The rhymes in this section have the ‘ow’ sound of cow and louder as their main or final vowel sound.
29.1 bough, bow, brow, chow, ciao, cow, Dão, dhow, Dow, Frau, how, Howe, Lao, Mao, now, ow, plough, Plough, prow, row, scow, slough, Slough, sough, sow, Tao, tau, thou, vow, wow, * cacao, Macao, avow, allow, meow, Bilbao, endow, enow, kowtow, * Cracow, Spandau, Nassau, pilau, eyebrow, highbrow, Moldau, hausfrau, bow-wow, powwow, Mau Mau, know-how, nohow, snowplough, lowbrow, somehow, Lucknow, Jungfrau, moo-cow, * anyhow, disavow, disallow, middlebrow, Mindanao, Löwenbräu, Curaçao, * Concertgebouw, Guinea-Bissau, * Oberammergau
Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough
It isn’t fit for humans now,
There isn’t grass to graze a cow.
Swarm over, Death!
29.2 couch, crouch, grouch, ouch, pouch, slouch, vouch
29.3 bowed, cloud, cowed, crowd, loud, Oudh, ploughed, proud, rowed, Saud, shroud, Stroud, vowed, * unbowed, avowed, aloud, Macleod, unploughed, endowed, becloud, enshroud, O’Dowd, kowtowed, * in-crowd, * beetlebrowed, ibn-Saud, overcloud, overcrowd, thundercloud
29.4 [see also] cowl, foul, fowl, growl, howl, jowl, owl, prowl, Raoul, scowl, yowl, * afoul, befoul, * peafowl, wildfowl, moorfowl, * waterfowl, cheek by jowl
29.5 Braun, brown, Brown, Browne, clown, crown, Crown, down, Down, drown, frown, gown, noun, town, * run-down, uptown, sit-down, renown, lie-down, von Braun, downtown, * clampdown, crackdown, Sandown, Lansdowne, Ashdown, splashdown, markdown, breakdown, shakedown, Cape Town, Jamestown, letdown, meltdown, Freetown, Queenstown, Piltdown, Kingstown, Bridgetown, climb-down, nightgown, swan’s-down, Yorktown, Georgetown, countdown, Southdown, toytown, hoedown, lowdown, showdown, slowdown, close-down, Motown, pronoun, rubdown, shutdown, comedown, rundown, sundown, thumbs-down, touchdown, nutbrown, put-down, Cookstown, Newtown, boom town, * Campbeltown, Camden Town, hand-me-down, shantytown, dressing-down, dressing gown, thistledown, Tinseltown, eiderdown, Chinatown, Portadown, broken-down, tumbledown, dumbing down, upside down, one-horse town
Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.
29.6 bound, found, ground, hound, mound, pound, Pound, round, sound, Sound, wound, * abound, unbound, propound, compound, astound, profound, dumbfound, confound, around, surround, uncrowned, aground, unwound, unsound, rewound, re-sound, rebound, impound, expound, redound, renowned, resound, * wrapround, background, hardbound, brassbound, chairbound, fairground, casebound, greyhound, playground, changeround, westbound, spellbound, elkhound, hellhound, earthbound, turnround, deerhound, rebound, eastbound, windbound, inbound, whip-round, milk round, strikebound, hidebound, ice-bound, fogbound, pot-bound, softbound, frostbound, clothbound, compound, foxhound, northbound, stormbound, horehound, foreground, all-round, outbound, southbound, housebound, showground, snowbound, homebound, stoneground, bloodhound, wolfhound, sleuthhound, newshound, * wraparound, battleground, Afghan hound, stamping ground, Sensurround®, turnaround, infrasound, ironbound, Outward Bound®, overground, overwound, run-around, underground, ultrasound, * superabound, merry-go-round, * theatre-in-the-round, happy hunting ground
Come, knit hands, and beat the ground,
In a light fantastic round.
29.7 bounds, grounds, hounds, pounds, sounds, zounds, * abounds, surrounds, resounds, etc.
29.8 lounge, scrounge
29.9 bounce, flounce, jounce, ounce, pounce, trounce, counts, founts, mounts, * accounts, amounts, announce, pronounce, denounce, enounce, renounce, * mispronounce
29.10 bounced, flounced, jounced, pounced, trounced, * announced, pronounced, denounced, enounced, renounced, * unannounced, mispronounced
29.11 Blount, count, fount, mount, * account, amount, surmount, re-count, remount, recount, discount, miscount, dismount, * head count, re-count, discount, viscount, * bank account, catamount, tantamount, paramount
We all know a kitten, but come to a catamount
The beast is a stranger when grown up to that amount.
