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Pinto, Vivian de Sola, Enthusiast in Wit: A Portrait of John Wilmot Earl of Rochester 1647–1680 (London, 1962)
Greene, Graham, Lord Rochester’s Monkey: Being the Life of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester (London, 1974)
Adlard, John, The Debt to Pleasure (Manchester, 1974)
Lamb, Jeremy, So Idle a Rogue: The Life and Death of Lord Rochester (London, 1993)
Johnson, James William, A Profane Wit: The Life of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (Rochester, 2004)
Vieth, David M., Attribution in Restoration Poetry: A Study of Rochester’s Poems of 1680 (New Haven and London, 1963)
Righter, Anne, ‘John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester’, Proceedings of the British Academy, LIII (1967), 46–69
Erskine-Hill, Howard, ‘Rochester: Augustan or Explorer?’, in G. R. Hibbard, ed., Renaissance and Modern Essays Presented to Vivian de Sola Pinto in Celebration of his Seventieth Birthday (London and New York, 1972)
Farley-Hills, David, Rochester: The Critical Heritage (London, 1972)
Griffin, Dustin, Satires Against Man: The Poems of Rochester (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1973)
Farley-Hills, David, Rochester’s Poetry (London, 1978)
Treglown, Jeremy, ed., Spirit of Wit: Reconsiderations of Rochester (Oxford, 1982)
Walker, Robert G., ‘Rochester and the Issue of Deathbed Repentance in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century England’, South Atlantic Review, 47(1) (1982), 21–37
Vieth, David M., ed., John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: Critical Essays (New York, 1988)
Vieth, David M. and Dustin Griffin, Rochester and Court Poetry (Los Angeles, 1988)
Carver, Larry, ‘Rochester’s Valentinian’, Restoration and Eighteenth Century Theatre Review, 4 (1989), 25–38
Thormählen, Marianne, Rochester: The Poems in Context (Cambridge, 1993)
Burns, Edward, ed., Reading Rochester (Liverpool, 1995)
Love, Harold, ‘The Scribal Transmission of Rochester’s Songs’, Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand, 20 (1996), 161–80
Love, Harold, ‘Refining Rochester: Private Texts and Public Readers’, Harvard Library Bulletin, 7 (1996), 40–9
Coomb, Kirke, A Martyr for Sin: Rochester’s Critique of Polity, Sexuality, and Society (Newark and London, 1998)
Fisher, Nicholas, ed., That Second Bottle: Essays on John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (Manchester, 2000)
Greer, Germaine, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (Horndon, 2000)
Ellenzweig, Sarah, ‘The Faith of Unbelief: Rochester’s Satyre, Deism, and Religious Freethinking in Seventeenth-century England’, Journal of British Studies, 44 (2005), 27–45
Fisher, Nicholas, ‘Rochester’s Contemporary Reception: The Evidence of the Memorial Verses’, Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660–1700, 30 (2006), 1–14
Fisher, Nicholas, ‘The Contemporary Reception of Rochester’s A Satyr Against Mankind’, Review of English Studies, 57 (2006), 185–220
Fisher, Nicholas, ‘Manuscript Miscellanies and the Rochester Canon’, English Manuscript Studies 1100–1700, 13 (2007), 270–95
Fisher, Nicholas, ‘Mending What Fletcher Wrote: Rochester’s Reworking of Fletcher’s Valentinian’, Script & Print, Special Issue, vol. 33(1–4) (2009), 61–75
Prinz, Johannes, John Wilmot Earl of Rochester: His Life and Writings (Leipzig, 1927)
Vieth, David M., Rochester Studies, 1925–1982: An Annotated Bibliography (New York and London, 1984) (This thorough record invaluably includes summaries of the contents of the books and articles noted; the semi-annual journal Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660–1700 has a section that details recent publications.)
Sprague, Arthur Colby, Beaumont and Fletcher on the Restoration Stage (Cambridge, MA, 1926)
Ogg, David M., England in the Reign of Charles II (Oxford, 1955)
Lord, George deF. et al., eds, Poems on Affairs of State: Augustan Satirical Verse 1660–1714 (New Haven, 1963–75)
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Hume, Robert D., The Development of English Drama in the Late Seventeenth Century (Oxford, 1976)
Redwood, John, Reason, Ridicule and Religion: The Age of Enlightenment in England 1660–1750 (London, 1976)
Picard, Lisa, Restoration London (London, 1977)
Thompson, Roger, Unfit for Modest Ears: A Study of Pornographic, Obscene and Bawdy Works Written or Published in England in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century (London, 1979)
Rawson, Claude, ed., English Satire and the Satiric Tradition (Oxford, 1984)
Hill, Christopher, The Collected Essays of Christopher Hill: Volume I, Writing and Revolution in 17th Century England (Amherst, 1985)
Hutton, Ronald, The Restoration: A Political and Religious History of England and Wales 1658–1687 (Oxford, 1985)
Spurr, John, The Restoration Church of England, 1646–1689 (New Haven and London, 1991)
Beal, Peter, Index of English Literary Manuscripts. Volume II 1625–1700 (London, 1993)
Love, Harold, Scribal Publication in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1993)
Manning, Gillian, ‘Rochester’s Satyr against Reason and Mankind and Contemporary Religious Debate’, The Seventeenth Century, 8 (1993), 99–121
Spurr, John, ‘Perjury, Profanity and Politics’, The Seventeenth Century, 8 (1993), 29–50
Coward, Barry, The Stuart Age: England, 1603–1714, 2nd edn (London, 1994)
Brennan, Michael and Paul Hammond, ‘The Badminton Manuscript: A New Miscellany of Restoration Verse’, English Manuscript Studies 1100–1700, 5 (1995), 171–207
Chernaik, Warren, Sexual Freedom in Restoration Literature (Cambridge, 1995)
Beal, Peter, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-century England (Oxford, 1998)
Zimbardo, Rose, At Zero Point: Discourse, Culture, and Satire in Restoration England (Lexington, 1998)
Burrows, John and Harold Love, ‘Attribution Tests and the Editing of Seventeenth-Century Poetry’, The Yearbook of English Studies, 29 (1999), 151–75
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Turner, James Grantham, Libertines and Radicals in Early Modern London: Sexuality, Politics and Literary Culture, 1630–1685 (Cambridge, 2002)
Love, Harold, Attributing Authorship: An Introduction (Cambridge, 2002)
Turner, James Grantham, Schooling Sex: Libertine Literature and Erotic Education in Italy, France, and England, 1534–1685 (Oxford, 2003)
Love, Harold, English Clandestine Satire 1660–1702 (Oxford, 2004)
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Alexander, Julia Marciari and Catharine MacLeod, eds., Politics, Transgression, and Representation at the Court of Charles II (New Haven & London, 2007)
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Rosenfeld, Nancy, The Human Satan in Seventeenth-Century English Literature: From Milton to Rochester (Aldershot, 2008)
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