If you use old cardboard boxes to make giant letters, you can write your name on the lawn or even make huge patterns. You could also create a birthday greeting ready for an outdoor party.
You will need
Step 1
Draw the letters of your name on large pieces of cardboard box (you can write your first and second names if you wish). You will need to write each letter on a different piece of cardboard and make sure your letters are very big and chunky.
Step 2
Cut out the letters carefully with the scissors. If you think that you won’t be able to do this neatly enough, then just ask your grown-up for some help.
Step 3
Position your selection of letters on a freshly mown lawn and then weigh them down with large stones so that they don’t blow away in the wind.
Step 4
Leave the letters in place for around 5–7 days. You can lift them up to check if the grass beneath is yellowing. When you can see a color difference, remove the stones and cards, and you will be able to see your name written in the grass.
Tip...Ask whoever is mowing the lawn to wait until you can see a color change in the grass. That way, you will be able to replace the letters and stones after the lawn is cut.