As with any book, we needed a team of great people supporting us to make this finished product possible. We are eternally grateful to Sheck Cho at John Wiley & Sons, who helped us to realize that an off‐hand comment Joe made about how “we could write a book about all that has happened with hybrid meetings” truly should be a book. His encouragement allowed us to dive into the data to develop a roadmap for so many who have no clue how to even start the hybrid meeting journey.
When in the process of writing under deadline, it's easy to see only the chapter you are currently creating, which can pose a problem when you arrive at the conclusion to find that the narrative flow is all over the place. That's why we were incredibly fortunate to have Kristin Bair serve as our developmental editor throughout the process, applauding our efforts when deserved but, more importantly, pushing us to make revisions as we went along. If you find the book easy to digest, you can thank Kristin for making it so.
We are also grateful to three key members of Joe's team. First, we want to thank his research manager, Emilee Eden, for her assistance with identifying and sourcing references and citations. Additionally, Joe's research assistant, Katherine Castro, was truly essential in her efforts to help collect and analyze the new data shared in this volume. Lastly, our sincere thanks to Joy Allen, beta reader extraordinaire, whose insightful comments and ideas for enhancing the manuscript made the book so much better for our eventual readers.
Additional thanks to those who so willingly shared their expertise, insight, and anecdotes: Matt Abrahams, Tom Bridges, Shiraz Cupala, Dave Egloff, Dan Hawkins, Jay Hyett, Justin Mitchell, Darren Murph, Steve Santana, Rick Sems, Phil Simon, Elisabeth Steele‐Hutchison, Lisette Sutherland, Eric Taylor, Kerry Troester, and Scott Wharton. By sharing your stories, you helped all of us to better understand our evolving meeting landscape and what the future may hold.