ABELARD’S WRITINGSThis list is indebted to Marenbon 1997a, xiv–xvii.

The texts around which we have organized this volume represent only part of Abelard’s larger corpus. For the sake of completeness, we list here alphabetically all of Abelard’s known surviving works, including direct reports of his teaching. For each item, we include the Latin title, followed by an English translation or description of that title, and (wherever appropriate) the abbreviation used for it in this volume. We also list the standard – in some cases the only – available Latin editions and English translations of Abelard’s works, together with any other editions referred to by our contributors.

ad Ast.

Carmen ad Astralabium (= A Poem for Astralabe). Ed. in Rubingh-Bosscher 1987.


Apologia contra Bernardum (= Defense against Bernhard). Ed. in Buytaert 1969, vol. XI, 359–368.


Collationes (= Comparisons) or Dialogus inter Philosophum, Iudaeum, et Christianum (= Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian). Ed. and trans. in Orlandi and Marenbon 2001. Cf. also the trans. in Spade 1995.

Comm. cant.

Commentarius cantabrigiensis in Epistolas Pauli (= A commentary on the Epistles of Paul by an anonymous pupil of Abelard, with material reported from Abelard’s lectures). Ed. in Landgraf 1937–1945.

Comm. Rom.

Commentaria in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos (= Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Romans). Ed. in Buytaert 1969, vol. XI, 39–340.

Conf. fid. Hel.

Confessio fidei ad Heloisam (= The Confession of Faith [Written] for Heloise). Ed. in Burnett 1986a.

Conf. fid. “Universis”

Confessio fidei “Universis” (= The Confession of Faith [that begins with the words] “For the universal”). Ed. in Burnett 1986b.


Dialectica (= Dialectic). Ed. in de Rijk 1970.

Ep. 2–14 etc.

Epistolae (= Letters). Letters 2–5 ed. in Muckle 1953; letters 6–7 ed. in Muckle 1955; letter 8 ed. in McLaughlin 1956; letters 9–14 ed. in Smits 1983. For letter 1, see Historia calamitatum (HC) below. The letter to Abelard’s socii (unnumbered) is ed. in Klibanski 1961, 6–7.

Ex. Or. Dom.

Expositio Orationis Dominicae (= A Commentary on the Lord’s Prayer). Ed. in Burnett 1985.

Ex. Sym. Ap./ Sym. Ath.

Expositio Symboli Apostolorum (= A Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed) and Expositio Symboli Sancti Athanasii (= A Commentary on the Athanasian Creed). Ed. in Migne 1878, vol. 178.


Historia calamitatum (= The Story of My Misfortunes) or Epistola 1 (= Letter 1). Ed. in Monfrin 1974, 62–109. Trans. in Radice 1974.


Expositio in Hexameron (= A Commentary on Genesis I:1–2:25). Ed. in Romig 1981.

Hymn. Par.

Hymnarius Paraclitensis (= The Paraclete Hymnary). Ed. in Waddell 1987. Cf. also the ed. in Szövérffy 1975.


A set of literal glosses traditionally identified as the Introductiones parvulorum (= An Introduction [to Dialectic] for the Young). Ed. in Dal Pra 1969. (For the source of the traditional identification, as well as doubts about its accuracy, cf. Mews 1985, n. 9 and Iwakuma forthcoming, n. 10.)

IP Cat.

Literal gloss on Aristotle’s Categories. Ed. in Dal Pra 1969, 43–68.

IP De div.

Literal gloss on Boethius’s De divisione. Ed. in Dal Pra 1969, 155–203.

IP De in.

Literal gloss on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione. Ed. in Dal Pra 1969, 69–154.

IP Isag.

Literal gloss on Porphyry’s Isagoge. Ed. in Dal Pra 1969, 3–42.


Logica “ingredientibus” (= The Logic [that begins with the words] “For beginners”) which contains the following commentaries or glosses:

LI Cat.

Glossae super Categorias (= The commentary from LI on Aristotle’s Categories). Ed. in Geyer 1921, 111–305.

