We stayed up talking long into the night and we’ve come up with lots of terrific plans to get out of this cauliflower castle once and for all. One of them has to work… I just know it… we only have to wait until the coast is clear after breakfast…
BLEEUURRGH! Well, I’m glad that’s over with. George, Bob, and Patty just tried to serve us pumpkin parcels with turnip trifle. GROSS!!!
What I wouldn’t do for a tiny piece of Mom-Lady’s steak surprise that she cooks on special occasions. Sigh! I miss my Catch-A-Doggy-Bone pack… BUT… I don’t have time to think about that right now.
Breakfast is over, which means we have a few hours to try to escape from this mushroom mansion. Here goes…
There’s no way this will fail. It’s foolproof!