
IT HAS BEEN MY PRIVILEGE to live in “Military City, USA” all my life. As a native of San Antonio, Texas, I have been surrounded by some of the greatest citizens, servants and soldiers the world has ever seen. Their willingness to protect and defend our nation has always been an inspiration to me. Their sacrifice and commitment serve as a constant reminder that I have been called to do the same by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am to be a citizen of His Kingdom here on this earth. I am to serve Him with all my heart, soul, mind, strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. I am to be a soldier in His army and take a stand in the evil day. We live in an evil day that seeks to destroy all that is good, and the need for change can no longer be ignored.

Bible-believing Christians cannot afford to be spectators in this culture war that is changing every aspect of our lives. We are watching our freedoms and liberties be trampled beneath a relentless agenda to destroy the foundations of truth, rid society of the institutions of faith and crush the influence of the Church. Some have described it as the “post-Christian era,” others choose to use more moderate terms, but the fact remains, we are in a supernatural war in this modern world. The Apostle Paul made it clear that we were going to be engaged in a spiritual battle that would only increase in intensity until Jesus Christ returns to earth to establish His Kingdom. The day of decision for this generation has arrived, and the ancient question echoes still, “Who is on the Lord’s side?”

This resource is filled not with theories, suggested strategies and general ideas for you to consider but with real battlefield-tested facts, tactics and information that will convert an apathetic churchgoer into a soldier of salt and light. The authors combine decades of battlefield experience and award-winning investigative journalism to demonstrate what God will do with those who are willing to take a stand, face adversity and make history. The world around you is decaying in darkness; now is the time to answer the question, “What are you going to do about it?”

What are you going to do about the chaos in our streets? This book has the answer. How are you going to lead your family, loved ones and friends with confidence in uncertain times? This book will show you the way. How does this epic conflict end, who will win, and what will happen in the world tomorrow? If you’d like to know, then turn the page.

This book points to truths that can change your life forever. The days in which we live require each of us to choose between light and darkness, good and evil, truth and deception, Christ and Anti-Christ—there is no middle ground. Congratulations on taking a step in the right direction. Thank you for answering the call to be a citizen, a servant and a soldier. You are needed now more than ever. I pray as you read and apply the principles contained in this work that you see the hand of God move in your life like never before. The good fight of faith is still worth fighting. May we all stand our post and serve to the last full measure, until He comes!

Matthew Hagee, lead pastor,
Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas