Backup techniques

All of our examples and demos so far, were on rooted devices. Some of our readers might argue that not many devices are rooted and there isn't much we can do for non-rooted devices

In this section, we will see how we can examine the internal memory of apps on non-rooted devices using the backup feature. Taking backup of a specific app or the device allows us to examine it for security issues.

We will use WhatsApp lock as our target app for this demo; this is the same application we used during the shared preferences section:

C:\ >adb pull /data/data/com.whatsapplock/shared_prefs/ com.whatsapplock_preferences.xml
failed to copy '/data/data/com.whatsapplock/shared_prefs/ com.whatsapplock_preferences.xml' to 'com.whatsapplock_preferences.xml': Permission denied

As you can see, we get the permission denied error, as our adb is not running as root.

Now let's use the backup technique of android to find security issues by following these steps:

  1. Backup the app data using the adb backup command.
  2. Convert the .ab format to the .tar format using the android backup extractor.
  3. Extract the TAR file using the pax or star utility.
  4. Analyze the extracted content from the previous step for security issues.

Android allows us to back up entire phone data or a specific application data by using the inbuilt adb backup command.

You can see the options provided by the adb backup command in the following screenshot:

Backup the app data using adb backup command

As we can see, we have lots of options to tweak our backup needs.

We can backup an entire android phone using the following command:

We can also store only a specific app using the following command:

In our case, it will be as follows:

Running the command gives us the following output:

Now unlock your device and confirm the backup operation.

As we can see, the above command suggests to us to unlock the screen and click on the Back up my data button on the device. It also provides provision to encrypt the backup, you can type in the password if you wish to use encryption:

Backup the app data using adb backup command

Once you click the button, it will create a new file in our working directory called backup.ab:

Even though we have got the backup.ab file, we cannot directly read the contents of this file. We need to first convert it into a format which we can understand. We will use one of our favorite tools, Android backup extractor, to convert our .ab file into .tar format.

Let's download Android Backup Extractor from the following URL:

Once we extract the ZIP file, we should see the following files and folders:

Convert .ab format to tar format using Android backup extractor

Though each of these files and folders serve some purpose, we are only interested in abe.jar. Copy the abe.jar file into the backup directory where we have kept our backup.ab file:

 Volume in drive C is System
 Volume Serial Number is 9E95-4121

 Directory of C:\backup

25-Jan-16  12:03 PM    <DIR>          .
25-Jan-16  12:03 PM    <DIR>          ..
03-Nov-15  01:10 AM         6,167,026 abe.jar
25-Jan-16  11:59 AM             4,447 backup.ab

Let's look at the command flags provided by this tool by issuing the following command:

As we can see, we can use abe.jar to pack or unpack the backup file. So, let us use the unpack option to unpack the backup file. As we can see in the help, we need to specify the target file as .tar:

As shown above, the backup file is converted into a TAR file and it should be present in our working directory:

We should now extract the contents by using the star utility which is available in Android backup extractor software or pax utility from Cygwin.

The syntax for star.exe is as follows:

Let's use the pax utility from Cygwin to extract contents of backup.tar.

First, we need to install Cygwin, binutils, and pax modules from its repositories. After the installation, open the Cygwin terminal and you will be greeted with the following terminal window:

As we can see, we are not in the c:\backup directory. To access the c drive you need to go into cygdrive, then into C drive by using the following command:

Finally, extract the TAR file using the pax command:

The preceding command creates the apps folder in the present directory, which you can see by using the ls command:

Let's review the content of apps to see if we can find anything interesting:

As we can see, there is a folder with the name of the com.whatsapplock package, which contains the following folders:

Since we already know this app stores PINs in the shared preferences folder, let's review it for insecure shared_preferences:

As we can see in the preceding excerpt, if we have a backup of a specific app we can analyze the data of that application without having root access on the device. This is really useful when we have to show a proof of concept without a rooted device. Many Android forensics tools also use this backup technique to extract data from the device without root access.

We can also make changes to the backup file that we have extracted. If you wish to make changes to the backup and restore it on the device then you can follow the following steps to accomplish it:

Just like data backup, data restore needs user confirmation, please click on the button Restore my data to complete the restore process:

Analyzing the extracted content for security issues

It's obvious now that an attacker with physical access to the device can do anything. In the coming few chapters we will also see that the presence of lock screens doesn't hinder an attacker much in accomplishing his goals.