29.12 douse, gauss, Gauss, grouse, house, Klaus, Laos, louse, mouse, nous, Rowse, scouse, Scouse, souse, spouse, Strauss, * degauss, delouse, in-house, * taphouse, madhouse, sandgrouse, guardhouse, bathhouse, farmhouse, glasshouse, almshouse, warehouse, playhouse, bakehouse, steakhouse, gatehouse, alehouse, jailhouse, deckhouse, penthouse, guesthouse, henhouse, workhouse, birdhouse, teahouse, treehouse, wheelhouse, greenhouse, fieldmouse, Brighouse, titmouse, lighthouse, White House, ice house, lobscouse, chophouse, flophouse, doghouse, hothouse, dosshouse, doll’s house, wash house, Moorhouse, poorhouse, storehouse, whorehouse, courthouse, dormouse, Bauhaus, roundhouse, outhouse, town house, powerhouse, smokehouse, roadhouse, boathouse, oast house, tollhouse, coach house, clubhouse, bunkhouse, Monkhouse, roughhouse, cookhouse, Wodehouse, Woodhouse, woodlouse, woodgrouse, schoolhouse, * chapterhouse, manor house, Ladislaus, Charterhouse, Lévi-Strauss, clearing house, Peterhouse, meeting house, flittermouse, Mickey Mouse, porterhouse, slaughterhouse, Waterhouse, bawdyhouse, boarding house, house-to-house, summerhouse, custom house, * Die Fledermaus, * Holyroodhouse
29.13 doused, Faust, frowst, groused, joust, oust, roust, soused, * degaussed, deloused, etc.
29.14 bout, clout, doubt, drought, flout, gout, grout, lout, nowt, out, owt, pout, Prout, rout, scout, Scout, shout, snout, spout, sprout, stout, tout, trout, * about, mahout, clapped out, way-out, spaced out, self-doubt, redoubt, devout, without, washed out, all-out, throughout, * blackout, hand-out, hang-out, payout, break-out, stakeout, checkout, sellout, workout, turnout, clear-out, eelpout, readout, bean sprout, printout, buyout, hide-out, whiteout, time-out, cop-out, dropout, knockout, lockout, opt-out, walkout, fallout, sauerkraut, blowout, foldout, dugout, cutout, lookout, umlaut, shoot-out, * gadabout, carry-out, lager lout, layabout, turnabout, litter lout, ticket tout, knockabout, walkabout, waterspout, well-thought-out, inside out, long-drawn-out, roundabout, roustabout, out-and-out, down-and-out, runabout, Brussels sprout
Ne’er cast a clout till May be out.
29.15 doubts, grouts, louts, Scouts, shouts, sprouts, touts, * blackouts, bean sprouts, dropouts, * lager louts, layabouts, thereabouts, whereabouts, hereabouts, Brussels sprouts, etc.
29.16 Louth, mouth, Routh, south, * bad-mouth, Grangemouth, bigmouth, Tynemouth, loudmouth, goalmouth, * blabbermouth, hand-to-mouth, Avonmouth, Lossiemouth, mouth-to-mouth
29.17 blouse, boughs, bows, brows, browse, Cowes, cows, dowse, drowse, house, Mao’s, ploughs, rouse, rows, spouse, vows, * allows, arouse, carouse, meows, rehouse, espouse, endows, * eyebrows, * disavows, disallows, overblouse, etc.
