Dear Reader:

During the most challenging times of my life I seem to be drawn to water. I always go to a special lake, where Canadian geese, blue herons, and snowy egrets also visit. Somehow, just watching the current of water enables me to calm down and think more clearly. One day, while pondering a situation, I was mesmerized by the sunlight dancing upon the water as it lapped the shore, and the beginning of this book played out in my mind.

I thought about traveling—my own traveling—and how I always seem to pack too much and how it’s always such a drag to carry it around with me. Then I thought about time traveling and how the characters I write about also carry too much baggage, only theirs is emotional and, if you’re having an adventure, the very last thing you need is excess baggage. It’s way too heavy, slows you down, and you can’t really enjoy the moment.

The hero and heroine in this book are weighed down with baggage. Each can see how to lighten the load of the other but is at a loss as to how to drop his/her own. There’s such relief when they finally let go of their heavy burdens and take a deep breath. And maybe, in that breath, we realize they never really needed to carry it at all. Charlie and Suzanne begin as friends, needing each other, yet they quickly learn what an extraordinary expansive force love can be. I so enjoyed spending time with these characters and I hope you also will come to know them as I did… endearing, yet so very human in their flaws. From their experiences I have adopted a new motto: Travel lightly… in life and on my own adventures into the world.

See you on the next one!

Kindest regards,

Constance O’Day