
Everything in Moderation

The ultimate metaphysical secret is that there are no boundaries in the Universe.

—Ken Wilbur, an American writer on transpersonal psychology and his own Integral Theory (1949–)

Be not afraid of changing slowly; be afraid only of standing still.

—Chinese proverb

I’m aware that some of you had already been using cannabis on a daily basis prior to reading this book . . . and for good reason. It may have been the only thing that relieved your pain, while allowing some semblance of a normal life.

I’m hoping that Parts II and III have helped you to significantly reduce your pain without the need for the daily use of cannabis. It’s true that as a medicine, there are very few drugs as safe and effective for relieving pain as marijuana. However, if it is no longer necessary for treating your discomfort or dis-ease, then I recommend you gradually reduce your intake to once or twice a week, and use it primarily with a specific intention in mind. Why? Because when it is not used for treating pain and becomes a daily habit, like drinking coffee or alcohol it can lead to psychological dependence and tolerance (you may need an increasingly higher dose to obtain the desired effect). In addition it might also diminish your energy and have an adverse impact on your personality, possibly increasing anxiety, irritability, compulsivity, depression, or memory loss.

If your daily habit continues, then you’ll need it for other than medicinal purposes, and it will lose much of its capacity to serve as your heart’s compass for guiding you on your soul’s path. In our current chaotic world, I consider this guidance to be one of the most beneficial qualities of cannabis, one that I’ve been experiencing for more than fifty years.

If you are unable to reduce your usage, then please try to consume cannabis as responsibly and safely as possible. This entails not smoking or dabbing, and carefully avoiding marijuana that is contaminated with pesticides, bacteria, fungi, or solvents. In other words, use only MMJ that is organically grown, has undergone microbial testing, and has used CO2 in the extraction process, and if you prefer inhalation, then use a vaporizer.

There are currently twenty-eight states plus Washington, DC, that have legalized medical marijuana, comprising well over half of the U.S. population. While this medicine looks like it is here to stay, the science of cannabis is still in its infancy. However, every published study on the subject, including a January 2017 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine entitled The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research, has concluded that “cannabis and cannabinoids are effective for treating pain in adults.” The report also accurately states that there are no accepted standards for the safe and appropriate use of cannabis.

In this book, based on my professional and personal experience combined with the available scientific research, I’ve presented what I believe are safe and appropriate standards for using cannabis as both a medicinal and a sacred herb. This does not exclude its occasional recreational use; but too much of a good thing can become a problem. Be aware that a strong dose of self-discipline might be required to adhere to the recommendations of reduced use, and that disciplining oneself is a critical ingredient of self-love and the key to self-healing.

Your ultimate goal with the purchase of Cannabis for Chronic Pain was to free yourself from the plague of chronic pain. The book provides you with a detailed action plan and guide for achieving your objective. Maintaining an unwavering commitment to eliminating your pain and focusing on taking one small step at a time will greatly increase your effectiveness. Make each step its own goal, and you will feel motivated and confident about taking another step and then another.

I’m hoping that this book helps you to heal on all levels—body, mind, and spirit. Cannabis can serve you as a powerful facilitator and guide in the process of relieving your pain, transforming your life, and becoming fully alive. And the good news is that there is still so much yet to learn about the therapeutic properties of this remarkable healing herb. But what we do know is that as with any substance or activity, whether it is food, alcohol, caffeine, work, exercise, sex, or play, excessive use on a consistent basis can be harmful; and marijuana is no exception.

This book is your introduction to the self-care practice of holistic, heart-centered medicine, or fully alive medicine. It is a unique holistic healing manual featuring cannabis as a heart-healer of the highest order, and the primary component for quickly and safely relieving your pain.

Treat marijuana with respect and use it sparingly but regularly as a sacred medicine. If it is your intention, then cannabis can help you recognize the multiple causes of your pain, especially the emotional and spiritual factors and the ways in which you’ve deprived yourself of love; gain greater clarity on what you most need and desire and heighten the expectancy that you’ll receive it; believe that anything is possible; trust that the feedback from marijuana is transmitted directly from your heart; become more patient, persistent, and playful; let go of the past and practice self-forgiveness; stop worrying about the future and stay focused on the present moment; become empowered, grateful, healthy, happy, and high on life! Remember, you’re always doing the best you can; there are no mistakes, only lessons; and everything in moderation, including moderation!