
One year later...

Becca gently squeezed the tiny hand in hers and smiled despite the tears leaking from her eyes. "So? What do you think, Eli?"

Eli let go of Zack's neck and reached for Becca and the newborn in her arms. Zack carefully lowered their son to the bed beside of her and then grabbed his camera to capture Eli's response to his very new baby sister.

"She's mine?"

Zack's low chuckle joined Becca's and she held the baby to one side to kiss her firstborn. "She's your baby sister, yes. She's a wonderful Christmas present, don't you think?"

Eli ran his hand carefully over the baby's tobogganed head before snuggling against her side with a vigorous nod. Becca shifted her gaze to Zack's, not even caring that the camera shutter whirled in her direction so soon after a twelve hour labor and delivery.

She placed her cheek against Eli's head, his hair smelling of baby shampoo and little boy mystery smells. Eli still wasn't as talkative as most of the kids in his preschool class but he was talking more and more every day. He'd also served as Zack's unofficial best man when she and Zack had married last New Year's Eve. Elliot wasn't happy with the news but he'd quickly recovered in the arms of a tall, skinny blond, quickly losing interest in the son he'd claimed to want so badly.

In the year since she'd remarried, relocated her business to Stone River, gotten pregnant, purchased a house large enough to accommodate their growing family, and fallen deeper and deeper in love with Zack.

Zack lowered set the camera aside and climbed into the hospital bed with them.

"Merry Christmas," he said to Becca, kissing her temple.

"Merry Christmas to you," she said in return, tilting her head back on Zack's shoulder to accept the kiss he gave her.


"Hmm?" she said, smiling against Zack's lips when she had to end the contact. "What, honey?"

"You weren't supposed to have the baby yet. Santa won't know to bring her presents."

Staring up at Zack, she saw him wink at her and grin. "That's because she is a present. She's mine and daddy's surprise present this year."

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The Stone River Novels