If you want to have a really special tea outside, this is a great way to impress your friends and family. Choose your favorite leaves or flowers and create a spectacular ice bowl. Not only is this bowl a lovely way in which to serve fruit, but it will also keep it perfectly chilled.
You will need
Step 1
Take the larger of the two plastic bowls and fill it with water using the pitcher to a depth of about 5in (2cm). Ask a grown-up to put the bowl in the freezer for a few hours until the water has frozen solid.
Step 2
Take the bowl out of the freezer when the water has frozen. Start wetting your chosen flowers or leaves and then place them around the inside of the bowl. The wetness will help them to stick to the sides.
Step 3
When you have added your selection of flowers or leaves, put the second bowl inside the first one and place both on top of a towel (this will help mop up any spillages).
Try this... When you put your beautiful ice bowl on display outside, put it on a tray or deep plate to collect the water as it gradually melts.
Step 4
Put the large stones in the smaller bowl. This will help to keep the small bowl weighed down as the water freezes.
Step 5
Take four equally sized lumps of sticky tack and place them around the edge of the larger bowl at even intervals. Mold them over the top of the rim so that they stay in place and act as buffers to hold the smaller bowl at an equal distance on all sides.
Step 6
Take two lengths of crêpe bandage. Place the first under the two bowls and tie it as tightly as possible on the top. Do the same with the second bandage at right angles to the first.
Step 7
Pour in water using your small pitcher to fill up the gap between the two plastic bowls. Keep pouring carefully until the water level nearly reaches the top.
Step 8
Ask your grown-up to put the bowls back in the freezer carefully. You will have to be patient now and leave your ice bowl to freeze overnight.
Next day, ask your grown-up to take the bowls out of the freezer. Stand them on the towel and leave them for a few minutes until you are able to loosen the bowls.
Carefully untie the bandages and take out your finished ice bowl. If you are not using the bowl straight away, then you can store it in the freezer wrapped in aluminum foil.