30.1 Audi, cloudy, dowdy, howdy, rowdy, Saudi, doughty, gouty, bounty, Bounty, county, Mountie, frowsty, mouthy, Southey, Cowley, foulie, Pauli, loudly, proudly, roundly, soundly, stoutly, cowrie, dowry, floury, Gowrie, Lowry, Maori, Cowdrey, foundry, Rowntree, Bowie, Cowie, Howie, brownie, Brownie, downy, townie, mousy, bouncy, blowsy, drowsy, frowzy, lousy, grouchy, slouchy, * profoundly, devoutly, Blairgowrie, Dalhousie, * housey-housey
30.2 Glauber, Cowper, chowder, Gouda, howdah, powder, Lauda, louder, prouder, bounder, flounder, founder, pounder, rounder, sounder, doubter, grouter, outer, pouter, router, Scouter, shouter, spouter, stouter, touter, counter, mounter, ouster, jouster, Crowther, mouther, fouler, Fowler, growler, howler, prowler, scowler, Bowdler, browner, crowner, downer, frowner, grouser, Hausa, mouser, Scouser, schnauzer, bouncer, browser, dowser, Mauser, rouser, trouser, voucher, gouger, lounger, scrounger, * profounder, encounter, announcer, denouncer, arouser, carouser, * gunpowder, rev counter, wildfowler, sundowner, sun-lounger, * Geiger counter, rabble-rouser, * found her, rouse her, etc.
We two should be like clams in a dish of chowder,
But we just fizz like parts of a Seidlitz powder.
30.3 clouded, crowded, powdered, shrouded, bounded, founded, grounded, pounded, rounded, sounded, doubted, flouted, grouted, outed, routed, shouted, spouted, sprouted, counted, mounted, jousted, ousted, outward, southward, downward, * unclouded, uncrowded, enshrouded, unbounded, compounded, astounded, confounded, unfounded, surrounded, unsounded, impounded, resounded, undoubted, uncounted, unmounted, re-counted, recounted, dismounted, * overcrowded, unaccounted, etc.
30.4 outwards, southwards, downwards
30.5 groundage, poundage, Routledge
30.6 Oundle, poundal, roundel, doubtful, scoundrel, council, counsel, groundsel, Mousehole, spousal, tousle, * arousal, carousal, espousal
30.7 fountain, mountain, * shoutin’, countin’, etc.
30.8 Cowan, Gowan, rowan, louden, Plowden, bounden, Broughton, Houghton, Rowton, Stoughton, cowman, ploughman, Hauptmann, Kaufman, houseman, Housman, groundsman, roundsman, townsman, * McCowan, McGowan, * Stockhausen, Munchausen
30.9 Dowland, thousand, * Newfoundland
30.10 couchant, * accountant, endowment, impoundment, announcement, pronouncement
30.11 accountants, allowance, endowments, announcements, pronouncements
30.12 bowing, ploughing, vowing, clouding, crowding, Dowding, shrouding, bounding, grounding, hounding, pounding, sounding, doubting, flouting, grouting, outing, pouting, Scouting, shouting, spouting, sprouting, touting, counting, mounting, jousting, ousting, cowling, Dowling, fouling, growling, howling, prowling, scowling, foundling, groundling, downswing, browning, Browning, clowning, crowning, Downing, drowning, frowning, bouncing, flouncing, trouncing, browsing, dowsing, housing, rousing, crouching, grouching, slouching, lounging, scrounging, * allowing, endowing, kowtowing, enshrouding, abounding, astounding, surrounding, resounding, accounting, amounting, discounting, announcing, pronouncing, befouling, arousing, carousing, * wildfowling, * disavowing, overcrowding, antifouling, etc.
30.13 Powys, prowess, countess
30.14 cloudless, boundless, groundless, soundless, doubtless, countless, foundress, loudness, roundness, soundness, stoutness, * bound us, count us, etc.
30.15 Maoist, Taoist
30.16 loudest, proudest, stoutest, foulest, brownest, * profoundest, etc.
30.17 roundish, loutish, owlish, brownish, clownish
30.18 Jowett, outfit, Howlett, owlet, * found it, drown it, etc.
30.19 outfits, Auschwitz, owlets, etc.
30.20 counties, Mounties, Maoris, Brownies, townies, etc.
30.21 powders, rounders, prowlers, browsers, trousers, vouchers, scroungers, etc.
30.22 doubtfully, scoundrelly, outwardly, downwardly, Chaudhury, powdery, boundary, drowsily, * undoubtedly, accountancy, avowedly, astoundingly, * unaccountably, etc.
30.23 counsellor, flounderer, Gautama, dowager, councillor, howitzer, * Newfoundlander
30.24 countable, bountiful, * allowable, redoubtable, accountable, uncountable, surmountable, pronounceable, * unaccountable, insurmountable, unputdownable, unpronounceable
30.25 countenance, * discountenance
30.26 trouserless, bounteous, cloudiness, mountainous, drowsiness, etc.