I tried to cheer myself up with a trip to the Spaniel Spa to get my tail curled, but no matter how hard the spa-guy tried, it just kept drooping.
Lunch has just been served… It’s braised lettuce with string beans, my person-pal, and the most terrible thing happened when George put it down in front of me. I’m a little ashamed to say this, but for the briefest of seconds… I… I… I was tempted to try it!!
The SNACK MASTER, the TERROR OF THE TREAT CUPBOARD, the SUPER SCARFER OF SAUSAGES… wanted to eat string beans!! At this rate, I’ll soon be one of those silent staring dogs who shuffle around Barking Meadows. By the time Ruff and Mom-Lady come to collect me, I’ll be a vegetable-zombie! A VOMBIE!!!
Check, check… This is Special Agent Junior reporting for duty.
Can you keep a secret, my furless friend? What am I saying?! Of course you can!
Okay, don’t tell anyone, but my pooch-pack are going to escape from this place. We have to!!
A few hours ago, we had another howl-o-rific and slightly painful incident at dinner. When Betty took one look at the asparagus soup they served us, she got all confused and wobbly and thought Odin’s back leg was a great big chicken drumstick. Before we could stop her, she darted behind the big fella and tried to gnaw on his enormous fluffy rump.
It was Howl Central!
It was in that moment we all knew what had to be done. We can’t wait around this salady shack for a second longer.
Tonight, when all the other canine customers are asleep and howling through their veggie-mares, we’re going to have a SUPER-SECRET pack meeting and cook up a plan to get out of here and back to Hills Village.
I’ll let you know how it goes…