What makes a single number so captivating that it has persisted in our imaginations for more than two thousand years? So universal that it is found in the writings of an ancient Greek mathematician, the musings of a revolutionary cosmological scientist, the designs of a twentieth-century architect, and the intrigue of a best-selling thriller novel-turned-movie blockbuster? So pervasive that it appears simultaneously in the greatest architectural monument of the ancient world, the paintings of history’s most eminent Renaissance artist, and the atomic arrangement of recently discovered quasicrystalline minerals? And so controversial that it engenders confusing and polarizing claims about its appearances and applications?


You may think, or have been told, that the evidence has already been presented, the answers have already been found, and that this case is closed. The golden ratio is not a new topic—much has been written about it since ancient times. What could possibly be new? The answers may surprise you. Fortunately, technology and knowledge continue to advance at an ever-increasing pace, constantly providing new information that was previously unavailable. Just as new technologies in DNA evidence can reveal new truths that completely overturn a past verdict in a criminal case, new technology is giving us the information and tools to show that past verdicts on this topic were also lacking in their completeness and accuracy. We’re about to overturn some past convictions, too—not convictions of felons held in a prison, but rather convictions of belief held in the mind. Beliefs can be their own form of prison, and we often don’t know how imprisoned our minds are until we see the world from a variety of different perspectives.

Our new tools for collecting forensic evidence are the Internet, new software applications on much faster computing technology, and a growing global community of people sharing information. In 1997, the Internet was used by only 11 percent of the developed world and only 2 percent globally.1 By 2004, most US users were still accessing the Internet on slow dial-up connections,2 and Wikipedia had less than 5 percent of the articles that it had by 2017.3 I launched in 2001, and followed in 2004 with my PhiMatrix software, which allows the analysis of digital images in just seconds. There is now a mind-boggling collection of images to study, many of which were not readily available in high-resolution until the last five to ten years. Many of the insights I’ll share with you were contributed by users around the world who had no way of connecting with each other until very recently. So, indeed, some of the information written on this topic just a decade or two ago can now be shown to be incomplete in its facts and conclusions. And I fully suspect that technologies and information available ten or twenty years from now will bring new insights that weren’t readily available as I write these words today.

Whether you’re a mathematician, designer, phi aficionado, or phi skeptic, I hope you’ll find something new, interesting, and informative in this book, and I hope it challenges you to see and apply this number in new ways. Furthermore, I hope to kindle a fire in you as we journey across time and space, exploring the very unusual and unique mathematical properties of this ubiquitous number—known by various monikers through the ages—that has inspired so many of history’s greatest minds.


This c. 100 CE fragment from papyri found at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt, shows a diagram from Book II, Proposition 5 of Euclid’s Elements. The first reference to the “extreme and mean ratio” appears in the definitions and Proposition 30 of Book VI.


Let’s begin this ongoing journey of discovery with a basic understanding of this intriguing number, get to know some of the people throughout history whose lives it touched, and explore where it appears and the ways in which it has been used over the millennia. Represented in shorthand by the decimal 1.618, phi is an irrational number followed by an infinite number of digits, and is accurate enough for almost any practical purpose we ask it to serve, takes much less time to write, and saves an infinite number of trees when printed. The familiar number 3.14, which relates a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is represented by the Greek letter π (pi). Similarly, 1.618 is represented by another Greek letter, Φ (phi), although it has taken on other aliases in different eras of history. In mathematics circles it is sometimes denoted by the Greek letter τ (tau). Today, it is most often called the golden ratio, but it has also been known in recent times as the “golden number,” “golden proportion,” “golden mean,” “golden section,” and “golden cut.” Further back in time, it was even described as “divine.”

This “divine,” “golden” number is unique in its mathematical properties and frequent appearances throughout geometry and nature. Most everyone learned about the number pi (π) in school, but relatively few curricula include phi, where we’ll use the uppercase Greek symbol Φ to designate 1.618, and the lowercase ϕ to designate its reciprocal, 1/1.618 or 0.618. This is perhaps in part because grasping all its manifestations can transport one beyond an academic setting into the realm of the spiritual. Indeed, Φ unveils an unusually frequent constant of design that applies to so many aspects of life, art, and architecture, but let’s begin with the purest and simplest of facts about Φ, which are found in the field of geometry.

