warm.”

Heat under his fingertips, and he wished he’d thought to light a lamp so he could see the color creeping over her body. Since he couldn’t, he indulged himself by imagining what her breasts would look like, all hot with her blush. It made his body heavy and hard in a way that had him considering if this was torture.

If it was, he’d take more of it.

“You—” She shivered as he stroked his fingers over the curve of her waist, played them over her rib cage. “You didn’t want to touch me, remember?”

He stopped, frowned, decided he needed to be in a better position. Kicking off his boots in silence, he got on the bed to her gasp and stretched out alongside her, bracing himself on one elbow. “Only because I was dirty.” He replaced his hand on her lower back, nudged just a fraction lower.

A long, long quiet. Followed by, “Dirty?”

“There was much filth in the air, but we won’t talk of it while I’m kissing you.”

Liliana didn’t know which one of his statements to challenge first. Finally, she decided on the least confusing one. “You can’t just assume I’m going to welcome your kiss after you snarled at me when you came in.”

He stopped making those maddeningly slow circles on her back. “I did not snarl.”

She couldn’t stand it anymore. Clutching the sheet and pulling it up as she moved, she flipped onto her back, almost surprised when he didn’t stop her. But his hand was on her abdomen an instant later—on top of the sheet this time. Thank goodness, because the slightly rough skin of his hand—

Her eyes went wide. “Your armor is gone.” All of it. And while she could see pants of some tough black material, he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“Of course it is. I needed to bathe.”


He moved over her, insinuating a muscled thigh between her own, even as he kept his upper body braced above her. “I don’t want to talk about anything except kissing now, Liliana.”

“You—I—” Snapping her mouth shut before she started babbling, she tried to relearn to breathe.

Micah ran a finger down the side of her face, found a tendril of hair, tugged. “Your hair is curly here. I like it.” Twisting that curl around his finger, he lifted it to his mouth, rubbed. “Soft. Smells like Jissa’s pretty-making lotion.”

“You stole the lotion from Jissa?”

He dropped the curl, picked it up again, rubbed the strands between his fingers. “I borrowed it.”

It was near impossible to think with him so close. His shoulders blocked out the world, the muscled thickness of his thigh nudging hard and intimate against the embarrassingly damp heat between her legs. Each time she took a breath, she took the primal scent of him into her body, until it felt as if he was already inside her.

“Micah?” It took all her courage to speak.


Her heart a drumbeat against her ribs, she said, “Will you come closer?”

Unhidden interest on his face, he dropped his head until strands of thick golden hair stroked across her forehead, his body warm and heavy. Able to feel herself losing her nerve under the impact of him, she tipped up her head and pressed her lips to his jaw.

The wild taste, the rough feel of the bristles on his skin, the sound of his breath so close, it overwhelmed her. Dropping her head back on the pillow, she stared up at him, wondering what he’d do. He settled even more heavily against her, brought his lips to her ear. “Again.”

Shivering at the quiet demand made in that voice, she dared curl her hands over the naked warmth of his shoulders, even as she gave him what he wanted. When he remained in place, she got bolder, trailing kisses along his jaw, her breasts crushed against his chest as he nuzzled at her neck, the thin sheet the only barrier between them.

It was intoxicating and a little terrifying and so breathtaking that she could hardly think. Caressing his shoulders, she tasted him again. It felt beyond good.

Opening his mouth over her throat, he sucked.


“You’re so soft, Lily.” A lick, hot and wet.

She melted.

He’d called her Lily. She’d never had a pet name before. It was rather wonderful to have one now.

Then he bit her.

Her body jerked. “You just used your teeth.”

He raised his head, a hotly sexual being in her bed. “No?”


“Shall I do it again?”

“Yes.” She fisted her hand in the raw silk of his hair after issuing that wicked invitation, her toes curling into the sheets.

Smiling a sinful kind of a smile touched with the dark arrogance of his power, he gave her another sharp nip, then sucked over the spot before lifting his head. “I’ll bite you other places, too. This softest place—” a push of his hips as he changed position to fit himself against her “—first of all.”

At that, her mind simply hazed over.