scented hopscotch

Thymes are very accommodating plants. Not only will they let you stand on them, they will even smell delicious while you’re doing it. This makes them perfect for planting as part of a sweet-smelling game of garden hopscotch.

You will need

Step 1

Draw the numbers 1 to 10 on the pieces of card using the ruler and pencil. Alternatively, you can use a computer to print out ten large numbers and then use tracing paper to transfer the numbers onto the pieces of card.

Step 2

Using scissors, carefully cut out each of the numbers to form your number stencils. Ask a grown-up to help you get started if you find it difficult to make your first cut in the card.

Step 3

Place the number “1” stencil over the center of the first paving slab and, holding it carefully with one hand, use the other to apply masonry paint over the number with the paintbrush. Carefully remove the stencil and leave the slab to dry. Do the same for all the numbers up to “10.”

Try this... If you land on one of the thyme plants as you hop from number to number, you’ll find that this releases their delicious scent into the air.

Step 4

Choose a piece of ground that is sunny for most of the day. Thyme plants like well-drained soil, so, unless you have this sort of soil, it is worth digging in plenty of horticultural grit or very small stones using a garden fork to improve the drainage.

Step 5

When the soil is prepared, use a rake to remove about 2in (5cm) of soil from the hopscotch area and then make sure the ground is flat and free of large stones and weeds.

Step 6

Set out the ten small paving slabs in order to make a hopscotch pattern, leaving a 2–4in (5–10cm) gap between each one. These are the spaces in which you’ll eventually plant your thyme plants.

Try this... Why not add some lavender plants around the edge of your hopscotch area in order to make it even more scented?

Step 7

Using the rake, pull the soil back over to fill in the gaps and the area around the slabs so that the slabs are sitting just above the level of the soil, but their base is buried.

Step 8

Using the small spade or even your hands, dig some holes between the paving slabs for the small thyme plants. Plant some thyme plants between the paving slabs and some around the edge of the hopscotch run.

Step 9

Firm in the soil around the thyme plants and then finish off your scented hopscotch site by sprinkling the decorative gravel around the plants. This will also help to keep moisture in the soil. Water everything in well and keep watering the thyme plants regularly until they are growing happily. Remember that the best time to water plants is early in the morning or in the evening.