With the exception of manuscripts and texts of Abelard, the complete bibliographical information for each of the works cited may be found in the list of references at the end of this volume. In the case of manuscripts, full details are given in the notes of particular chapters. In the case of Abelard’s works, full details are given in the list of his writings in the appendix at the end of the volume.
Primary sources are cited in as abbreviated a form as will allow readers to locate passages readily in the original Latin and (where available) English translations. Such references are often given as in-text citations to standard internal divisions of primary sources, but where a more precise location is needed – as in the case of most references to Abelard – page and line numbers of the relevant Latin edition are also included. All other references are given (in chapter notes) by author and date. (NB: references to the English translations of Abelard in Spade 1994 and 1995, which are included wherever possible, are given by paragraph rather than by page number throughout.)
References to Abelard are given according to the following abbreviations:
Carmen ad Astralabium
Apologia contra Bernardum
Commentarius cantabrigiensis in Epistolas Pauli
Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos
Historia calamitatum
Expositio in Hexameron
Introductiones parvulorum (or literal glosses on Porphyry’s Isagoge, Aristotle’s Categories and De interpretatione, and Boethius’s De divisione and De topicis differentiis)
Logica “ingredientibus” (glosses on Porphyry’s Isagoge, Aristotle’s Categories and De interpretatione, and Boethius’s De topicis differentiis. References prefixed by a “G” or “MP” refer, respectively, to the editions in Geyer 1927 and Minio-Paluello 1956)
Logica “nostrorum petitoni sociorum”
Problemata Heloisae cum Petri Abaelardi Solutionibus
Scito te Ipsum (= Ethica)
Secundum magistrum Petrum sententie
Sententie Florianenses
Sententie Hermanni (= Sententie Abelardi)
Sententie magistri Petri
Sententie Parisienses
Theologia Christiana
Theologia “summi boni”
Theologia “scholarium”
Tractatus de intellectibus
References to Aristotle are given according to the following abbreviations:
Categories (references prefixed by “ed. comp.” refer to the medieval Latin translation of the Categories known as “composite edition,” edited in Minio-Paluello 1961)
De interpretatione (= Peri hermeneias)
Posterior Analytics
References to Boethius are given according to the following abbreviations:
De consolatione philosophiae
De divisione
De syllogismis hypotheticis
De institutione arithemetica
De topicis differentiis
De Trinitate
In Categorias Aristotelis libri quattuor
In Topica Ciceronis commentariorum libri sex
In De interpretatione Aristotelis commentarius maior
In De interpretatione Aristotelis commentarius minor
In Isagogen Porphyrii commentarius maior
In Isagogen Porphyrii commentarius minor
Finally, references to the works of certain other authors are given according to the following abbreviations:
Augustine, De civitate Dei
Priscian, Institutiones grammaticae
Porphyry, Isagoge
Aquinas, Summa Theologiae