
In Their Voices is a labor of love that came about with the unwavering support of amazing people, including friends and family, who saw the importance of and urgent need for a book on transracial adoption and race. Thank you to everyone who helped me—you know who you are—for your time, insight, and encouragement. Your imprint is on every page.

I would like to especially thank the following individuals:

My husband, Floyd J. Brumfield Jr., for his love, wise counsel in the development of this book, and most of all for putting up with me during the ups and downs of the writing process.

Laurie Goff, one of my closest friends and a transracial adoptee, who was available, even when I called at unspeakable hours of the night, to lend an ear and hold me accountable for providing a book that gives transracial adoptive parents the tools to help them raise confident children of color with healthy self-esteem.

Vonja Kirkland, whose faith in me began in my childhood days in Takoma Park, Maryland, lifted my spirits in the tough times, celebrated with me during the good times, and reminded me along the way of my purpose.

Kathy Yates, transracial adoptive parent and veteran social worker extraordinaire, who made “all things adoption” a little bit more clear over a plate of Korean food.

W. Wilson Goode Jr., whose policy acumen, incredible patience, and ability to learn about transracial adoption and “get it” helped lend credibility to this book.

Anton Armstrong, Rose, Hassan A. Latif, Henry M., Kirkland Murray, Marvin Davis, and Lindsay Huddleston II for their powerful stories and support for this project. Although space limitations did not permit their interviews to appear, their experiences and thoughts on race and adoption gave me a deeper appreciation of the strength of the human spirit and the impact of racial discrimination on people of color in the United States. I carry their stories in my soul.

Finally, I would like to thank Columbia University Press, namely Jennifer Perillo, Stephen Wesley, Anne McCoy, and Polly Kummel, for their impeccable work on this project.