Chapter Eight


When Seb got home that evening, Natalia was already there. He hadn’t seen her all weekend, and yesterday, she’d texted saying she had news. He was pretty sure he knew what the news was.

“Hi,” he shouted as he came in the door and bent down for the usual kisses and tummy rubs for Rocco. “Where is she, buddy? Is she here?”

Rocco looked at him, smiling, his long pink tongue lolling out of his mouth.

“You’re such a softie,” he said, ruffling his fur.

“In here,” he heard her shout from her bedroom and moved towards the sound, Rocco following. Natalia’s bedroom was opposite his in the hallway, so he threw his bag into his room before joining her.

“Hi, babe. How was your day? You had the wedding couple tonight, didn’t you?” she asked, smiling up at him.

“Sure did. They’re coming along, although Joe needs a bit more guidance. I need some easy steps that will still look impressive. Any ideas?” He dropped onto her bed next to her.

“I could put something together for you. Send me the music and what you’ve done already, and I can work on it tomorrow while I’m not teaching.”

Seb had met Natalia when they were young, and he loved her like a sister. She was a similar height to Seb and had long dark hair and flawless skin. She also had an hourglass figure and legs for miles. Dressed down in her shorts and T-shirt, she still looked amazing.

“Thanks, doll. You’re a lifesaver.” He kissed her on the forehead. “Now,” he said, his back against the headboard. “What’s this news you have?”

To be honest, Seb didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that this was something to do with the auditions she and Louis had been attending. He could see that she was literally vibrating with excitement, waiting to tell him.

“We got the part! I can’t believe it, but we actually got the part.” She bounced up and down on the bed.

Seb leaned across and hugged her hard. “I knew you would. I’m so pleased for you. Both of you.” Seb was honestly happy for her, but it meant change for him and for the studio. His heart hurt, though. He’d spent the better part of his life with Natalia, and after Daniel had left, she’d been his rock, supporting him through his pain and heartache. They clung to each other for a few beats, both realising the significance of this news. She would be moving away, leaving him alone at the studio and here in the apartment.

“I know this means a lot of change, Seb. We’ll have to move to London for the rehearsals, and then we’ll eventually be going on tour. I’m sorry.” Tears filled her eyes as she looked at him.

“Hey, there’s nothing to apologise for,” he said as he brushed the hair from her face. “This is what you’ve wanted for ages, and you and Louis will smash it. I know you will.” He released her and held her hand in his lap. “We just need to find someone to help at the studio. I was going to ask Dominic. He mentioned having a student when I saw him over the weekend, so maybe he’s ready to go into teaching.”

Natalia wiped at her eyes. “That’s a good idea, and we can invite him over to talk about it. I’ll still co-own with you, so you don’t have to worry about that. But let’s forget about all that now and celebrate.”

“Is Louis coming over, or is it just us two tonight?” Seb asked, getting up off the bed.

“I thought we could have a night together, just you and me. It’s been so long since we had a good catch-up.” She put her arm around his shoulder and hugged him. “I’ve missed you.”

“Aw, you too, babe. Have you cooked, or are we ordering in… again?”

Natalia rarely cooked, but it was worth an ask.

“Let’s order Indian. My treat.”

He rolled his eyes. He should have known. They went to the kitchen, found the menu for the local restaurant, and Natalia placed the order.

“Come sit with me and tell me what’s going on with you.”

Seb shrugged and sat down next to her on the sofa. Their apartment was small and compact, with two bedrooms and an open-plan lounge, kitchen and dining area. Their furniture was worn but comfortable. He would miss her when she moved.

“Not much to tell. I’ve just been teaching, caught up with Mom and Dad on Sunday. They send their love by the way, and Dominic came round on Saturday evening and stayed over.”

“Is that it? You really need to get out more, Seb. Let go, live a little. You need to get on with your life. Forget him. I know it’s been hard for you, but you have to let Daniel go. None of it was ever your fault; you know that.”

Their conversations always came back to Daniel and how Seb had shut himself away. His death followed him like a dark shadow, threatening to engulf him and drag him out of the light he was desperately trying to stay in. He’d tried dating, but as evidenced by his disastrous evening with Dominic, it never seemed to work.

“I’m trying, I really am, but sometimes it’s so hard, you know? I always thought he was the one, but I wasn’t the one for him, was I? I just keep thinking I wasn’t enough. That I’ll never be enough for anyone, ever.” Seb dropped his head down to his chest, tears burning his eyes. Every fucking time they talked about him, this happened. Would he ever be over him?

