Abdy, Sir John
Adlard, John
Aretino, Pietro
Arlington, Henry Bennett, Earl of
Arne, Thomas
Augustine, St.
Baines, Paul
Barry, Elizabeth
Beaumont, Francis
Behn, Aphra
Blount, Charles
Blow, John
Blundevile, John
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas
Bold, Henry
Bovey, Sir Ralph
Brooks, Harold
Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of
Bulkeley, Henry
Burnet, Gilbert
Burrows, John
Busby, Richard
Butler, Samuel
Cameron, W. J.
Carver, Larry
Catalina, Lucius Sergius
Catherine of Braganza
Chantler, Ashley
Charles II
Chernaik, Warren
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl of
Churchill, John
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
Cleveland, Barbara Palmer née Villiers, Duchess of
Colie, Rosalie
Consort of Musicke
Cowley, Abraham
Crowne, John
D’Avenant, Charles
D’Avenant, William
Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of
Defoe, Daniel
Dennis, John
Devine, Steven
Donne, John
Dorrell, Sir Francis
Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of
Downs, Billy
Dryden, John
Duffet, Thomas
Eaton, Sir John
Ellis, Frank H.
Etherege, Sir George
Evelyn, John
Everett, Barbara
Fane, Sir Francis
Fanshawe, Will
Farley-Hills, David
Felton, Thomas
Fisher, Nicholas
Flatman, Thomas
Fletcher, John
Florio, John
Frazier, Carey
Frazier, Sir Alexander
Gerard, John
Giordani, Tommaso
Godolphin, Sidney
Gosnell, Winifred
Grabu, Louis
Gramont, Philibert, Comte de
Greer, Germaine
Griffin, Dustin
Gwyn, Nell
Haines, Joseph
Haley, K. H. D.
Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of
Hall, Jacob
Hammond, Paul
Harris, Henry
Haward, Sir William
Hayman, John
Head, Richard
Henrietta Maria, Queen
Herbert, George
Herrick, Robert
Hobbes, Thomas
Hook, Lucyle
Hooke, Robert
Hopkins, Paul
Howard, Edward
Howard, Lady Elizabeth
Howard, Sir Robert
Hume, Robert D.
Hyde, Edward. See Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
Ingelo, Nathaniel
Jenkinson, Matt
Jermyn, Henry. See St Albans, Henry Jermyn, Earl of
Johnson, Samuel
Jonson, Ben
Kérouaille, Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth
Killigrew, Thomas
King, Henry
Knight, Mary
Lauderdale, James Maitland, Duke of
Lawes, Henry and William
Lee, Nathaniel
L’Estrange, Sir Roger
Lessey, Thomas
Long, Jane
Lord, George deForest
Louis XIV, King of France
Love, Harold
Lovelace, Richard
Luttrell, Narcissus
Lyons, Paddy
Malet, Elizabeth. See Rochester, Elizabeth Malet, Countess of
Malherbe, Francois de
Marvell, Andrew
Mary, Princess of Orange
Mazarin, Hortense Mancini, Duchess of
Mere, Sir Thomas
Milhous, Judith
Miller, Henry Knight
Milton, John
Modena, Mary of
Mohun, Michael
Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of
Montaigne, Michel de
Moore, John F.
Morris, Betty
Mountague, Ralph
Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of
Murphy, John A.
Nokes, James
Oldham, John
Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of
Osborne, Thomas. See Danby, Thomas Osborne, Earl of
Otway, Thomas
Palmer, Barbara. See Cleveland, Barbara Palmer née Villiers, Duchess of
Parker, Samuel
Patrick, Simon
Paulson, Kristoffer F.
Pepys, Samuel
Pinto, Vivian de Sola
Pliny the Younger
Pococke, Edward
Pope, Alexander
Pordage, Samuel
Porter, George
Portsmouth, Duchess of. See Kérouaille, Louise de, Duchess of Portsmouth
Price, Henrietta Maria
Pritchard, R.E.
Quaintance, Richard E.
Quarles, Francis
Radcliffe, Alexander
Régnier, Mathurin
Righter, Anne
Robinson, Ken
Rochester, Anne Wilmot, Dowager Countess of
Rochester, Elizabeth Malet, Countess of
Rochester, Henry Wilmot, Earl of
Rogers, Pat
Ronsard, Pierre de
Rymer, Thomas
Sackville, Charles See Dorset, Charles Sackville, Earl of
Saslow, Edward L.
Savile, George. See Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of
Savile, Henry
Scroope, Sir Carr
Sedley, Sir Charles
Settle, Elkanah
Shadwell, Thomas
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of
Shakespeare, William
Sheffield, John. See Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of
Sheldon, Gilbert
Shepherd, Sir Fleetwood
Sherburne, Edward
Shirley, James
Sibbes, Richard
Sprague, Arthur Colby
St Albans, Henry Jermyn, Earl of
St André
St John, Sir Walter
Sternhold, Thomas and Hopkins, John
Stillingfleet, Edward
Suckling, Sir John
Sutton, Sir Edward
Thormählen, Marianne
Tonson, Jacob
Treglown, Jeremy
Trotter, David
Turner, William
Valentinian III, Emperor of Rome
Verney, John
Vieth, David M.
Villiers, Barbara. See Cleveland, Barbara Palmer née Villiers, Duchess of
Villiers, George. See Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of
Vincent, Nathanael
Walker, Keith
Waller, Edmund
Weinbrot, Howard D.
Wharton, Anne
Whitehall, Robert
Williamson, Sir Joseph
Willis, Sue
Wilmot, Lord Henry. See Rochester, Henry Wilmot, Earl of
Wilson, John Harold
Wolseley, Robert
Wood, Anthony à
Wycherley, William
York, James Duke of