Chapter 38


Sofia stood beside Pedro on the tallest rise overlooking the border region. The highway was a long ribbon of slowly moving headlights. Four miles away, the border crossing and the Rio Grande bridge formed a brilliant island of light. Beyond that shone the Texas town of Presidio.

Sofia asked, “Anything?”

Pedro dropped his borrowed binoculars to glare at her. “You think I would hide such a thing? Forget to mention it to you?”

“I am only asking.”

“You will be the first to know. Believe me.”

The agents were stretched out along the rise, all of them studying the terrain. One of the agents spoke softly to Martinez, who replied loud enough for them to hear. “So far, we have nothing.”

Sofia said to her brother, “Pray harder.”

Simon remained by the apparatus, pretending to make further adjustments while watching as Carlos scaled a rickety ladder attached to the factory’s nearest smokestack.

Holding himself in place with one arm, Carlos pulled out a pair of binoculars and scouted the distance. From his position by the transformers, Simon thought he caught a flash from beyond the Rio Grande. There and gone in an instant. In confirmation, Carlos leaned down and waved.

Enrique said, “Make it work. Now.”


Enrique glared at him, clearly displeased with anything other than a man who shared his fear. “I don’t need to tell you what is at stake. Especially for you.”

Pedro exclaimed, “Did you see that?”

Martinez whirled around. “See what?”

“Something by the border. No, it’s gone.”

“Our side or theirs?”

“At about ten o’clock. Their side.”

“You’re sure?”

“It was beyond the river.” Pedro dropped the glasses. “Maybe I was mistaken.”

“No, no. I don’t think so.”

“It could have been anything. Headlights. A reflection.”

“To the west of the American town there is nothing but desert. A light flashing on and off would most likely be a signal.”

“Saying what?”

Martinez lifted her binoculars. “Keep looking.”