That was the first chapter. The second chapter is next. It is loosely related to the first, but this isn’t some perfectly sequential masterpiece of order where every segue makes sense.
For the sake of trust building, the third chapter will follow the second. But then we will jump directly to chapter five, do you understand? No chapter four. Why? Because sometimes things don’t go like they should. This is an inescapable property of reality, which we all must learn to accept. There just isn’t enough power in the universe for everybody to have all of it.
Anyway, the numbering structure will continue as normal thereafter. This was a charitable decision on my part, and we should take a moment to appreciate the fact that I did not explore the full extent of my power. And believe me, I could have. I could have made these chapters be any number I wanted. I could have invented a totally unrecognizable number system based on snake pictures. Shit, I could’ve called them all chapter 2 and refused to acknowledge that I did that.
But we are civilized, friendly people, and sometimes it is best to restrain ourselves.