“Oh babe, you can’t think like that.” She pulled him close, speaking softly. “There’s someone out there for you. I know there is, and when you find him, it will feel so right. I hate that you feel this way. I wish I could take away the pain.” They sat quietly, his cheeks wet with tears, and he quickly wiped them away.

The doorbell rang, surprising them both. The food had arrived. Seb remembered the last time he’d ordered takeout and opened the door slowly, looking around for anything out of place. He saw nothing untoward and took the food from the driver. He put it on the coffee table, and they sat around it, sharing the dishes they’d ordered and a bottle of wine.

The subject of Daniel dropped, they chatted about Natalia and Louis’s audition, what music they’d chosen, the moves they’d put in. She showed Seb a video of their dance, and it was fantastic. He’d have been surprised if they hadn’t got the part.

By the time they’d finished the food and were leaning against each other on the sofa, Natalia raised the subject of his stalker. She knew about the photos, and they’d changed the locks and installed a better security system, but she didn’t know about the car yet.

Seb told her the same story he’d told Dominic, but he’d learnt his lesson from his talk with Dom and only briefly mentioned getting a lift home, no specifics.

Natalia pulled him close, her arm around his shoulder. “Oh, Seb. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I didn’t realise it had got this bad. Is there anything I can do?”

“Just be here? I don’t know how I’ll get through it without you and Dom. I just hope you’ll be there if I need you. I’m not sure how this will go, but if it gets worse, I’m going to need my friends, and that’s you.”

They sat for a while longer, Natalia holding him, soothing him, but after a while, she stood.

“Urgh, I need to go to bed. I’ve had a long few days, and I’m so tired.” Natalia bent down to kiss Seb on the cheek. “Sleep well, baby.”

He held onto her hand and kissed it. “You too, see you tomorrow.”

Before going to bed, he made sure the door was securely bolted and the alarm set, then went to the bathroom for his shower before bed. He looked at himself in the mirror as he cleaned his teeth. He wasn’t that bad-looking, he didn’t think. His nose was a bit prominent as he tilted his head from side to side, but it was all right. He really should try to get back out there, but the very idea of clubs and dating again made him shudder.

Turning off the bathroom light, he made his way to his bedroom. Rocco padded after him and jumped on his bed, his own dog bed sitting unused on the floor. Darn dog!

As he lay under the covers, he thought about earlier with Joe in the car park after the lesson. The lingering touch they’d shared. He was sure there was something there, but he couldn’t pursue it. It just wasn’t fair to him, Joe, or Clare, and honestly, he wasn’t a cheat. However, that didn’t stop the tingling in his balls or the swell of his cock as he pictured Joe’s blue eyes and how they changed in the light.

He moved his hand lower and stroked his shaft gently, teasing his slit with his thumb, precum leaking. He rubbed his hand up and down, the friction feeling so good. He spread his legs a little, giving him access to his balls, and he rolled them in his hands, loving the sensation. He squeezed them gently as he closed his eyes, picturing Joe’s face, and had to fight not to groan.

He should probably feel guilty thinking about Joe, but he just couldn’t. He’d take what he could where this man was concerned and if it meant he starred in his night-time fantasies, then so be it. Joe wouldn’t be any the wiser.

Seb continued to stroke himself and tightened his grip as he became more aroused. He moaned quietly as his hands moved from his balls down to tease his hole. He breached his rim with his finger to the first knuckle and imagined it was Joe, his mouth surrounding his cock, gliding up and down, swirling his tongue around the head, licking into his slit. His finger moved in and out as he ramped up the sensation.

His pace quickened, and he could no longer contain his groans. As he continued to work his cock, his breathing became laboured and his movements more frantic. He worked himself harder and harder until he felt the familiar tingle as his balls tightened and his toes curled. He stifled his moans as his release came, thick ropes of white come splattering his abs and chest. Jesus, that felt good.

He lay for a while as his release cooled on his stomach before finally reaching across to his bedside table to grab a few tissues to clean himself. Damn it, now he had to face Joe tomorrow, knowing what he’d done tonight. But he couldn’t worry about that now though. It was done, and he’d have to own it.

Sleep eventually claimed him, and he dreamt about blue eyes sparkling with desire as he kissed him. If only it were real.