LI De in.

Glossae super Periermeneias (= The commentary from the LI on Aristotle’s De Interpretatione). Ed. in Jacobi and Strub forthcoming, Geyer 1927, and Minio-Paluello 1956. Primary references are to the forthcoming Jacobi–Strub edition, but references to the Geyer and Minio-Paluello editions (prefixed by a “G” and “MP” respectively) are also included throughout. For translations of selections on mind and language (based on Geyer’s edition 307.1–309.35; 312.33–318.35; 325.12–331.11; 365.13–370.22), see King 1982: vol. II, 92*–116*.

LI Isag.

Glossae super Porphyrium (= The commentary from the LI on Porphyry’s Isagoge). Ed. in Geyer 1919, 1–109. Selection on universals (7.25–32.12) trans. in Spade 1994.

LI Top.

Glossae super De topicis differentiis (= The commentary from the LI on Boethius’s De topicis differentiis). Ed. in Dal Pra 1969, 205–330.


Logica “nostrorum petitoni sociorum” (= The Logic [that begins with the words] “At the request of our friends”) or Glosulae (= The Little Glosses [on Porphyry’s Isagoge]). Ed. in Geyer 1933, 505–588. Selections on genera (512.6–533.9) and differentia (558.1–560.15) trans. in King 1982, vol. II, 29*–54*.


Lamentations. 1, 4, and 6 ed. in Dronke 1986, 146, 119–123, 203–209; 3 ed. in Steinen 1967, 142–144; 2 and 5 ed. in Meyer 1905, 347–352, 366–374.


Problemata Heloisae cum Petri Abaelardi Solutionibus (= Questions of Heloise with the Replies of Peter Abelard). Ed. in Migne 1878, vol. 178.


Scito te ipsum (= Know Yourself) or Ethica (= Ethics). Ed. and trans. in Luscombe 1971. Cf. also the ed. in Ilgner 2001, and the trans. in Spade 1995.

Secundum mag. Petrum

Secundum magistrum Petrum sententie (= A Note [or Teaching] by Master Peter). Ed. in Minio-Paluello 1956, vol. II, 109–121.


Reports of Abelard’s Teachings, which include the following:

Sent. Flor.

Sententie Florianenses (= The Teachings [Contained in the Manuscript] From Fleury). Ed. in Ostlender 1929.

Sent. Herm.

Sententie Abaelardi (= The Teachings of Abelard), also known as Sententie Hermanni (= The Hermanni Teachings or The Teachings of [or Written Down By] Hermannus). Ed. in Buzzetti 1983.

Sent. magistri Petri

Sententie magristri Petri (= The Teachings of Master Peter). Ed. in Mews 1986.

Sent. Par.

Sententie Parisienses (= The Parisian Teachings or The Teachings Contained in the Parisian Manuscript). Ed. in Landgraf 1934.

Serm. 1–33 etc.

Sermones (= Sermons). 1–33 ed. in Migne 1878: vol. 178; cf. also Marenbon 1997a, 78, n. 80 for supplementary material, including two other sermons possibly written by Abelard.

Sic et non

Yes and No. Ed. in Boyer and McKeon 1977; q. 117 ed. in Barrow 1984. Trans. of prologue in Minnis and Scott 1988, 87–100.


Soliloquy. Ed. in Burnett 1984.


Theology, which occurs in three main versions:


Theologia Christiana (= Christian Theology). Ed. in Buytaert 1969, vol. XII, 69–372. Paraphrase in McCallum 1948.


Theologia “summi boni” (= The Theology [that begins with the words] “The Highest Good”). Ed. in Buytaert and Mews 1987, 309–549.


Early drafts of Theologiae “scholarium” (see next item). Ed. in Buytaert 1969, vol. XII, 399–451.


Theologia “scholarium” (= The Theology [that begins with the words] “Among the schools”). Ed. in Buytaert and Mews 1987, 309–549.


Tractatus de intellectibus (= A Treatise on Understandings). Ed. in Morin 1994. Trans. in King 1982, vol. II, 64*–91*.