Websites in this bibliography have been hyperlinked
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Silcock, L. (ed.), The Rainforests, A Celebration (Barrie & Jenkins, 1989)
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Woodcock, M. W, ‘The Auracaria Imbricata or Monkey Puzzle Tree’, in The Tree Lover, vol. 3 (1941)
Woodward, M. (ed.), Gerard’s Herball (Bracken Books, 1985)
A number of issues of the following journals were also consulted:
Economic Botany (New York Botanic Garden); Kew (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew); New Scientist (Reed Business Information Ltd); Non-Wood Forest Products (FAO, Rome) Non-Wood News (FAO, Rome); Plant Talk (National Tropical Botanic Garden); Tree News, (Think Publishing); Yew News (Conservation Foundation)
The following websites may also be useful :
New Zealand
South Africa/Madagascar