History records the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid as describing it first—and perhaps best—in Book VI of his mathematics treatise Elements:

“A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less.” 6

So, where’s the magic and wonder in that? Let’s start with an example. If I asked you to divide a line, you could do so in many places. If you cut it in half, you’ll create this:


The whole line is 1. Let’s call it A.
The first segment is 1/2. Let’s call it B.
The second segment is also 1/2. Let’s call it C.

Here, the ratio of A to B is 2 to 1, and the ratio of B to C is 1 to 1.

Let’s cut that line again, and this time think of it as something to be shared between you (B) and me (C), such as a bar of chocolate. I’ll take just one-third, because that’s the kind of guy I am:


The whole line A is still 1.
The longer segment B is now 2/3.
The shorter segment C is now 1/3.

Here the ratio of A to B is 3 to 2 and the ratio of your piece B to my piece C is 2 to 1.

If I only took a quarter of it, those ratios would be 4 to 3 and 3 to 1. And if I only took 10 percent, those ratios would be 10 to 9 and 9 to 1.

As we cut the line in different places, we get a variety of differing ratios for A to B, and they never match the ratios for B to C … except when we cut it in that one, unique place that Euclid marveled over more than two thousand years ago. At that single point of equilibrium, we find that the ratio of A to B is 1.618 to 1, and the ratio of B to C is also 1.618 to 1!


This is one unique aspect of the golden ratio: the ratio of the whole segment (A) to the larger segment (B) is equal to the ratio of the larger segment (B) to the smaller segment (C). In other words:

A / B = B / C

But phi has many unique mathematical properties. For example, it is the only number whose reciprocal is one less than itself, as 1 / 1.618 = 0.618. Stated more simply and elegantly:

1 / Φ = Φ – 1

As 1.6182 = 2.618, phi is also the only number whose square is one more than itself; that is:

Φ2 = Φ + 1

To take the next step in understanding why phi and its mathematical properties have ramifications beyond being an interesting exercise in mathematics, I’d like to introduce you to PhiMatrix, the software application I developed in 2004 and re-released with a new version in 2009. I learned object-oriented programming at the age of fifty-four just for the express purpose of creating this one program, which is now used by thousands of very talented and enthusiastic artists, designers, photographers, and others in more than seventy countries around the world. PhiMatrix makes it very easy to find and apply the golden ratio to any image on your screen. As an example, consider the line segment we just divided according to the golden ratio, by overlaying it with a rectangular Phi Matrix grid (shown in green):


As you can see, the green dividing line intersects the point representing the golden ratio on the segment. Simple enough, isn’t it? You’ll see similar rectangular overlays used throughout this book to visually indicate application of the golden ratio.

As we will discover, the appeal of this golden proportion extends from designers, mathematicians, and mystics to doctors, biologists, and investors. The golden proportion is present in the natural world and is even intrinsically related to our perceptions of facial beauty. Throughout history it has been used to create beauty in many great works of classic art and architecture, and it is still in use today to create visual harmonies in graphic design, product design, photo and video composition, logos, user interfaces, and more. Some believe it’s even found in the proportions of the solar system, as well as the price and timing movements of stock markets and the foreign currency exchange.


This portion of Leonardo da Vinci’s John the Baptist (c. 1516) shows some compelling proportions. Could da Vinci have been intentionally reflecting the golden ratio in this painting?


With all the attention it has received, you would think that this number would be recognized as an important universal constant—certainly as well-known as pi—but this controversial number usually gets little more than a passing mention in the curricula of most academic institutions. Why?

Indeed, many confusing and polarizing claims have been made about its appearance and application. Even the small minority of people who know of it really know very little about it. Does it belong in the realm of conspiracy theory, or are these curious minds who discern its latent treasures on to something? I’ll let you in on the many claims and counter claims and unveil the evidence like a good mystery novel or episode of CSI. In this case, though, you are the detective, judge, and jury. You decide for yourself if the claims are true or false or if they’re grounded in math or myth. In the end, you may not know for certain if it was just a very strange coincidence or evidence of a grander design.

Intrigued? The more you understand about the math behind the golden ratio, the more you’ll appreciate its appearances in nature as well as the arts, and the more you’ll be able to apply it in creative artistic expressions that are virtually limitless in their application.

Let’s begin our exploration of this very broad, deep, and fascinating subject by taking a little walk through history, exploring the lives of several of the diverse cast of characters who have played a role in this timeless story.


Sacred Golden Ratio Sculpture by Oliver Brady and Carmel Clark. This magnetic sculpture’s design is based on the 180-degree golden spiral discussed shown here.