Cat Appreciation Group Chat

Tally: are you guys there?

Tally: anyone?

Tally: hellooooo? is there anybody out there?

Tally: look, I know I wasn’t great before but I’m sorry, ok?



Tally: I said I’M SORRY. can you even hear me?

Gory: we can now! jeez – there’s no need to shout!

Jade: hey tally! it’s good to have you back!

Tally: I’ve missed you guys

Gory: we’ve been right here

Tally: I know

Jade: so how’s it all going? What have you been up to?

Tally: a lot. mostly bad.

Gory: tell us. we’ll get it.

Tally: I did some stuff I’m not very proud of & then everything went wrong

Jade: do you want to tell us what you did?

Tally: I literally just said that I’m not proud of it. why would I want to tell you? That makes no sense.

Gory: yeah, jade! but also, you have to tell us, tally.

Tally: no I don’t. but I can tell you that I’m not friends with lucy and the others any more.

Gory: hallelujah!

Jade: gory! that’s not nice. they were tally’s friends.

Tally: they weren’t, actually. they put a video of me stimming online & everyone at school saw it & made nasty comments.


Jade: I’m so sorry, tally. that’s awful.


Tally: thanks. it was pretty terrible but at least I know the truth now. and you know, it’s not so bad being on my own.


Jade: is school ok then?

Tally: no. it’s actually horrible & I hate it. but being on my own isn’t so bad.

Jade: are you still there, gory?

Gory: yeah, I’m here. just don’t know what to say about the video thing. it makes me want to punch something really hard.

Tally: thanks, gory. that means a lot. I didn’t punch anything but at least I told them how it made me feel. Not that it made any difference – I guess I got the words all wrong, just for a change.

Jade: I hate it when that happens

Gory: me too

Tally: I just wish I could say what I’m feeling in a way that other people can hear, you know? it’s the same at home when I’m trying to tell them I can’t go to school. it just doesn’t come out right. I’ve got all the words when I’m writing my songs & then they all disappear when I try to talk.

Gory: so maybe you should go around singing at people! they’d have to hear you then!

Jade: *shudders* that’s an awful idea, gory! can you imagine having to sing your feelings? I’d never say anything ever again!

Gory: ha! me too. and my voice is so rubbish that people would put their hands over their ears if I started singing, which wouldn’t exactly help with them hearing me, would it?!

Jade: don’t worry about it, tally. it’s their problem and it’s not like we can make people listen to us. we all know that.

Gory: tally?

Jade: tally?

Tally: what if I sing and they actually listen, though? what happens then?